TSikloferon - ointment: effective for various infections urinary organs

March 4, 2012

 tsikloferon ointment
 TSikloferon - a drug that helps the body get rid of the virus infection, reduces the manifestations of inflammatory response and stimulates the healing process. It is available in various dosage forms, including as a liniment - liniment.

 TSikloferon - ointment: effective for various infections urinary organs

As liniment tsikloferona effect on the body

5% liniment tsikloferona for topical application containing 50 mg of active ingredient and is discharged into 5 ml vials. The local application of the drug is its anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Immunomodulatory effect tsikloferona topically manifested mainly due to stimulation of cellular immunity, that leads to the absorption of active immune cells, infectious agents from any source (both viral and bacterial, and fungal).

5% liniment tsikloferona usually prescribed as part of an integrated treatment of various gynecological and urological diseases. When concomitant administration tsikloferona, affects the body systemically (in the form of injections or tablets) and topically in the form of liniment treatment of any infection becomes more efficient.

Liniment tsikloferona helps in the treatment of various gynecological and urological processes caused by herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus, human papilloma virus and other viruses. Furthermore, it is effective for bacterial, fungal and chlamydial infections urinary organs.

 TSikloferon - ointment: effective for various infections urinary organs

Application infections urinary organs in women

The main indication for the application of liniment tsikloferona women is genital herpes. In this case, the topical application of tsikloferona should be carried out as part of a course of treatment with the appointment of drugs that have a systemic effect on the body.

Local treatment of genital herpes should begin as soon as possible after the onset of acute illness.

Thus tsikloferona liniment applied thinly to the area of ​​skin or mucous membrane lesions in place once a day for five days. Furthermore, liniment administered as instillation (instillation) into the urethra and the vagina 5 ml for two weeks. It is possible to combine the use of liniment tsikloferona with other drugs in a topical ointment impact applications.

When bacterial vaginitis (including the genital infections), Trichomonas or fungal origin liniment tsikloferona appoint a vagina instillation of 5-10 ml in two weeks. To prevent leakage of liniment vagina entered a sterile cotton swab How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 But not more than three hours. If the infection has defeated and the urethra, then it also introduces 5 ml cycloferon liniment. During various chronic infections tsikloferona topical application can be combined with antibacterial and antifungal agents in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories.

 TSikloferon - ointment: effective for various infections urinary organs

Application infections urinary organs in men

When genital herpes in men Herpes men - how dangerous it is?  Herpes men - how dangerous it is?
   liniment is applied thinly into lesions once a day for five days or more to complete disappearance of lesions. Liniment is also introduced into the urethra 5 ml for two weeks. All this is usually done as part of a treatment.

Used liniment tsikloferona urethritis and other origin - bacterial and fungal. This drug is injected into the urethra (urethritis) 5-10 ml depending on the place of his defeat. Such manipulation can only do urologist, with the defeat of the anterior urethra liniment he enters through the cannula of the syringe, and then clamps the opening of the urethra for a few minutes (no more than three). Half an hour after the procedure the patient should urinate. When struck by the posterior urethra, the liniment tsikloferona injected through the catheter 5-10 ml in a day, a course of not more than seven procedures.

 TSikloferon - ointment: effective for various infections urinary organs

Application cycloferon liniment for skin diseases

In the "cold" on the lips (herpes simplex manifestation Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   Type I) vial should be brewing as soon as possible to begin to lubricate cycloferon liniment once a day. Duration of treatment usually does not exceed five days - during which time the herpes symptoms disappear.

Assign liniment tsikloferona and various skin diseases. It can help with acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
   in adolescents, because it stimulates the local immunity. Apply liniment tsikloferona also once a day for two weeks.

Skin immunity suffers with psoriasis, fungal diseases of the foot skin and nails - in this case liniment tsikloferona also help.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • tsikloferon

Leprosy - sad disease

July 2, 2009

   Leprosy - a chronic infectious disease caused by a Mycobacterium leprae. The disease mainly affects the skin, the peripheral nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and the eyes. M. leprae multiplies very slowly and the incubation period of the disease is about five years. Symptoms can appear only after 20 years.

Leprosy is a curable disease, and when to begin treatment in the early stages, you can avoid disability.

Since 1995, the World Health Organization offers a leprosy free and effective treatment.

 Leprosy - sad disease

Leprosy today

Diagnose and treat leprosy today is easy enough, and in most endemic countries are taking measures to implement the relevant services in the local health care system. This is especially important for the most disadvantaged communities, whose members are most at risk of leprosy - often the poorest of the poor.

According to official reports received from 121 countries, in 2008, there were 249,007 new cases of leprosy. The number of new cases compared to 2007 decreased by 9126 (4%).

The most endemic are still some areas of Angola, Brazil, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal and the United Republic of Tanzania. In these countries, taking active measures to combat the disease.

 Leprosy - sad disease

Brief history: the disease and treatment

Leprosy was known in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, China and India. The first written mention of leprosy is dated 600 BC. e. Throughout history, the patients have often been ostracized by their communities and families.

While in the past there were many different ways to treat leprosy, the first breakthrough in this area occurred in the 1940s with the advent of the drug dapsone. Treatment with this drug lasted for many years or even a lifetime, which is why patients could be difficult to pass the course of treatment. In the 1960s, M. leprae started to develop resistance to dapsone, the world's only protivoleproznomu drug at the time. In the early 1960s it was discovered rifampicin and clofazimine - drugs that today, along with others, used to treat leprosy.

In 1981, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended for the treatment of leprosy, a combination of three drugs: dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine.

Since 1995, those in endemic regions, these drugs are distributed free of charge.

 Leprosy - sad disease

Causes and risk factors

Leprosy - not a very contagious disease, and because of the long incubation period, it is difficult to understand where and when a person was infected. Children infected with leprosy more frequently than adults.

There are two main types of leprosy - tuberculoid and lepromatous, the last of them - the most serious.

Today there are effective drugs for leprosy and isolation of people with this disease in "leper colonies" is not needed - the emergence of such colonies was due, rather, with prejudice than with the pressing need. Infection leprosy occurs only in close physical contact with infected. People who are being treated for leprosy, for a long time, are non-communicable.

 Leprosy - sad disease


  • Skin lesions that look brighter than healthy skin;
  • The affected areas of the skin less sensitive to touch, heat, or pain;
  • Damage to the skin does not heal within a few weeks or months;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Numbness or decreased sensation in extremities.

 Leprosy - sad disease


Leprosy complications can become severe disfigurement, muscle weakness, permanent nerve damage in hands and feet, loss of feeling.
