Water with lemon for weight loss - lose weight and improve your health
November 13, 2014
- Water with lemon for weight loss - lose weight and improve your health
- Benefits and harms
Man is always looking for ways to achieve the challenging objectives of the least complicated way. This also applies to weight loss: there are few, the majority give up sweets and a lot to do sports - it is difficult and tedious, and many seek to simplify the process of weight loss. Fortunately, there are ways for this, and many of them are simple and accessible to everyone. For example, water with lemon for weight loss - a proven tool that not only helps to lose weight, but also brings a comprehensive health benefit.

How to use water with lemon for weight loss?
There are several ways to lose weight with citric water. Firstly, it is possible simply to drink water
How to drink water to lose weight
lemon (preferably warm) before every meal. This will reduce your appetite and you will eat less than usual. We often hear that to lose weight also helps water with lemon at night, but if you eat three to four hours before going to bed, it is better not to drink it before going to bed
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. Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach can lead to problems with the digestive system, so it is better to drink it or immediately before a meal, or with food.
However, if you do not restrict your diet, losing weight with the help of this you will lose weight very slowly.
Second, you can select one of the lemon diet - most of them are included drinks from the water and lemon. We will tell you about one of these diets - it is very effective, not too stiff, and allows you to lose weight without risk to health.
Diet begins with detoxification, which lasts for 24 hours. On this day, you can drink lemon water, plain water, and eat only fruits, vegetables, organic yogurt, and nuts and seeds without salt.
Cooking water with lemon is simple: mix one or two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice with a cup of warm or hot water. You can just prepare a couple of liters of lemon water and drink it cold, but hot water quickly causes a feeling of satiety.
Over the next seven days, you need to stick to a low calorie diet and daily nutrition plan to introduce a new principle.

Some of the following is recommended to follow the principles and after the diet.
- Day 1: Today and in the coming days in the morning, drink a glass of warm water with lemon, and throughout the day, drink six to eight glasses of pure water. This will help you improve the performance of the digestive system.
- Day 2. Eat five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day. So you dramatically increase your intake of vitamin C, which, according to many experts, is the most beneficial vitamins for the metabolism.
- Day 3. Add the lemon juice and grated lemon zest to salads with other dishes. This will help prevent a sharp rise in insulin levels
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after meal. Try to eat at regular intervals and avoid long breaks between meals.
- Day 4. Avoid high-calorie pastries and other sweets, as well as semi-finished products.
- Day 5. Learn how to plan your diet so that 20-25% of calories from fat you have received. Remember that most of the fat that you consume should refer to unsaturated fats. They are found in nuts, seeds, fish, vegetable oils. As for saturated and trans fat, the less you eat them, the better.
- Day 6. Eat more servings of foods containing complex carbohydrates. These include a variety of grains, legumes, dried fruits and, of course, fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Day 7: Begin to develop the habit of proper nutrition
Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
: Chew each piece of no less than twenty times, eat sitting (when you eat standing or on the move, it is likely, almost do not pay attention to that put in your mouth, and can easily overeat), do not eat in front of TV or computer, Try not to eat when you are very excited or upset.
How to lose weight in the face - the right technique
March 15, 2009
The first thing we notice when meeting a man - this is his face. If you have extra kilos chubby cheeks can quickly turn into a disadvantage, and whereas there is a need to remove the fatty deposits formed in the face. There is no way to get rid of only the fat deposited in the face - to face thinner, it is necessary that the whole body became more slender.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day
If the body is not getting enough fluids, he begins to save - because this is not only the face but also the arms and legs may look bulkier than usual. Drink water, tea and coffee without sugar. Juices and a variety of carbonated soft drinks contain calories, so their intake should be kept to a minimum.

Eat at least three servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit each day
They contain not only the body needs vitamins and minerals, and fiber needed for proper digestion. Replace high-calorie snacks of fruit vegetables, and soon notice that the person began to take less than a round shape.

Avoid alcohol
Any alcohol causes dehydration, which may lead to swelling of the face. In addition, alcoholic beverages high in calories, and as a result of their frequent use on the face, especially under the skin of the cheeks, may be deposited excess fat.

Eat more calcium
Studies have shown that the use of at least 1200 mg of calcium per day leads to burning more fat. In addition, women who receive large amounts of calcium, to a lesser extent suffer from various symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Eat 250 calories less per day and burn 250 calories every day
Thus obtaining, by 500 calories a day less than usual, you can lose weight by approximately 0.5 kg per month - at the same time the body will lose weight and face.
To cut calories, replace some of your favorite high-calorie snacks to low-calorie - for example, eat fruit instead of biscuits and cookies. And to burn 250 calories, you need at least a half-hour workout at the gym or at home.

Limit your salt intake
Salt, in particular, contained therein sodium, weight loss slows. Be careful with products such as soy sauce, canned tuna and salmon, potato chips and other salty snacks - they contain a lot of salt.

Strength training
Strength training is like no other, promote the growth of muscle tissue, which continues to burn calories even when the body is at rest. Through this exercise the muscles of the entire body, including the muscles of the face will be in good shape - and you're losing weight, you see in the mirror sagging cheeks.