The effects of syphilis can be very severe in the form of lesions of the internal organs, the brain and spinal cord. However, such effects are usually the result of improper treatment or late start of treatment. With proper modern treatment effects of syphilis can be avoided.
Complications of primary syphilis
Complications in the early stages of syphilis disease occur mainly in a bacterial infection. Thus there is an acute inflammation and tissue swelling, discharge chancre becomes purulent, it can be difficult to detect syphilis. When the location of the chancre on the inner layer of the foreskin, or the crown of the head of the penis may occur phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin, in which the head of the penis does not open at all or offer a hard and painful) and paraphimosis (infringement of the glans penis foreskin, which can lead to necrosis of the head).
In debilitated patients (especially in patients with chronic alcoholism) chancre may be complicated by gangrene often due to the accession fuzospirilleznoy infection (called the fusiform bacterium Plaut - Vincent in symbiosis with the spirochete Vincent). At the same time developing tissue necrosis if it extends along the periphery, there may be a so-called esthiomenous (disconnected) chancre, which may be complicated by heavy bleeding.
Secondary syphilis and its consequences
Secondary syphilis is dangerous severe disease. For example, the appearance of the skin pustular (pustular) syphilides indicates severe and malignant course of syphilis and is accompanied by a violation of the general condition (fever, headache, irritability), combined with the emergence of a pustular rash. Such a course of syphilis is typical for debilitated patients.
There are superficial pustular syphilides (in the form of acne, impetigo and bubbly rash) in patients with secondary fresh syphilis and deep (ektimopodobny - in the form of deep ulcers and rupioidny - in the form of thick crusts) - they appear during relapses of syphilis and leave behind significant scars . Hard can also occur vesicular (with the formation of bubble rash).
Complication of secondary syphilis may also have alopecia or diffuse (spread) baldness. Hair growth can be restored after a specific treatment for syphilis.
When a rash on the mucous membranes of the danger is the loss of the larynx. This defeat of the larynx accompanied by hoarseness. Scarring in this area is dangerous narrowing of the glottis and respiratory disorders. Properly treated syphilis usually contributes to the disappearance of most complications (except, of course, scars).
What is dangerous in the advanced stages of syphilis
The effects of syphilis in advanced stages can be even more dangerous, with tertiary syphilis
Tertiary syphilis - the final stage of the disease
gumma may appear in the vital organs, impairing their function. Most often, when it is suffering cardio-vascular system. Gunma can be localized in the area of the heart muscle (myocarditis syphilitic), causing shortness of breath, malaise, heart block, and so on. Syphilitic aortitis seen in the seal of the walls of the aorta and the expansion of its ascending part, which may also manifest as shortness of breath, pain in the heart, cardiac arrhythmias, and other things. Complication can be syphilitic aortitis coronary vessels (supplying the myocardium) and myocardial infarction.
Gummy can develop in the liver, stomach, intestine, pancreas, kidneys, lungs, disrupting the function of these organs.
The effects of syphilis is especially heavy in the development of syphilis of the brain
Syphilis of the brain - one of the most severe forms of the disease
- Neurosyphilis. Neurosyphilis may occur in the form of different forms, it is often the beginning of its manifestation are invisible, but over time they lead to irreversible changes on the part of the brain and spinal cord.
Complications of syphilis can be very heavy. So, there are manifestations of neurosyphilis paralysis, speech disorders, sensitivity, coordination, persistent headaches and acute attacks of pain in the lower extremities. Finally, after the effects of syphilis can manifest itself in the form of a stable, not recoverable dementia.
The effects after treatment of syphilis
Treatment of syphilis - a laborious process
It depends on the stage at which treatment was initiated. Primary and secondary syphilis
Syphilis - punishment of Venus
It can be cured without any consequences, and cure fully tertiary syphilis hardly succeed. Life after syphilis depends on the presence or absence of complications.
Galina Romanenko