- How to make yourself lose weight - psychological tricks and global strategy
- Action plan
- Power Features
Probably everyone knows that a healthy weight and a slim figure
Practical tips for a slim figure
- It is not only beautiful, but also good for health. But force yourself to lose weight, overcome years been forming habits, change diet, start to exercise more?
Many people lack the motivation only on short-term efforts, but they are not sufficient to achieve significant and sustainable results. Moreover, many sincerely believe that they can lose weight quickly - even if they have accumulated a few dozen extra kilos. In fact, to get rid of the excess fat tissue and find a beautiful body (it is not the same thing - for the first goal quite a low calorie diet, the second you need to also engage in sports), you need a long, hard and thoroughly work on yourself. In most cases, it will have to forever change the way of life, and this in turn requires internal changes. Thus, we come to what many experts say - slimming begins in the head, with your motivation, attitude, attitude towards themselves, their achievements and failures.

How mentally force yourself to lose weight
Imagine yourself slim. You may come across this advice found in many books and articles about attracting success and wealth: if you want to get rich, think like a rich man. Does this advice in the case of money, is not precisely known, but psychologists say that it works fine for those who want to lose weight. Visualize the future itself - that what you will be in six months or a year: how good you'll look and feel without the extra kilos. Here you can rely on your imagination, or use old photos of the time, when you were slim. Think about what you would like to, but can not do because of their excess weight, and imagine what the future of these studies will be available to you.
It is important to motivate yourself that will be in your life, when you become slim, but not because of her leave.
For example, do not tell yourself, "I cease to look so bad," and "I will look attractive and elegant." Positive motivation in most cases effectively negative.
Consider also that in the long term, extra weight can lead to serious health problems. Losing weight will help you not only become more beautiful, but also improve their chances of staying healthy and active in old age.

Strive for achievable goals
Lose ten kilograms in one month is extremely difficult, and often it is harmful to health. It is much better and easier to lose weight, for example, one or two kilograms per month. Putting ourselves unrealistic goals, you will constantly feel the psychological pressure (even if you will not tell anyone about the purpose), and if you do not reach that very likely to negative emotions
Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
and added a sense of guilt. Negative emotions and depression often leads to failure of diets, overeating and redial dropped kilograms.
Make a list of deliverables. This is, firstly, at least partially relieve you of a completely natural fear of big goals. Secondly, it will make the process of achieving a clear - you'll see some small steps gradually lead you to the desired result. You can include in your list, for example, the following items:
- Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables every day;
- The practice of sport, at least for half an hour, at least five times a week;
- Drink alcohol only on weekends (or not use it at all);
- Eating meat or fish with a side dish of fresh vegetables instead of potatoes or rice;
- Drink at least one and a half liters of water a day.

Enlist the support of friends or family
Most people need psychological support, especially when they are on the way to a difficult goal. If you have to lose many kilos, tell us about someone from friends or relatives, and refer to them when you feel that your motivation is weakening - such moments certainly will come.
You can also contact a support group or through social networks to find people who, like you, want to lose weight and need to be like-minded. Psychologists say that the vast majority of people who can rely on someone's support, better able to cope with serious tasks than those who try to reach the goal alone.

Reward yourself
For example, for every dropped two or three kilograms of giving yourself a massage, manicure or pedicure, going to the movies, or anything else.