Viferon - effective for immune reconstitution - Properties and Applications

November 13, 2008

  • Viferon - effective for immune reconstitution
  • Properties and application

Interferons - protection against all types of microorganisms

Interferons have been opened in 1957, when they found that cells infected with influenza virus Influenza - expect the unexpected but always  Influenza - expect the unexpected but always
 , Begin to produce and release into the environment of a special protein, which prevents the reproduction of viruses in cells. This protein was seen as a major factor in protecting the organism from a primary viral infection. The greater the interferon produced in the body, the more it is protected from viral infection.

Currently there are different types of interferons alpha, beta, gamma interferons. The core is alpha interferon, which is produced by blood lymphocytes. First, as an antiviral agent began using alpha interferon, which was obtained from donated human blood by exposure to the virus (human leukocyte interferon). Recently developed drugs are derived not from human blood and artificially - by genetic engineering: interferon create a connection of various amino acids making up the protein, and the starting material can serve a variety of bacteria in the genetic apparatus which is integrated gene of human leukocyte interferon. It turns out the so-called human recombinant interferon. It is this human recombinant interferon Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century?  Interferon - protects against diseases of the new century?
   alpha 2 is viferon.

 Properties and Applications | Viferon - effective for immune reconstitution

Properties viferona

Viferon has a strong antiviral and immunomodulatory (reducing immunity) effects.

Besides interferon viferon contains vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which gives it a number of additional features: their presence increases the antiviral activity of interferon and immunomodulatory effects - all this helps to restore the body's own production of interferon. It was also found that long-term use of the drug in the body does not produce antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
 Neutralizing its anti-viral activity.

 Properties and Applications | Viferon - effective for immune reconstitution

As used

Viferon issued in the form of rectal suppositories, creams and gels for lubricating the nasal mucosa and genitals.

After introduction viferona it circulates long enough in the blood. Reducing its concentration is observed only after 12 hours. Therefore, rectal suppositories is recommended to introduce 2-3 times a day depending on the disease.

Viferon - perfect preparation for the treatment of viral diseases. He virtually no complications, so it is often used to treat pregnant women and young children. Since interferon, which is part viferona, produced by methods of biotechnology without blood, it eliminates the possibility of infection with various pathogenic viruses (hepatitis, HIV). Viferon - is a drug that should be in the home medicine cabinet, especially if you have kids.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • viferon

Shingles and chickenpox - from the same pathogen - Children

January 16, 2014

  • Shingles and chickenpox - from the same pathogen
  • Effects
  • Children

 herpes zoster in children
 How does herpes zoster in children

Shingles manifests itself in children of different ages in different ways, but most often the disease occurs in children as well as adults, with the appearance of pain along the nerves, redness and swelling of the skin and the appearance of the characteristic bubbles. At the same time the child can dramatically increase the temperature, general weakness, malaise, headache, joined by nausea and vomiting.

For children it is also characterized by the generalization of the process - it takes common, the infection progresses to the internal organs, causing many complications. Also, often against a background of shingles develop aseptic meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 . The defeat of the brain and spinal cord is much rarer, but runs hard. So, with the defeat of the spinal cord can develop paralysis of the limbs.

Herpes zoster in children sometimes occurs in the form of bullous (with the appearance of large blisters on the skin), hemorrhagic (the contents of the bubbles becomes bloody) and gangrenous (with necrosis of tissue) forms.

Children under seven years of shingles Shingles - from simple ailments and brain damage  Shingles - from simple ailments and brain damage
   sometimes atypical without the appearance of the characteristic rash - skin over the affected nerve just blushes, becomes very sensitive, aching along the nerve. Sometimes parents associate these symptoms with minor injuries, and just do not pay attention to them. However, a closer look at such a child can notice signs of intoxication: slight indisposition, sometimes a slight fever, appetite disorders and so on. All this requires a visit to a doctor: the disease itself is not dangerous, but its appearance indicates serious health problems.

In children, primary and secondary school age shingles Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   It may appear in the form of characteristic symptoms in the ear and the skin around the ear. This is a dangerous condition because it can lead to hearing loss, as well as complications of the central nervous system. Another complication may be paresis or paralysis of the facial nerve, which resulted in the child's face becomes asymmetric.

A child suffering from shingles, should be insulated, as the disease is highly contagious and can cause children not previously undergone chickenpox, a disease. The child becomes non-contagious after 5 days after he no longer appear new rash. This occurs typically after two weeks after onset.


Complications of shingles in children

Complications after suffering a herpes zoster in children are uncommon, but have a difficult character. Thus, the defeat of the brain and spinal cord occurs mostly in children under one year and is extremely rare. This complication usually begins within one to two weeks after the appearance of the characteristic skin rash. At the same time the child's temperature rises sharply, disturbed consciousness, there are convulsions, paralysis of limbs, and so on.

Heavy (but very rare) complication of herpes zoster can be Guillain-Barre syndrome, which develops within one to three weeks after the disease. In the result of an autoimmune process (allergy own tissues) develops acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy - multiple lesions of the peripheral nerves. This is manifested complication of flaccid paresis, impaired sensation, autonomic disorders. With the defeat of the respiratory muscles state can threaten a child's life.

Complications can be the internal organs - the heart, lungs, liver, bladder, and so on. Finally, the disease can be complicated by additional bacterial infections and rashes acquire suppurative character.


Treatment of herpes zoster in children

Treatment of herpes zoster in children should be carried out immediately, at least in the first three days. Prescribe antiviral drugs for up to a week or more - you need to take these medications during the entire period of rashes on the skin, and two days after the onset of the last bubble. Most often this purpose administered acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
 That is well tolerated in children of any age.

If the disease has taken generalized, antiviral drugs are administered parenterally, by injection. Such preparations are selected individually and are assigned only in the hospital, because they can have significant side effects.

For the treatment of children is used as a specific antiherpetic immunoglobulin, human leukocyte interferon, antibiotics for secondary infections accession.

Shingles usually indicates decrease in immunity.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • herpes
