Chewing gum for weight loss - how effective method?

November 9, 2014

  • Chewing gum for weight loss - how effective method?
  • Dangers

 chewing gum for weight loss
 Chewing gum, certainly has its flaws, but it can also be very useful for people. It not only freshens breath and helps to overcome the cravings have quit smoking (we are not talking only about the chewing gum containing nicotine - some smokers to help ordinary chewing gum), to some extent, improves memory, and even chewing gum is used for weight loss.

Gum is used by many participants in the popular television show The Biggest Loser (it involves people who are overweight and obese who lose weight under the supervision of specialists and in front of millions of viewers). Studies show that chewing gum helps to better control hunger and cravings for sweets, and thus helps to reduce weight. However, do not think that a few pads of gum a day can help you postroynet in a matter of weeks or even months.



The results of several studies suggest that chewing gum can help a person lose weight, but by itself it does not lead to significant weight loss. To get rid of the extra kilos, will not only be reserved cud, but consume fewer calories and regular visits to the gym.

Besides, it is necessary to choose the cud. For losing weight is best suited sugarless gum, in one plate or pad which typically contains less than five calories. The manuals of some popular diet chewing gum is included in the list of products that can be used with virtually no restrictions. Many experts, at the same time warned against the abuse of chewing gum as it may lead to undesirable consequences for health, which will be discussed below. Be that as it may, the gum is often used for weight loss and this is the right approach, it brings good results.


Losing weight with the help of gum - scientific data and advice for losing weight

Members of one of the recent studies on the various methods for weight loss, regularly chew gum, ate lunch, an average of 68 kcal less than subjects who did without gum. Thus, importantly, they are not compensated for the forgone calories during the later meals. Feedback from the participants themselves, chewing gum helped them to cope better with the desire to eat too much. Moreover, these subjects burned an average of five per cent more calories than those who did not use chewing gum. Perhaps this is due not only to the ability of chewing gum suppress appetite, but also the fact that it can stimulate digestion.

According to the results of another study, it was observed that chewing gum helps control appetite, and people who chew it regularly consumed per day for forty calories less than the others.

So how do you lose weight with the help of chewing gum? It depends on how many kilos you want to lose and how quickly you need to lose weight. With only one gum you can consume about 50 calories a day less than usual. If you make a few small changes in your lifestyle - for example, begin to drink milk with a fat content of 1% instead of 2%, and up the stairs instead of the elevator, you will create a deficit of about 100 calories a day, which will allow you to lose weight two or three kilograms per year. If this is not enough, make additional changes: Train from three to four hours a week, replace the fried dishes steamed or baked, remove visible fat from meat, instead of cookies or pastries, use as snacking fruit or nuts, and so on.

Chew gum when you have a burning desire to eat something nutritious, especially - in the afternoon. Always keep the package of gum with you - at work, at home, in the car, while shopping, and so on. Get yourself a rule: if you are very hungry, or you just longed for something sweet or fatty, two or three minutes chew the cud, and only then proceed to eat. Chances are that after chewing gum you choose lower-calorie foods and do not allow yourself to overeat.

You can make one more rule: begin to chew gum when you eat as much as you (not as desirable). This will help you avoid overeating automatic, which often happens when a person is watching TV or reading a book while eating. In addition, it is necessary to chew gum while cooking - it helps many women cope with the temptation to try everything a little bit: these "tasting" often lead to the fact that calorie daily diet once again goes beyond the norm.

Such measures will not help you lose weight very quickly, but the process of losing weight does not become an intolerable challenge to your will. At the same time, chewing gum should not be abused, and below we will tell you why.

Compulsive Overeating: what is there to eat again and again?

November 13, 2011

 Compulsive overeating
 Compulsive or binge eating - eating disorder, which affects millions of people worldwide, especially in developed countries. As is the case with other eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia), people suffering from compulsive overeating, low self-esteem are different; they feel that they can not control what is happening, often feel helpless. At least half the people with this disorder feel overwhelmed and depressed. They note that overeating often accompanied by mood swings, especially when they are experiencing irritation, anger, sadness, anxiety, frustration, stress or worry How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis

Psychologists and doctors say that many people with binge eating disorder combines their behavior and expression of emotions, including alcohol abuse, impulsivity and inability to take responsibility for themselves and for their actions. From Bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by the fact that it is not followed during the cleaning. Because of this, people suffering from compulsive overeating, often gaining weight or obese.

Compulsive overeating is more common for women than for men. The ratio is as follows: 3 women and 2 men. From this disorder can suffer all races.

People suffering from obesity and have the disorder, often gaining weight at a young age, as opposed to those who do not have this disorder. They can stick to the diet for a while and lose weight quickly, and then at the same speed to gain weight again.

 Compulsive Overeating: what is there to eat again and again?


The exact causes of binge eating disorder are still unknown, and scientists are only beginning to understand the consequences of the disorder and the factors influencing its development. As with other food disorders, it is assumed that binge eating disorder is the result of a combination of psychological, biological factors, and environmental factors.

Binge eating disorder associated with other mental health disorders. Nearly half of all people suffering from binge eating disorder, suffered or are suffering from depression, but the exact nature of this relationship is unclear. Many people say that anger, sadness, depression, anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   or other negative emotions can trigger an attack of compulsive overeating.

Eating disorders, including binge eating disorder, tend to the development of families, which gives reason to suspect that susceptibility to eating disorders can be inherited. The researchers also tested how brain chemicals and metabolism (the way the body burns calories) affects the development of binge eating disorder. Some scholars suggest that the genes involved in this, because the disorder often occurs in families at once.

People suffering from binge eating disorder often come from families that have adopted overeating, or who pay great attention to abnormal food; for example, using it as a means of promotion or compensation.

Certain behaviors and emotional problems are more common in people with the disorder. For example, alcohol abuse, sudden impulsive behavior, lack of responsibility, when a person does not feel part of society when a person ceases to talk about their feelings and do not notice them.

 Compulsive Overeating: what is there to eat again and again?

Signs and symptoms

Most people overeat from time to time, and many people find that they often eat more than they should. However, eating large amounts of food does not mean that a person has binge eating disorder. Most people with serious binge eating disorder have some of the following symptoms:

  • Frequent episodes of eating food in abnormally large quantities;
  • Often there is a feeling of inability to control what and how much is eaten;
  • Eating faster than usual;
  • Food intake before the discomfort of overcrowding in the stomach;
  • Eating large amounts of food even when not feel hungry;
  • Eating food alone, so as not to feel ashamed of the amount absorbed by the food;
  • Feeling disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating
  • Fluctuations in weight;
  • Low self-esteem
  • Loss of sexual desire
  • Frequent attempts at dieting.

 Compulsive Overeating: what is there to eat again and again?

Complications of compulsive overeating

As a rule, people with this disorder fall into derepression, because they understand that they are ill. Doctors say that patients with this disorder often suffer from various diseases, for example, are subject to stress, have difficulty sleeping Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Thinking about suicide and more. People suffering from compulsive overeating, low self-esteem, they are often ashamed of yourself and do not go to work, school or college.

People with this disorder often gain weight. Overweight can lead to obesity and obesity in turn leads to health problems, including:

  • diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   the second type;
  • high blood pressure;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • certain types of cancer.

Many people with this disorder are ashamed of themselves and try to hide their problems, and do it so well that even close friends can not speculate about this.

 Compulsive Overeating: what is there to eat again and again?


There are several ways to treat binge eating.

With cognitive behavioral therapy, patients learn how to control your eating habits, how to change them. During therapy, patients learn to cope with difficult situations. Also in the course of therapy a psychologist trying to improve the self-esteem of the patient.

Interpersonal therapy helps patients in a different way to look at the relationship with family members, friends, and make changes to the routine life.

Medication such as antidepressant medications may help some people with this disorder.

All these methods are equally effective. In addition, for the treatment of binge eating is also used DBT, in which patients learn how to control their emotions; surgery for weight loss; exercise as a separate form of therapy or the use of physical exercise combined with cognitive behavioral therapy.
