Atypical form of herpes has become increasingly common today. Particularly common for atypical genital herpes in women
Herpes in women - clinical features of the disease
That often leads to late diagnosis and the appearance of complications during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to early detection and treatment of atypical forms of herpes.
Atypical form of herpes, herpes simplex virus
Atypical cold sores in the genital area caused by the herpes simplex virus, both the second and the first type (HSV-2 and HSV-1) are not uncommon today. Moreover, often the only complaint of women suffering from infertility is itching in the genital area, which is not treatable. Those skilled in this case recommended to perform laboratory tests for the presence of HSV and antibodies thereto.
How atypical form of genital herpes often does it occur? Studies in this area of research have shown that the atypical form of genital herpes in women occurs more often than the typical. The danger of this form of herpes that woman with one hand is a source of infection to sexual partners, on the other hand in the long course of recurrent infection in her often develop complications, mainly in the form of destruction of internal genitals. Finally, untreated genital herpes can cause infection of the child during birth. A herpes occurs in newborns is very difficult, with a penchant for generalization of the process.
Therefore, detection and treatment of atypical forms of genital herpes is a very urgent task.
Symptoms of atypical genital herpes
HSV-2 in the majority of cases, the cause and long flowing untreatable infectious and inflammatory processes of female genital mutilation of undetermined origin. Often these processes are long, is attached to a viral infection of bacterial and fungal, all of this eventually leads to infertility.
Contributing factors to the development of atypical, long flowing forms of genital herpes are a large number of sexual partners and oral-genital sex.
Atypical forms of genital herpes are often characterized by blurred, abortive over with the defeat of not only the skin and the mucous membranes of the external genitalia, but also the uterus and appendages. Atypical forms are more common in chronic recurrent herpes, but there are at primary herpes.
Genital herpes in women are often atypical and manifests persistent itching and burning, moderate or heavy colorless vaginal discharge, and pseudo leukoplakia of the cervix (abnormal areas on its surface), recurrent miscarriage
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in the early stages.
Very often atypical background herpes in women identified warts vagina and cervix, including flat, are considered precancerous condition. It is characteristic of chronic recurrent genital herpes with atypical for a long exhausting pain along the nerves in the area of the external genitalia, perineum, thighs, and the lumbar-sacral spine (the peripheral nerves innervating the perineum, genitals, bladder or rectum, are formed from the lumbar -kresttsovyh and coccygeal nerve plexus, so the itching, burning, pain, sensory disturbances, dragging pain in the abdomen are commonly observed in the course of these nerves or their innervated areas).
Characteristic and general manifestations of chronic recurrent herpetic infection in the form of drowsiness, irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Fever, general malaise, headaches, arising as amid relapses and remissions of the disease on the background. For some women, there is a persistent low-grade fever (temperature rise).
When a woman of such complaints, experts recommend to examine it for the presence of genital herpes. It is also recommended specifically tested for herpes women with extensive recurrent leukoplakia and pseudo cervix, long flowing obesity, which has repeatedly unsuccessfully received treatments.
Diagnosis of atypical genital herpes
It is believed that the best way to diagnose an atypical herpes is the study of mucus of the cervical canal by PCR for the detection of herpes simplex virus
Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
the first or second type.
In addition, blood tests may ELISA to detect antibodies to the herpes simplex virus. The presence of antibodies immugoglobulinov class G (IgG) to HSV-2 confirms the long flowing recurrent genital herpes.
Atypical forms of genital herpes require a thorough examination and appropriate treatment.
Galina Romanenko