Thrush in pregnancy: it is necessary to consult a doctor

April 17, 2012

 Thrush in pregnancy
 Fungal infections and in particular, yeast - very common during pregnancy, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. A characteristic feature of thrush during pregnancy - heavy vaginal discharge with milky curd consistency. Although thrush has no significant negative effect on pregnancy and do not cause complications during pregnancy, the unpleasant symptoms of fungal infection can cause considerable discomfort. During pregnancy, the harder to cure yeast infection, so the detection of the first symptoms of the disease should begin treatment as soon as possible.

 Thrush in pregnancy: it is necessary to consult a doctor

Thrush in pregnancy women

Thrush or vaginal candidiasis - a fungal infection caused by a violation of the acidity of the vaginal environment and, consequently, an increase in the activity of fungal microorganisms. Although thrush causes distinct symptoms alone to diagnose and even more, to treat fungal infection should not be - it is possible that the symptoms may be indicative of some other violation.

Cause thrush in pregnancy may be the following factors:

  • Hormonal changes caused by pregnancy
  • Antibiotics, steroids, hormonal drugs that violate the microflora
  • High blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 For example, in diabetes (Sugar - main source of energy for fungal microorganisms)
  • Syringing

The main cause of the unpleasant symptoms of thrush during pregnancy - changes in hormone levels. A woman's body during pregnancy goes through a lot of changes, some of which may provoke a breach of the vaginal flora. Result - imbalance useful and harmful microorganisms and, as a consequence, vaginal infection (including yeast).

 Thrush in pregnancy: it is necessary to consult a doctor


The key symptoms of thrush, which often occur during pregnancy include:

  • White, cheesy consistency of vaginal discharge with a sharp "yeasty" odor
  • Greenish or yellowish discharge cheesy consistency
  • Heavy vaginal discharge
  • Redness, itching, or irritation of the vulva
  • Burning sensation when urinating or during sexual intercourse

Keep in mind that similar symptoms may be accompanied by any diseases, sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis) or bacterial vaginosis - another kind of vaginal infections. Therefore attempt to diagnose it is impossible - with symptoms be sure to consult a gynecologist. To diagnose thrush Diagnosis thrush - volume survey for diagnosis  Diagnosis thrush - volume survey for diagnosis
   use special assays - e.g., vaginal smear from subsequently examining samples of cells under a microscope.

 Thrush in pregnancy: it is necessary to consult a doctor


Under normal circumstances, thrush is treated very simply - a single dose of Diflucan, quickly relieves symptoms of vaginal yeast infections. However, during pregnancy in the treatment of thrush becomes a significant problem, because preparations for oral administration to pregnant women taking is not recommended. The main method of treatment of thrush during pregnancy - vaginal creams and suppositories, the duration of treatment can reach ten to fourteen days. Treat thrush should immediately after detecting signs of infection - although itself thrush in pregnancy is not very dangerous, a fungal infection can be passed from mother to child (thrush in the mouth).

After the suppression of the symptoms of thrush is very important to observe a number of preventive measures to prevent the return of a fungal infection, including:

  • Wear loose, not tight clothes and underwear made of natural fabrics such as cotton
  • After using the toilet always use toilet paper
  • Carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, take a shower immediately after a visit to the pool or the gym, take a damp, with traces of sweat clothes as quickly as possible
  • Reject the irrigation and the use of sprays, gels, other means for intimate hygiene with a flavoring or coloring agents
  • Eat more yogurt - live cultures in yogurt help restore the microflora
  • Limit the use of sugar - the main source of energy for fungal microorganisms
  • More rest to the body enough energy to fight infections

 Thrush in pregnancy: it is necessary to consult a doctor

When to see a doctor?

The answer to this question is simple - just as soon as you discover any unusual symptoms, whether it is too heavy, discolored vaginal discharge, itching or redness of the vulva. These symptoms may be indicative not only of the thrush, quite harmless during pregnancy disease, but the disease is much more dangerous for a pregnant woman and her baby. Early diagnosis and treatment will help prevent any potential complications that can provoke such diseases.

Also, contact to the gynecologist necessary in those cases where the treatment of thrush Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus  Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus
   during pregnancy does not contribute to the disappearance of symptoms for three days, or when the symptoms of vaginal infection How to avoid vaginal infection  How to avoid vaginal infection
   compounded over time.

Article Tags:
  • thrush and pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy - deadly - Causes

March 12, 2007

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 ectopic pregnancy causes


Eggs mature in the ovaries, fertilized by sperm in one of the fallopian tubes. Uterine (fallopian) tube - length tubular bodies of about ten centimeters, a cavity which cover millions "of cilia." During normal pregnancy the "cilia" push fertilized egg by the fallopian tube into the uterus where the egg attaches to the lining of the uterus and develops gradually. If the fallopian tube is damaged (for example, there is complete blockage or narrowing of the pipe), the egg is not moving in the uterus and implantation occurs in the cavity of the pipe, which becomes the cause of ectopic pregnancies.


Decided to allocate a number of factors that increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. On the occurrence of complications during pregnancy may affect:

  • Previous ectopic pregnancy
  • Mature age (thirty-five)
  • Inflammation or infection. In many cases, ectopic pregnancies observed inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis) or an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries (inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs). In addition, increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy can endometriosis - a disease in which cells of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) grow beyond this layer.
  • Preparations for the treatment of infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
 . Drugs that stimulate ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (maturation of eggs in the ovaries) may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Structural problems. The chances of an ectopic pregnancy higher in congenital or acquired deformities of the fallopian tubes, including those caused by the surgery, leaving scars.
  • Contraception. With a very small chance of pregnancy can occur at fixed intrauterine device - such ectopic pregnancy is automatically considered.
  • In vitro fertilization - in vitro fertilization by sperm in the laboratory and subsequent surgical implantation in her uterus.

In some cases, the causes of ectopic pregnancy remain unclear. Prevent complications in pregnancy impossible, but exclude the impact of certain risk factors are quite capable of every woman. The first time you need to diagnose and treat any inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Such diseases can damage the fallopian tubes, thereby increasing the chance of an ectopic pregnancy. Normally, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are the result of infections, sexually transmitted infections - such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.


What causes an ectopic pregnancy?

One of the most common causes of ectopic pregnancy - a condition caused complete occlusion or blockage of the fertilized egg down the fallopian tube to the uterus. This may be caused by physical obstruction of the fallopian tube, and a host of other factors - the influence of hormones to smoking. The most common causes of this condition are considered past ectopic pregnancy, previous infection of the fallopian tubes Fallopian tubes: an important part of the reproductive system  Fallopian tubes: an important part of the reproductive system
   and a surgical operation to the fallopian tubes.

Another common cause of ectopic pregnancy - an inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis) or inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Inflammatory processes cause ectopic pregnancy in fifty percent of all cases of complicated pregnancy.

In addition, a group of the most common causes of ectopic pregnancy comprises:

  • birth defects of the fallopian tubes
  • complications associated with rupture of the appendix cecum (appendicitis)
  • endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
  • scars formed after surgical operations on the pelvic organs

In some cases, ectopic pregnancies can occur after a tubal sterilization - surgical blocking of tubal patency. Ectopic pregnancy is more likely after two or more years after such procedures. During the first twelve months after tubal sterilization chance of an ectopic pregnancy is only six percent, but after two or three years in most cases there is conception, ectopic pregnancy.
