Genital herpes: eliminate sex - Diagnosis

May 20, 2013

  • Genital herpes: eliminate sex
  • Repeated herpes
  • Causes
  • Diagnostics
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 Diagnosis of genital herpes


Diagnosis of genital herpes includes medical examination (gynecologist, urologist, dermatologist) and laboratory studies. Unfortunately, there is no laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis of absolute accuracy of genital herpes. However, a comprehensive survey leads to reliable results.

 Diagnostics | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

Medical examination

If there is a patient characteristic herpes sores on the genitals by a doctor diagnosed the disease usually does not cause difficulties. But with asymptomatic disease, only confirmed the probability of infection of the sexual partner, come to the fore additional laboratory tests. They also need the atypical course of genital herpes when its manifestations are not similar to herpes infection.

In any of these cases, laboratory tests are carried out, the purpose of which - to confirm or deny a presumptive diagnosis of genital herpes.

 Diagnostics | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

Laboratory diagnosis - identification of viral DNA

Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex viruses Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   I and II (HSV-I and HSV II). HSV - a DNA-containing virus that can be detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - a method of molecular diagnostics gineticheskoy. PCR method can determine the presence of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals herpes simplex virus DNA and to determine which type (HSV-I or HSV II) it belongs.

The biomaterial for analysis is taken from the blisters. To test results are reliable, you need the right equipment laboratory. If there are defects in laboratory equipment (for example, temperature control is not respected or sterility), the PCR results may be incorrect.

 Diagnostics | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

Immunological studies

For the detection of antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   HSV held immunological studies. During the initial implementation of HSV in the human body in the blood are no antibodies (proteins, immunoglobulins, act aimed at the destruction of a particular antigen, eg, HSV) to this pathogen infection. But after a while they appear. The first two weeks after infection appear immunoglobulin M (IgM - first line of defense) and then after a while the content of IgM is reduced (they are contained in the blood up to four weeks), but there are immunoglobulin G (IgG), the concentration of which increases and persists throughout life - it says about the current stable immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults

Determination of blood IgM and IgG antibodies is performed using ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), which may be qualitative and quantitative. With IFA can identify the type of HSV, and the disease is a manifestation of primary or recurrent herpes. This is very important, for example, during pregnancy.

By immunological research relates immunogram - blood tests to identify the "failures" of immunity. When herpes infection is very important, because after the "fix" immunity (using medicines - immunomodulators) can completely stop the recurrence of the disease.

 Diagnostics | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

Virological studies

Virological research methods can detect HSV and to determine what type it is. In the study takes the contents of the bubbles. Analysis of Policy Pay by infection of chicken embryos and growing them viruses. After the culture grows, its identification is performed - determining the presence and type of HSV.

An obstacle to such research is the poor quality of some laboratory equipment - this can lead to misleading results.

 Diagnostics | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

Cytological studies

The cytological study - the study of epithelial cells from the lesions. In the study takes the contents of the vial or (if there is no bubbles) smear from the lesions. Biological material deposited on a glass slide, stained, and look under the microscope. Herpes Herpes - a virus creeping  Herpes - a virus creeping
   virus-infected skin cells have a characteristic appearance, which is very good, you can see under a microscope. The cytological study are sufficiently reliable.

Laboratory diagnosis of genital herpes is usually carried out using several methods, as none of them can reliably confirm a diagnosis of genital herpes. The final diagnosis is a doctor on the basis of complex (clinical and laboratory) examination of the patient.

Genital herpes: eliminate sex - Causes

May 20, 2013

  • Genital herpes: eliminate sex
  • Repeated herpes
  • Causes
  • Diagnostics
  • Prevention

 causes genital herpes


Herpes infection was known to the ancient physicians, including genital herpes was known. The causes of this disease become known only at the beginning of the last century, when it was proven viral nature. After the invention of the last century in the middle of an electron microscope herpes viruses have been studied. Today, there are eight types of herpes viruses that cause disease in humans. Another type gerepesa virus can be transmitted from person to monkeys.

 Causes | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

Reasons - herpes simplex virus first and second types

Of the nine herpes viruses that cause disease in humans, only two can cause genital herpes. This herpes simplex viruses of the first and second type - HSV - 1 and HSV - 2 mainly a disease caused by HSV-2, HSV-1, but also it may cause in recent years is the number of infections of HSV-1 increases, which may due to the increase in the number of oral-genital sex. Usually, however, HSV-1 causes cold sores on the lips, so-called "cold."

 Causes | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

What are HSV-1 and HSV-2

Herpes simplex viruses Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   first and second types differ slightly only in the structure of two surface proteins. This DNA-containing viruses that have a body covered with the outer and inner shells, as well as the capsid inside which is a DNA consisting of the 80 genes, were divided into three types.

Genes involved in the penetration of the virus in epithelial cells in primary infection and recurrence of the disease, is the matrix for the construction of new DNA viruses that contribute to shutdown function of the host cell nucleus and the synthesis of substances necessary for the interaction and attachment to the new cells. Inside the virus also contains enzymes.

Herpes viruses are not afraid of the cold, drying and exposure to ultraviolet rays, but at 50 ° C they die within half an hour. Especially long the virus retains its ability to live on damp surfaces.

In humans, HSV-1 and HSV-2 are preserved forever. Their main "home" is the nerve plexus of the lumbosacral region, where the virus is in an inactive state. But under certain conditions it can get out of the nerve plexus, move along nerve fibers to the mucous membranes and cause disease.

 Causes | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

As transmitted HSV-1 and HSV-2

These viruses are transmitted mainly through sexual contact under normal heterosexual intercourse (mainly HSV-2) and oral-genital contact (HSV-2). It is not excluded and household transmission of herpes viruses Herpes - a virus creeping  Herpes - a virus creeping
 But it is more typical for children in close household contact with parents, including using a towel, toothbrush Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing  Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing
   and so on.

 Causes | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

What happens in the body in contact with the herpes virus

The herpes virus after contact with genital mucosa may be a certain time (the incubation period - for genital herpes it is from one to ten days) of causing disease or the time to hide in the nerve plexus. It all depends on the state of immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults

The disease begins with the fact that the herpes virus first attaches to the surface of epithelial cells of the genital organs, and then enters the cell membrane resets and enters the nucleus of the cell where new viruses are played, then leaves the cell and injects located next to healthy cells. When a sufficient number of viruses, symptoms of the disease.

But if a person has a good immune system, it does not allow viruses to penetrate into the cells of the epithelium. In this case, the viruses are moving along the nerve fibers in the nerve ganglia, located in the lumbar region and there "freeze" in an inactive state. That is why most people are unaware that they are carriers of viruses.

Once human immunity decreases (this occurs when exposed to certain factors), the virus in the same way leaves the nerve ganglia to the surface of mucosal epithelial cells to attach, to multiply and cause disease.

 Causes | Genital herpes: eliminate sex

Predisposing factors for the development of the symptoms of herpes

Contributing factors for the development of the disease are any effects on the body, resulting in reduced immunity. It may be cold, any acute illness, frequent exacerbation of chronic diseases, physical and psychological overload, severe stress, trauma, surgery and so on. Contributing factors may be infected by other sexually transmitted diseases.

Genital herpes - a chronic viral infection, a sexually transmitted. Genital herpes is very contagious, avoid infection through sexual contact is very difficult, it does not help even a condom. The only reliable way to prevent the disease - it is sex with only one sexual partner tested.
