Sexually transmitted diseases - an unpleasant gift of the goddess of love - What is a sexually transmitted disease

December 4, 2008

  • Sexually transmitted diseases - an unpleasant gift of the goddess of love
  • What is a sexually transmitted disease

What is a sexually transmitted disease

Sexually transmitted diseases are called by the name of Venus - the goddess of love in Roman mythology. This infectious disease pathogens that are transmitted from an infected person or carrier predominantly sexually healthy (at least - as a result of casual contact).

The initial manifestations of diseases usually found in the genital area. The causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, are generally very unstable in the environment.

Among the sexually transmitted diseases isolated group of diseases, against which special measures are taken, backed up by law: compulsory treatment, criminal prosecution for infecting another person, and others. Such diseases include syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
 Gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
 , Chancroid, and venereal limogranulema granuloma venereum.

In addition to the concept of "sexually transmitted diseases" are a broader concept of "disease, sexually transmitted infections," some of them sexual transmission is not a major. In addition to these diseases and include ureaplasmosis Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system  Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
 , Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, and others. This group also includes the HIV infection.

 What is a sexually transmitted disease | Sexually transmitted diseases - an unpleasant gift of the goddess of love

The prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases

The prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases is estimated roughly as in many countries, there is no complete record of such patients. In addition, a number of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, often occurs with symptoms unexpressed or hidden (latent), which prevents the production of reliable statistics. Some patients with sexually transmitted diseases treated independently, without registration in the hospital.

There was a marked increase in the incidence connection with sexually transmitted diseases with various social upheavals. This was clearly seen in Russia during perestroika. Among the reasons contributing to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in the first place there are factors such as prostitution, promiscuity, often caused by alcoholism and drug addiction.

 What is a sexually transmitted disease | Sexually transmitted diseases - an unpleasant gift of the goddess of love

Identification of sexually transmitted diseases

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is early detection and treatment of patients, as well as the suppression pathways. From the fullness of identifying sources of infection and the sexual partners of patients with sexually transmitted diseases depends largely on the success of the fight against these diseases.

Of great importance is active detection of sexually transmitted diseases among the so-called risk groups (prostitutes, drug addicts, alcoholics, vagrants, homosexuals and so on), as well as among pregnant women and other groups subject to periodic checkups. These groups (decreed groups) are defined by special acts of the administrative authorities.

 What is a sexually transmitted disease | Sexually transmitted diseases - an unpleasant gift of the goddess of love

Items of personal prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Convenience items of personal prevention of sexually transmitted diseases are at STI clinics and other health care facilities, located near the port, railway stations, hotels, markets and places of recreation.

In any STI clinic will give you the address of the item. In addition, information about finding items are placed in pharmacies and other public places, information about them can be obtained by telephone.

Refer to the point of personal prevention of sexually transmitted diseases a person is not obliged to give his last name or show a passport.

Items of personal prevention of sexually transmitted diseases are created because the action of prophylactics more reliable than ever before they are used. In the first two hours after sexual intercourse syphilis, gonorrhea, as a rule, it is possible to warn. Prevention conducted using male 2-3% aqueous protargola and portable (handheld) prophylactics - gibitana, tsidipol et al. Womens mercury dichloride solution was used a 1: 1000 solution of potassium permanganate, 1: 6000, 1-2% silver nitrate solution and gibitan and tsidipol.

Prevention is largely ensured also using barrier methods of contraception Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts  Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts
   - Condoms. If you have any signs of discomfort, as well as after casual sex should apply to such a point and to conduct a thorough examination in order to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Detection of genital infections in the very beginning gives full guarantee of the success of treatment.

Article Tags:
  • genital infections

Warts - treatment must be an expert - Ointment

May 9, 2013

  • Warts - treatment must be expert
  • Ointment
  • Tea tree oil
  • Candles
  • Pills

 ointment for genital warts

Ointment for genital warts - is widely used as part of an integrated treatment

The ointment is applied to the warts by the conservative antiviral and immunomodulatory treatments prescribed by a doctor. Currently available several ointments that are used for the topical treatment of warts - the suppression of vital activity of the human papillomavirus (HPV) and restore local immunity may lead to the disappearance of warts without deleting them.

 Ointment | Warts - treatment must be expert

Ointment (gel) panavir (JSC "National Research Company", Russia)

Panavir antiviral and immunomodulatory agent of plant origin. Available in the form of dosage forms for general and local applications. For topical application - in gel form 100 g of which contains 200 mg of active principle, which is a hexose glycoside consisting of glucose, rhamnose, arabinose, mannose, xylose, galactose, uronic acids.

Today, drug panavir considered the most effective antiviral and immunomodulatory agent, which is used not only for the treatment of HPV infection, but also for the treatment of herpes infection, AIDS, severe forms of influenza and other viral infections.

Topical application of a gel panavir is often combined with the use of its dosage forms intended for general exposure (solution for intravenous injection, rectal suppositories).

The mechanism of action panavir associated with stimulation of the antiviral protein interferon by cells of the patient. In addition, the gel panavir has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing effect, which is very important in the treatment of genital warts Treatment of genital warts  Treatment of genital warts
 It is complicated by additional bacterial infection.

Panavir Gel applied thinly to lesions on the skin and mucous membranes of the urinary organs and the perineum five times a day for five days. If necessary, treatment can be extended to ten days.

Application panavir gel is contraindicated in children (under 18 years) and hypersensitivity to its components. Because of the side effects of the gel is known only to the emergence of sometimes rapidly passing redness and itching of the skin or mucous membranes.

 Ointment | Warts - treatment must be expert

Aldara Cream (MEDA Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland)

5% cream Aldara (active substance - imiquimod) is also a stimulant of the formation of interferon and other antiviral substances the body's cells. It is used only for the treatment of genital warts on the skin of the genitals and perineum. On the mucous membranes of the cream is applied.

Cream is packaged in single-use sachets intended to be applied to the affected area, an area of ​​20 cm2. It is applied with a thin layer on the surface of the dried and cleaned warts, trying to prevent it from getting to the healthy tissue, and gently rubbed into the skin until complete absorption. Reusing already dissected bags are not allowed.

The procedure is performed three times a week at night. The cream should remain on the body surface 6-10 hours, rinse with water and mild soap. Treatment is carried out until the complete disappearance of genital warts, but no more than four consecutive months. Do not use the cream more often than specified in the instructions and apply it to excess.

The cream can be partially absorbed into the blood and provide a common side effects include headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Bad mood, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Sensitivity of the skin disorders and appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and in the area of ​​the anus, reduced hemoglobin in the blood to reduce the number of leukocytes and platelets, muscle-joint pain, fatigue, sweating, flu-like syndrome.

At the site of application of the cream can be redness, swelling, erosions, itching, soreness, joining bacterial and fungal infection. When such side effects cream should be washed off with water. Sometimes the skin remains pigmented spots, or, conversely, areas of depigmentation, atrophic vaginitis Atrophic vaginitis - dryness, burning and itching  Atrophic vaginitis - dryness, burning and itching

Aldara Cream is contraindicated the use of children under 18 years of age, nursing mothers and in case of hypersensitivity of the patient to the drug. Furthermore, the cream is not applicable if there warts in the inflammatory process, as well as warts, located on the mucous membranes. During pregnancy, the cream can be used only on strict conditions and prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of genital warts should be carried out as intended and under the supervision of a physician. Including on prescription creams are different. Their use is usually combined with the overall antiviral and immunomodulatory treatments.
