Stomach flu - rotavirus infection of the new sample

April 3, 2011

  • Stomach flu - rotavirus infection of the new sample
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 stomach flu
 Stomach flu - this is an intestinal infection characterized by diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, and sometimes fever. The most common way of contracting stomach flu - contact with an infected person or eating contaminated food or water. People who are generally healthy, suffer stomach flu without complications and quickly restored. However, for infants, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, stomach flu can be deadly

There is no effective treatment for stomach flu, so you should pay special attention to prevention. Avoid food and water which may be contaminated, as well as thoroughly and as often as possible to wash hands.



In contrast to this flu, which affects the respiratory system, stomach flu affects the digestive system and causes the following symptoms:

  • Watery stools, usually with no traces of blood (bloody diarrhea may indicate a more serious infection);
  • Cramping and abdominal pain;
  • Nausea and / or vomiting;
  • Sometimes - muscle pain or headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
  • Slight rise in body temperature.

Depending on the cause, symptoms of stomach flu can appear within one to three days after infection; they range from mild to severe. Symptoms usually stored within one or two days, in some cases - to 10 days.

Because of the similarity of the symptoms of stomach flu can be confused with infections caused by Salmonella Salmonella: unknown facts  Salmonella: unknown facts
   and E. coli, Giardia.


When to see a doctor

Adults should contact a doctor if the following features:

  • Liquid virtually retained in the body, and it lasts for more than 24 hours;
  • Vomiting lasts more than two days;
  • The presence of blood in vomit;
  • Dehydration (for signs of dehydration include excessive thirst, dry mouth, dark yellow urine or very rare urination or absence of urination, dizziness);
  • The presence of blood in stool;
  • Body temperature above 40 C.

If the following symptoms in children should consult a doctor immediately:

  • The body temperature of 38 C or above 9;
  • Child abnormally indifferent to all, or very irritable;
  • The child is experiencing discomfort or pain;
  • The presence of blood in stool;
  • There are signs of dehydration - e.g., urination very small despite the fact that the child is drinking, as usual;
  • Vomiting for several hours.



The viruses that cause stomach flu:

  • Rotavirus. Children often become infected when put fingers or other objects in the mouth. In adults, rotavirus infections sometimes cause no symptoms, although people here is infectious, and he does not know what to infect other people.
  • Norovirus. As in adults and in children, stomach flu most often caused by norovirus. Norovirus can spread to families and communities; especially quickly this occurs in confined spaces. In most cases, the infection occurs through food or water, but also possible transmission of infection from person to person.


Risk factors

Younger children. Children in kindergartens or primary schools is very vulnerable to stomach flu Influenza - expect the unexpected but always  Influenza - expect the unexpected but always
 Because their immune system is not sufficiently strong.

Aged people. Over time, the work of the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   It is deteriorating, and the risk of infection to many infections, including stomach flu increases.

People with weakened immune systems, and. If the immune system is weakened, for example, due to illness or because of aggressive medical therapy, the person becomes more vulnerable to viruses that cause the stomach flu.



The main complication of stomach flu is dehydration - loss of body water and essential salts and minerals. If you drink enough water, dehydration will not be a big problem. Infants, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems when stomach flu may need hospitalization. In rare cases, dehydration resulting from gastric flu leads to death.

Treatment of pink lichen ointments: anti-itch

January 28, 2012

 treatment pink lichen ointments
 Pink zoster Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   - A disease that in most cases can not be cured - it runs independently in restoring immunity. But sometimes itching at the pink lichen becomes so strong that no medical assistance is indispensable, in this case, doctors often prescribe creams and ointments.

 Treatment of pink lichen ointments: anti-itch

What determines the symptoms

Severity of the symptoms of pink lichen depends on a number of reasons. First - this state of immunity: the more the immune system is weakened, the harder and more enduring the illness. In these patients to the main diseases (pityriasis rosea) is often associated infection and pustules appear on the body. Therefore, great importance is the strengthening of the immune system and the timely treatment of acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Second, much depends on the attitude of the body's allergic - in people prone to allergic reactions, rash lasts longer, it tends to spread and more severe itching. Often pink shingles Pink versicolor - treatment is not required  Pink versicolor - treatment is not required
   occurs and long runs on the background food and drug allergies.

No less important is the condition of the nervous system. So, people nervous, excitable all manifestations of the disease increase, especially their itch and disturb the ability to infect others. In addition to the rash of these patients worried about insomnia, anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 And sometimes depression.

Finally, the severity and duration of illness depend on the state of small blood vessels. With increased permeability and fragility of their walls rash more intense and lasts longer. Largely condition of the walls of blood vessels depends on vitamin deficiency, such as ascorbic acid.

 Treatment of pink lichen ointments: anti-itch

Should I use the ointment?

The main factors in the treatment of pink lichen are still not external, but internal funds. It is strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   (hardening, active lifestyle, exercise), nutrition (with the exception of food, irritating the skin - spicy, fatty, sugary, sweet, fried, smoked, etc.), prompt treatment of foci of infection (chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis carious teeth and so on), bringing order to the central nervous system (avoidance of stress, emotional and high information loads, soothing agents, insomnia, and so on).

Of great importance is personal hygiene - daily shower instead of a bath (bathe undesirable), wearing only underwear made of natural fabrics, not contracted, and does not injure the skin.

But sometimes this is not enough, the rash spreads rapidly and begins to disturb the patient or kept for a long time. In some cases, the cause of the disease is a long-term adherence of bacterial infection - by scratching itchy spots pink lichen microtrauma through the skin fall of bacterial infections and abscesses on the skin appear. This disease can occur very long. Children, especially, are prone to allergic processes in the skin, the rash is pink lichen often begin to get wet, and thus also may be made to the irritated skin infection.

In all these cases, the appointed external treatment of diseases in the form of ointments, creams or boltushek. The primary goal of such treatment - removal of edema, itching and soak, as well as the elimination of complications such as pustular rash.

When you soak appointed mash that dried elements of rash and reduce itching in this area. If the rash is very itchy, elements of it quickly spread to healthy skin, the dermatologist may prescribe hormone ointment. Almost all of these ointment is composed of antibacterial agents, as their constituent glucocorticoid hormones are able to dramatically reduce the local immunity. That is why hormonal ointments (Lorinden, ftorokort and so on) yourself is not recommended. When uncontrolled use of hormonal ointments any infection can become chronic, and then cure it will be very difficult. Hormonal ointments are good only in the hands of a dermatologist who knows when and how they can be applied.

When besides the basic elements disease pustules also administered ointment with antibacterial agents, usually antibiotics. And these ointments own use is not necessary, as well as antibiotics can reduce the local immunity. In addition, the antibiotic may develop addictive and pustular rash will only intensify.

Treatment of prolonged or complicated by depriving Gibert pink are best left to a specialist - a dermatologist, but in this case it is possible to avoid the unpleasant consequences of this disease.

Galina Romanenko

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  • lichen
