Treatment of syphilis - a laborious process

February 3, 2014

  • Treatment of syphilis - a laborious process
  • Primary and secondary
  • Neurosyphilis

 treatment of syphilis
 Treatment of syphilis - is no easy task, and sometimes even a good expert cope with her first attempt. The problem is that in the initial stage of the disease when all disturbances in the body caused by infectious agents and their toxins, syphilis relatively easily treatable. But in the later stages, when it is not fore allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   on infectious agents, treatment becomes problematic.


Is there a cure syphilis?

  • How to treat syphilis? This question is for thousands of years occupied the minds of the best doctors. It was only with the opening in the middle of the last century, penicillin became possible to talk about the fact that syphilis is curable.
  • How to cure syphilis? It is only by a doctor dermatovenerlogu as for the proper purpose of treatment is required to accurately set the first stage of the disease - treatment regimens are developed for each of the stages of syphilis. How long is treated syphilis? It also depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of its course.
  • Where cure syphilis? Any expert will respond to it, that treat syphilis is best where it is done professionally, ie STI Clinic (ARC). In addition, any HPC is a laboratory in which to conduct all the necessary tests for the detection of syphilis, the establishment of its stage and control treatment.

The ARC patients not only offer free treatment under the policy, but also the anonymous treatment of syphilis for a fee, but in any case, everything will be done according to the rules, with the use of specially designed treatments and medicines, as well as with the subsequent control of cure.

  • How quickly cure syphilis? Prompt treatment requires high professionalism, as the doctor should know all the indications and contraindications for such treatment and be sure that the patient does not die from the first injection. Thus, prompt treatment for syphilis exists, but it can not apply to all patients, but only those who have found the earliest stage of the disease.
  • Whether syphilis is curable? This question can be answered only by a doctor after a full examination of the patient. Symptoms of syphilis and its treatment are interrelated. The early stages of the disease usually respond well to treatment and is completely cured.
  • Whether cure syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   in the later stages? If the disease has affected internal organs, brain and spinal cord, it is difficult to treat. And it is in this case no longer infections (remove it from the body just enough), but in which the destruction of the body she could produce. The consequences of the late stages of syphilis usually remain after the treatment, but the disease stops progressing.


Treatment for syphilis: basic principles

This disease, like syphilis, symptoms and treatment are closely linked. Depending on the stage of the disease, the patient's condition, the presence of his co-morbidities, the propensity to allergic reactions, age, treatment of syphilis may be inpatient or outpatient. Sometimes treatment begins in the hospital, and then continue on an outpatient basis. In the treatment of patients with syphilis are used specifically designed for different stages of the disease treatment regimens and medications.

Furthermore, the following treatments are carried out:

  • preventive treatment - to prevent syphilis to persons located in the sexual and close household contact with patients with contagious forms of syphilis; gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
   with unknown source of infection (gonorrhea and syphilis are often combined);
  • preventive treatment - to pregnant women who are ill or bolevshim syphilis and children born to mothers with syphilis;
  • presumptive treatment - for suspected syphilis, neurosyphilis and internal organs with negative laboratory tests for syphilis.

All treatments are carried out under mandatory syphilis laboratory control. In addition, during treatment, the doctor is required to ascertain, whether the patient suffers certain drugs. This is especially true of antibiotics that are given to patients in the maximum permissible doses. Therefore, before the first and second injection antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   prescribe antihistamines.


Preventive treatment of syphilis

Such treatment is given to persons who had sexual or close household contact with patients with contagious forms of syphilis, from the moment when the contact was not more than three months. Treatment is carried out by a specially developed technique with the use of penicillin drugs, which are administered by injection. The course of treatment is the administration of water-soluble penicillin or from 2 to 8 times a day for two weeks, or depot forms of administration of penicillin (e.g. bitsillina 3, 5) for the scheme.

If the patient does not tolerate penicillin group of drugs, then they are replaced by other antibiotics, preferably a broad spectrum of action. Penicillin can be replaced with macrolide antibiotics (Sumamed, clarithromycin), tetracyclines (doxycycline).

If from the moment of contact with syphilis went from three to six months, the patient twice, with an interval of two months, completely examined, treatment is given only to the detection of his syphilis. In the case where the contact took place after more than six months, the survey is carried out once.

Gonorrhea - Avoid casual relationships

October 16, 2008

  • Gonorrhea - Avoid casual relationships
  • Causes

 Gonorrhea - is a contagious disease that is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. It also can be transmitted by contact with body liquids - so it can be passed from mother to child during childbirth. Gonorrhea is most common among people with multiple sexual partners.



Gonorrhoea is a gram diplococcus Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a bacterium that lives and multiplies in the mucous membranes of the body. They can live on the cervix and the uterus and fallopian tubes of women and urethra in both women and men. These bacteria may also live in the mouth, throat and anus.

Every year the world's recorded hundreds of thousands of cases of gonorrhea. Now she is more likely to get sick all the young girls under the age of 20 years.



Some infected with gonorrhea are asymptomatic, so recognize the disease can be difficult. If symptoms occur, it takes 10-30 days after challenge.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in women:

  • Greenish-yellow or white vaginal discharge
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Conjunctivitis (redness and itching of the eye)
  • Bleeding during menstruation
  • Smearing bleeding after intercourse
  • Inflammation of the vulva (vulvitis)
  • Burning in the throat and inflammation of the lymph nodes in the throat (if the infection occurred during oral sex)

The symptoms can be so mild that they do not notice the woman. Sometimes the symptoms of gonorrhea take for signs of thrush and taking non-prescription drugs. Because vaginal discharge The whole truth about vaginal secretions  The whole truth about vaginal secretions
   It may be a symptom of a variety of violations when they occur you should always consult a physician.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men:

  • Greenish-yellow or white discharge from the penis
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • The pain and inflammation of the testicles
  • Burning in the throat and inflammation of the lymph nodes in the throat (if the infection occurred during oral sex)

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men usually appear within 14 days after infection.



For the diagnosis of gonorrhea in women usually do the analysis of the stroke, and men - urinalysis. If you suspect that the infection occurred during oral or anal sex, do the appropriate analyzes. Results of analyzes reported by the patients for a few days.



Gonorrhea is treated with the help of oral or intravenous antibiotics. Partner with an infected person are also encouraged to undergo treatment, even if he has no symptoms of gonorrhea.

Most often used to treat gonorrhea antibiotics such as cefixime and ceftriaxone. Some gonorrhea strains become resistant to certain antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   - In part, as they are relatively rare.

It is important to go through the whole course of antibiotics to the end, even if the symptoms of gonorrhea disappear in a few days. Otherwise, it does not exclude the possibility of recurrence of the infection and the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, pathogens.

Some patients used to treat gonorrhea antibiotics cause side effects such as nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
   and vomiting. Usually they pass quickly, but if they persist for a long time, and also if there are more serious side effects, contact your doctor.

During the course of treatment for gonorrhea should abstain from sexual intercourse.

In the absence of adequate treatment for gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
   It can cause serious complications in both men and women. In particular, a chronic infection in women can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which in turn may cause damage to the fallopian tubes and infertility. In addition, women with gonorrhea increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

In men, gonorrhea can cause epididymitis, scarring of the urethra, the result of which becomes difficult urination and during prolonged absence of treatment, infertility.

In some cases, gonorrhea enters the bloodstream and affects the joints, causing life-threatening condition.
