Spices - a delicious way to lose weight - How to use herbs and spices for weight loss

October 7, 2007

  • Spices - delicious slimming
  • What to eat
  • Indian Spices for weight loss
  • How to lose weight with the help of cayenne pepper
  • As the spices help to lose weight
  • Spices for weight loss
  • How to use herbs and spices for weight loss

How to use herbs and spices for weight loss

Herbs and spices give the dish flavor, which will inevitably start to flow salivating. They also have the ability to speed up metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Whereby you will quickly lose those extra kilos. For example, mustard is very effective in stimulating the metabolism, and basil and sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   so good and strong smell that you begin to feel satiety faster than usual - and therefore your body gets fewer calories.

 How to use herbs and spices for weight loss | spices - delicious slimming

Add spices to dishes

Do not limit yourself to the usual spices such as salt and black pepper. Cayenne pepper, turmeric Turmeric: the benefits and harms of the Indian saffron  Turmeric: the benefits and harms of the Indian saffron
 , Fennel, ginger Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties  Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
 , Cumin and thyme make your meals more interesting.

Cayenne pepper is perfect for Mexican food and meat, but must be handled with caution: even if you love spicy food, your family, it may not like it. Cayenne pepper increases metabolic rate, thereby rapidly in the body break down fats. If the sharpness you do not like, take it in capsules.

Cinnamon - a great tool for improving blood circulation and metabolism. Incidentally, it is not only suitable for sweets; try to add it to the meat dishes - the result will delight you. Many herbs contain many important nutrients. For example, a combination of sage, basil and rosemary give your dish is not only an amazing flavor, but also provide you with just a lot of important vitamins. Flax seeds will give the dish an interesting taste; they can be there for a reason. They help to cope with the feeling of hunger, improves digestion and is a mild natural laxative.

 How to use herbs and spices for weight loss | spices - delicious slimming

Drink tea with herbs and spices

Tea and herbs and spices (or both) will invigorate the morning better than coffee. Of course, coffee - the same plant, but it is useful not for everyone, but in large quantities for almost all harmful, so it is necessary to drink it in moderation, but better to switch completely to the grass.

Green tea - a popular means to speed up metabolism. It is not as effective as cayenne pepper, the less thanks to his active body burns fat and reduces appetite, which of course is good for losing weight.

 How to use herbs and spices for weight loss | spices - delicious slimming

Nutritional supplements

Many familiar to us the herbs and spices are members of various food additives. One of the most effective fat burning supplements are considered alfalfa, gerbils and burdock root. Although many herbs can be easily combined in the diet, to the combination of food additives should be treated with caution. It's best to buy a supplement, of which already include several plants. If you do buy them separately, pre ask your doctor or pharmacist if you can take them together, and if so, in what proportion. Problems with a combination of herbs are rare, but they happen. And if you are taking any medication, be sure to ask your doctor about whether they are compatible with herbs.

It is important to remember that some doctors are generally very skeptical about the herbs and believe only in traditional medicine. If your doctor is a talk about the use of herbs with other professionals - among the most humane profession are many who are willing to advise you on this issue.

Article Tags:
  • Weight loss

Products that stimulate the metabolism, from beans to nuts - For metabolism

May 4, 2013

  • Products that stimulate the metabolism, from beans to nuts
  • For metabolism
  • Burning fat

 products for stimulating metabolism

Products to stimulate the metabolism

Calories - it is calories, and reduce their number in your diet - the best way to lose weight, right? Not really. Studies show that eating certain foods can speed up metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Weaken the appetite and help lose weight faster than other products of the same caloric content. Correctly made diet can allow you to burn up to 30% more than conventional diets. Which products should be included in your diet to speed up metabolism?

 For metabolism | Products stimulate the metabolism, from beans to nuts

Products requiring intensive chewing

These products include lean meats, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. Such food makes you hard "work" of its processing from the moment it hits your mouth. They have to be long enough to chew before swallowing, so they can reduce the amount of food consumed: the brain has time to signal the saturation before you have time to eat too much. In addition, such products longest digested in the stomach and intestines, and their digestion requires more energy.

 For metabolism | Products stimulate the metabolism, from beans to nuts

Nourishing products

Fruits, vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat bread and a variety of cereal products known as hearty as they take up more space in the stomach (compared to eating the same calorie content), and contribute to the rapid emergence of satiety. To keep up with them as long fiber is processed in the body, thereby increasing the consumption of calories.

 For metabolism | Products stimulate the metabolism, from beans to nuts

Invigorating products

Coffee, black and green tea, dark chocolate - a product that is used when we need energy boost. Caffeine - a powerful central nervous system stimulant, so its daily consumption of 5-8% can speed up the metabolism (this means an increase in calorie consumption by about 80-128 kcal). The coffee and black tea contain especially a lot of caffeine. Green tea it is much less, but it contains catechins - antioxidants that increase metabolic rate at rest by 4% (about 80 extra calories a day). In dark chocolate there is composed and caffeine, and catechins, but because of its high caloric content should not eat more than 30 g per day of treats.

 For metabolism | Products stimulate the metabolism, from beans to nuts

Warming Products

These include pepper, cinnamon, ginger Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties  Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
 Garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Clove Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy  Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy
 , Mustard, vinegar. To activate the metabolic processes after each meal, you need to "succumb to the heat." Studies have shown that people who took the capsaicin - a substance that imparts pepper his burning taste - a few hours after eating the energy consumption doubled. Even in the less pungent pepper varieties have chemical compounds that can increase energy consumption by about 100 calories a day, tying the nerve receptors, and sending signals to the brain, resulting in the burning of fat begins.

Plan your diet so that your daily diet consisted mainly of hearty and chewy products. In addition, at least once a day to eat something warming and invigorating. Consume no more than 1,500 calories a day and you can lose up to 6-7 kg in just four weeks.
