- Gonorrhoea (gonorrhea) - personal hygiene
- How is
How is gonorrhea
Despite the large variety of protective and preventive medicines, the number of patients with sexually transmitted diseases today is not decreasing, but rather increasing. So you should heed the advice of experts and try to strictly follow the rules of personal and sexual hygiene. The extra efforts in this direction will not hurt.
What is gonorrhea
Gonorrhea (from the German word tropfen - drip) or gonorrhea
Gonorrhea - self-ruled
- Is a contagious venereal disease caused by the gonococcus and is transmitted mostly through sex. Gonorrhea - one of the most common diseases, it affects mainly the urogenital organs, conjunctiva eyes, knees and others. Sometimes gonorrhea occurs is hidden, and the person becomes a source of infection to others.
How do you get
Gonorrhea can be transmitted through sexual contact, after a single sexual contact with an infected person get sick more than half of the partners. But a good immunity can prevent infection. Sometimes you can be infected with gonorrhea and domestic (through personal hygiene items), but it is more common in children. Infection with gonorrhea newborn can occur during childbirth during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal sick mother and manifests most eye disease - conjunctivitis, whereby the child may become blind. Gonorrhoea (gonorrhea) is often combined with other infections, sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, trichomoniasis, and so on).
Based on what the diagnosis is established
In order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out laboratory tests. In the process of examination of the patient the doctor takes swabs from the genital tract for microscopic examination and culture to culture media with the definition of sensitivity of detection of gonorrhea to a particular antibiotic. Currently, there is a technique of detecting gonococcal DNA in the blood (PCR).
How is gonorrhea in men
From gonorrhea infection before signs of the disease (incubation period) passes from one day to 2-3 weeks (usually 3-5 days). Depending on the location of penetration, gonorrhea can infect the mucous membrane of the mouth (oral-genital contact output), the rectum (the result of homosexual contact), but most of gonorrhea in men occurs in the form of gonococcal urethritis. There are cutting pain when urinating, frequent urination urgency, copious purulent discharge from the urethra. If that urethritis is left untreated, then about a week later all the symptoms subside, and gonorrhea gradually becomes chronic, which can last for years.
Complications in men
Gonorrhea not a simple disease, he often gives the complications that lead to serious consequences. Men may develop loss of any part of the urogenital system, such as prostatitis - an inflammation of the prostate gland. In this case, the symptoms of acute urethritis join throbbing pain in the perineum, rise in body temperature. Chronic prostatitis - a nagging pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, weak erection
Erection - what hinders and what helps a man to be a man
, Premature ejaculation, loss of orgasm and impotence
Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
Gonorrhea can also cause inflammation of the appendages
Inflammation of the appendages - the cause infertility
testicles (epididymitis), which is characterized by the sudden appearance of pain in the testicle and groin, redness and swelling in the area, increasing the temperature to high numbers. Epididymitis causes scarring in the ducts of the epididymis and infertility.
How is gonorrhea in women and its complications
Gonorrhea in women affects almost all parts of the genitourinary system, not manifesting itself with almost nothing. It can take the form of destruction of the lower parts of urogenital system (vulva, urethra, vagina), and can also affect the internal genitals of the woman (the uterus and ovaries).
Affected women may occur at the beginning of pain and cramps during urination, copious purulent discharge, but very often these symptoms are absent. A large percentage of asymptomatic gonorrhea in women leads to detection of a rare disease in its early stages, and as a consequence - the high frequency of complications such as inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
Gonorrhea should be treated only by a doctor, self completely excluded, as there are now such a thing as immunity of microorganisms to antibiotics. Therefore, antibiotic therapy is based on laboratory research (definition of sensitivity of microorganisms to some antibiotics).
To strengthen the body's defenses (immune system) is assigned to restorative treatment (vitamins and minerals, and so on). In addition, patients are encouraged to follow a diet excluding spicy, fatty and smoked foods.
Cure gonorrhea is carefully checked, it is the lack of criteria selection gonokokkov the results of laboratory research methods. To do this, after 7-10 days after the treatment is carried out sowing secretions and smears under a microscope to detect Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Remember! Gonorrhea in our time it is easier to prevent than to treat.
Galina Romanenko