The history of anorexia - hard facts - 20th Century

July 8th, 2013

  • The history of anorexia - hard facts
  • 19th century
  • 20th century

 The 20th century history of anorexia

The history of anorexia from 19 to 20 century

1873: Ernest Charles Lasegue

In 1873, Dr. Lasegue published an article on the disease, which he called hysterical anorexia. At the beginning of the article, he noted the importance of diagnosing anorexia as an independent disease, and then moved to its description.

He hypothesized that the roots of diseases are rooted in the desire to avoid pain, but this part of the article was removed from the transfer and further publications. Dr. Lasegue described as "paradoxical revival" anorexic; He compared their behavior with the behavior of people who are forced to go hungry for social and economic reasons - the latter were suppressed, their movements were slow and sluggish. He spoke of "a spiral of anorexia," which began with indifference to food (and maybe you), passed in disgust, denial of food and starvation, and the last turn of the spiral Intrauterine device - how to avoid complications?  Intrauterine device - how to avoid complications?
   It could be the death of the patient. In addition, Dr. Lasegue in his article mentioned the homes where anorexia Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body  Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body
   I observed among representatives of different generations, and described the scene in which relatives tried to force the anorexic to eat.

 20th century | History of anorexia - hard facts

Twentieth century

Doctors and psychologists know about anorexia, at least since the late 19th century, but the general public about the disease became known only in the second half of the 20th century. In the US media information about anorexia began to appear in the 1970s. In 1974 he began to publish stories about young women who refuse to eat, but no one explained how it can be serious.

In 1978, the psychologist Hilde Bruch, who has been behind nearly three decades of experience with patients with anorexia, published a book about the disease. "Golden Cage" - so this book - was based on the true stories of 70 patients; most of them were young women. Shortly after the book was published, Bruch claimed that anorexia is so common, which is a serious problem in most American colleges and universities. Results from the 1970 study showed that anorexia is directly related to the culture. It is most common in the Western world, or where the dominant Western culture.

The death of Karen Carpenter (singer and drummer of the famous 1970) February 4, 1983 drew to anorexia and other eating disorders public attention. Until 1983, few people with no medical training, I heard words such as anorexia and bulimia Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?  Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?
 . After Karen Carpenter died of complications from anorexia, the world wanted to know more about the disease. Since then, even young girls, are particularly prone to the influence of fashion, gradually began to realize that extreme thinness - is harmful to health and the ugly.

By the end of the 1980s it opened a lot of clinics specializing in the treatment of eating disorders. About the dangers of anorexia are more and more talked about in the media, but today a lot of people, especially - women, obsessed with diets and desire in whatever was to look like a famous model or actress.

According to a survey among 33 thousand women survey, 75% consider themselves fat, even though only 25% of them actually were overweight. It is not surprising, because the harmony bordering on thinness remains the standard of beauty, and an attribute of successful women. Most of the women on the screens, billboards and catwalks have a body mass index below normal - usually not much, but enough to make hundreds of thousands of women, comparing himself with the "standard" have decided that they are fat.

In children and adolescents anorexia found almost more often than adults. Various organizations are involved in the development of pediatric special treatment of anorexia in patients younger than 18 years.

After several deaths of models from anorexia, some companies refused to cooperate with the very thin models, to prevent further distribution of potentially dangerous role models. In addition, the shows and photo shoots is involved more and more complete models. Nevertheless, the struggle with anorexia continues - the cult of slimness is still there, and not everyone knows where it is on the way to the ideal body to stop.

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  • anorexia

What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol - Food for weight loss

June 20, 2010

  • What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol
  • Nutrition for Weight Loss
  • Fat Burning
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Summer Buffet

What you need to eat to lose weight

In order to lose weight without compromising health, you need to make a quick profit metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 And this requires energy. The main source of energy - the complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, cereals from whole grains, whole grain bread. These carbohydrates are slowly absorbed in the intestine and become long-term supplier of energy. And if you have the energy, the biochemical reactions are carried out, construction of new cells, updated fabric - it requires proteins that are found in dairy products, meat, fish, soy, legumes.

But to the biochemical process is faster, the necessary enzymes - substances that accelerate them many times. The composition must include vitamins, enzymes - they are in the same vegetables, fruits, and some - in meat and fish. Also needed minerals, trace elements and vegetable fats - they are also essential participants in the biochemical processes. So the foundation of any weight loss - it is a balanced diet plus an additional consumption of energy in the form of physical activity.

But there are some products that really contribute to weight loss. Not only need to remember that some products can not replace proper nutrition, which is the basis of weight loss. But add to it, they may well be.

 Power slimming | What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol

Proteins contribute to weight loss

Proteins contribute to weight loss, found with lean meat, fish and dairy products. Very useful proteins contained in seafood such as mussels Mussels: the benefits and harms of seafood  Mussels: the benefits and harms of seafood
 , Squid, shrimp, oysters and so on. The Mediterranean diet, which is rich in these products is considered to be one of the most useful. From dairy milk products more useful, they are better absorbed by the body and contain bacteria that improve digestion. Fat content of milk products should not exceed 1, 5%. Suitable as low-fat cheese (about 5% fat).

 Power slimming | What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol

Do I need to lose weight fats

Even as I needed! Without fatty acid metabolism will slow down, which does not contribute to weight loss. Therefore slimming necessarily in the daily diet should be vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons), it is better to use them for salad with fresh carrots - get a double benefit, as carotene (provitamin A), found in carrots, is absorbed only with fats.

 Power slimming | What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol

All of grapefruit

King products of plant origin, promotes weight loss, is the grapefruit, which contains a lot of biologically active substances that contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. Grapefruit is rich in vitamins B2, C, P, carotene, potassium, calcium, essential oils, organic acids, fiber and other biologically active substances.

The grapefruit contain essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
 , Organic acids, a lot of fiber - all of it activates the metabolism, increases the production of digestive juices, increases peristalsis, prevents constipation, improves digestion and absorption of food. Grapefruit - a good diuretic, it also helps to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxic metabolic products. Grapefruit helps reduce the "bad" (composed of a cholesteric plaques bridging blood vessels) and increased "good" (necessary for metabolism) cholesterol.

But the grapefruit can be dangerous to health: biologically active substances can enter into unpredictable reactions to medications that a person may need to be taken continuously. Grapefruit can both strengthen and slow down their operation, so before its use is to consult a doctor. Well, if you are healthy and do not take any medicine, a few slices of grapefruit can eat for half an hour before meals, clearing them from the film (this will remove the bitterness).

 Power slimming | What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol

Pineapple weight loss

Despite the assertion of some producers of dietary supplements that are actively pineapple burns fat, it is not. Pineapple really contributes to weight loss, but not at the expense of fat burning, and due to the active assimilation of proteins. The pineapple Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit  Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit
   It contains bromelain - an enzyme complex that accelerates the decomposition (and hence the uptake) proteins. Furthermore, pineapple contains vitamins C, group B, carotene and numerous micronutrients. Pineapple reduces blood viscosity, which makes it useful for varicose veins, for the prevention of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, as well as hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Thus pineapple - calorie product, 100 g of the fruit contains less than 50 kcal. Pineapple is best taken before a meal, then it will contribute to a more rapid saturation of the receiving protein.

 Power slimming | What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol

What does the traditional medicine

To reduce the weight of traditional medicine offers:

  • nettles - it contains a lot of biologically active substances that contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes; better use of young nettle leaves, splash of their pre-boiled water; daily salad nettle will promote weight loss;
  • whey - if you drink a glass of whey before a meal, it reduces appetite and activates metabolic processes, and therefore contributes to weight loss;
  • natural apple cider vinegar - mix a tablespoon of vinegar in half a glass of boiled water, add a teaspoon of honey, drink half an hour before the morning meal.

Eat with pleasure - it will also contribute to weight loss.
