Chickenpox is a mild often occurs in children between two and 10-12 years. In adolescents and adults, for mild chickenpox - a rarity. That is why at the beginning of the last century, the mother tried to deliberately infect their young children with chickenpox in order to avoid its severe later in life.
Chickenpox is a mild - the formation of immunity
Chickenpox - a highly contagious disease of viral origin. If the children's collective fall ill at least one child, after all the others have been ill. But sometimes chickenpox is mild when the baby appear on the skin only a few elements of the rash. In this case, many parents worried about the question of whether the child develop into a full immunity to the disease.
Clinical experience shows that recovering from chickenpox, including mild, produced durable lifelong immunity as infectious agents (viruses such as herpes 3
Herpes type 3 - causes chicken pox and shingles
varicella zoster virus) does not leave the body at all, and "hide" in clusters of nerve cells (nerve ganglia). In most herpesviruses type 3 are inactive in the nerve ganglia, located in the spinal cord, ganglia and in the trigeminal nerve innervating the facial region.
Become active agents of this infection with a decrease in immunity (under stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
, Colds, etc.). The consequence of varicella zoster virus activation is the appearance of the characteristic rash on the skin of the bubble over the branches of nerves, which they descended to the skin. This disease is called herpes zoster
Shingles and chickenpox - from the same pathogen
or shingles.
Repeated chickenpox disease are extremely rare and occur mainly peri significant violation of immunity.
Chickenpox is a mild often occurs in children aged from two to 12 years. In adolescents and adults, the disease rarely occurs easily. Breast Delhi, if they are breastfed, rarely get sick with chickenpox since the mother's milk (unless, of course, she was sick with chickenpox) is produced antibodies to pathogens of this infection.
Mild chickenpox - for and symptoms
Mild chickenpox usually begins two weeks after the child's contact with the sick (incubation period - from 10 days to three weeks). After that, in mild infections a child can appear malaise, headache, and then appear on the skin rashes single elements. Some children may slightly increase the temperature, while others rash appears among full health.
Elements of the rash may appear anywhere on the skin or mucous membranes. The rash starts as a small red spots round or oval. After some time on the surface of the red spot appears a small vial of clear content. If the bubble is not combed, then it dry on a day - two and in their place appear at first soft and then dense crust. A week later, the small scabs fall off, without leaving any traces.
For any form of chickenpox is characterized by undulating appearance of blisters, even if they happen quite a bit. In milder forms of chickenpox such waves can be two or three.
Mild chickenpox in children
Chickenpox in children - a mild infection, but there are exceptions
It may be accompanied by and large, than usual bubbles, in this case, if there is no scratching, breaking bubbles and secondary bacterial infection, they dry on for two, maximum - three weeks, after which the crusts fall off and not leave behind infection.
On average, a mild form of chickenpox lasts about 10 days.
Easy for chickenpox - whether it requires special treatment?
Easy for chickenpox does not require special treatment. But child care is needed to ensure that chicken pox is not difficult accession bacterial infection. The child is assigned to a diet with the exception of salty, spicy, smoked foods, sweets, soft drinks. Since even in the mild form of chickenpox can not exclude the appearance of the rash on the mucous membranes, the child is recommended semi-liquid foods and drinking plenty of fluids.
Baby clothes should be light, made of natural fabrics (cotton is better), as excessive potoobrazovanie irritating to the skin and promotes scratching the rash and, therefore, increases the risk of additional bacterial infection.
Elements of the rash immediately after they become better lubricated green paint so it will be more noticeable appearance of new elements and reduce the risk of bacterial complications. Bathe your child better after the appearance of dense scabs on all elements of the rash.
A child with a mild form of chickenpox is contagious during the period of rash and five days after the last bubble on the skin.
Galina Romanenko