Pink zoster - the unknown nature of the disease - Treatment ointments

June 21, 2013

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 Pink zoster treatment ointments

Treatment with ointments

Given that the pink herpes symptoms disappear on their own, some special treatments are not used. That is unnecessary. Pink zoster Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   - Skin disease Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
 Characterized by severe skin rash - it passes on its own within a few weeks. To accelerate this process can not, but you can relieve symptoms such as itching and redness, with the help of ointments. But it is recommended to avoid the active ointment therapy to grease spots with ointments or creams, as a topical treatment often leads to generalization of the process and prevents healing. In the most severe cases, the wrong choice of treatment may develop erythroderma.

Talk to a dermatologist, that he will recommend calamine ointment or ointment with menthol. They reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin. At the same time you need to wash only with warm or hot water; hot water, as well as intense exercise may exacerbate symptoms.

Steroid ointments can also be used to treat pink lichen. However, as the disease is not dangerous and passes itself as an ointment containing hormones, you need to use it carefully and only when necessary.

Also used in the area of ​​ointment application spots. Ointment can be prepared from an equal amount of pure butter and tar. It is used for dressing are applied at night and then this morning a bandage with ointment should be removed. Apply various ointments, creams at pink shingles must be very careful, because not all local procedures can be safe. We recommend using external means strictly according to the doctor's recommendations, otherwise it is possible complications if not properly carrying out therapy. This especially applies to cosmetics, from the use which the best time to give up, especially during the height of the clinical picture of lichen.

Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger? - Therapies

June 2, 2013

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 treatment of cytomegalovirus


To assess the clinical symptoms of the disease are important data gynecological examination Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
 . Symptoms of viral lesions are changes in the vaginal mucosa, it looks congested, edematous. The mucous membrane is covered with a touch of white when you remove with a spatula which remains defects, bruising. If you draw a virological scraping of the genitals, it is possible to detect cytomegalovirus.

Without virological and immunofluorescence methods of research it is very difficult to make a diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection of the genitals .  Suspicion of this type of infection is justified the appearance of the following symptoms: inflammation of the salivary glands in the area with copious and plaque in the mouth and genitals, malaise, headache .  Also worthy of attention to identifying changes in the general analysis of blood, in particular, reduced the number of white blood cells (leukopenia) .  The one case where you can not detect when examining the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, when the rate of anti-inflammatory treatment with antibacterial agents is ineffective, should be excluded cytomegalovirus infection .  Antibiotic therapy can be effective only if combined forms of infectious disease .  The material for virological examination may be from the mouth swabs, scrapings, and abnormal discharge from the genital tract .  Research to be urine, sputum or blood .  During the laboratory diagnosis of primary importance is attached to methods of virus isolation, so you should conduct a study of the greatest possible amount of material .

The main method of treatment of cytomegalovirus - drug therapy designed to prevent reactivation of the virus and the appearance of the characteristic symptoms, as well as to prevent potential complications that can cause cytomegalovirus (especially in people with weakened for any reason immunity). At present, for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection used a number of different drugs, but the most effective is still considered ganciclovir.

 Treatments | Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?


Ganciclovir - drug, which for a long time is the most effective means of treatment and prevention of cytomegalovirus infection and disease, which can cause cytomegalovirus. Ganciclovir - an antiviral agent in chemical structure close to acyclovir, however, is much more toxic than acyclovir. The drug inhibits not only cytomegalovirus, but some other viruses (such as Herpes virus, Hepatitis B). Ganciclovir is effective both when administered intravenously or orally at reception, although the prevention of cytomegalovirus infection is recommended primarily, intravenous administration of the drug. The duration of therapy may also vary, depending on the response of the organism to ganciclovir, from two to four weeks.

The most significant side effects of therapy with ganciclovir - fever, skin rash, diarrhea, haematological disorders (anemia, thrombocytopenia). Recent usually controlled by changing the dosage of the drug. In some cases (for example, in the treatment of pneumonia caused by cytomegalovirus) Ganciclovir is used simultaneously with immunoglobulin.

 Treatments | Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?

Other medicines for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection

The most effective against cytomegalovirus are synthetic nucleoside analogue - to the group of drugs includes, inter alia, the aforementioned ganciclovir. Along with ganciclovir for treatment of CMV may include the following preparations:

  • Valacyclovir - L-valine ester of aciclovir, during fermentation converted to acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
   in humans. The drug is recommended primarily for the prevention or treatment of CMV infection after organ transplantation.
  • Valganciclovir - L-valine ester of ganciclovir, which is used for the treatment and maintenance treatment of cytomegalovirus infection in a patient diagnosed with AIDS, or for the prevention of CMV after organ transplantation.
  • Foscarnet - a drug active against cytomegalovirus, but much more toxic than ganciclovir, and therefore is used mainly in the therapy of the second line as a means vtoroocherednogo treatment.

 Treatments | Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?

Treatment of opportunistic diseases

Quite often, cytomegalovirus infection causes no symptoms as cytomegalovirus present in the human body in an inactive state. However, the reactivation of CMV can cause a number of diseases, and for the successful treatment of cytomegalovirus infection in such cases necessarily require treatment of opportunistic diseases specific methods - for example, the elimination of the symptoms of pneumonia, acute respiratory viral infections that often accompany CMV reactivation. Unfortunately, these diseases are difficult to treat with standard drugs (such as antibiotics), so it is very important to establish the time that it was the cause of the disease cytomegalovirus and treat accordingly.

 Treatments | Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?

Strengthening the immune system

A very important aspect of the treatment of cytomegalovirus infections - measures aimed at strengthening the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   human. Normally, the immune system is capable of independently "hold" cytomegalovirus in an inactive state, so when confirming the fact of infection with cytomegalovirus (for that specific diagnostic methods used) requires - as a preventive measure - preparations strengthening immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults

Tatiana Smirnova
