Pain in early pregnancy: what they may be

January 26, 2012

 pain early pregnancy
 Pregnant women are very insecure and with extreme caution look after their health. On the one hand this is good because it allows time to diagnose any breach of pregnancy and prescribe treatment. To one of the most common complaints of women are different pain that occurs early in pregnancy. Pain during pregnancy are of different nature and origin are not always an indicator of the pathological process. Do not panic and frightened when a pain in early pregnancy, since most pain are caused by hormonal changes in the body.

 Pain in early pregnancy: what they may be

Physiological pain in early pregnancy

  • Implantation pain

Pain occurring during implantation (introduction of the egg in the uterine lining) of a fertilized egg, are not uncommon. This is due to the melting of some mucosal site of implantation to better attachment of the ovum. Sometimes the pain accompanied by spotting. Implantation weak pain, aching or tingling, are located in the abdomen, there are seven to ten days after ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and conception and are on their own within a few days.

  • Pain in the lower back and / or sacrum

First of all the origin of back pain due to the effect of pregnancy hormone - progesterone, which causes a softening of the uterus and ligamentous apparatus of the spine and spinal discs. In addition, during pregnancy shifts the center of gravity that also exacerbates pain. Contributing factors of pain in the lumbar and sacral region are: low back pain Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
 , Curvature of the spine, the lumbar muscle weakness, exercise (Prolonged standing or sitting, work related to the slopes, carrying heavy loads).

  • Pain in the right or the left iliac region

Pain in the lower abdomen side may arise during the period of the egg by the fallopian tube or the formation of a functional corpus luteum cyst Corpus luteum cyst - when hormonal changes  Corpus luteum cyst - when hormonal changes
   (from ovulated follicle). Such pains are usually not dangerous and disappear spontaneously, and the cyst resolves with the progression of pregnancy. Pain occurring during the transport of the egg down the fallopian tube, often associated with the presence of chronic adnexitis or sexual infantilism, when the passage of the pipe is very narrow, and the pipe itself is thin and convoluted.

  • Headache

In early pregnancy often have headaches and dizziness. This refers to one of the early signs of pregnancy. Headaches associated with a change (increase) the volume of the vascular bed, as well as the relaxing effect of progesterone.

  • Breast pain

Bloating, severe breast tenderness, especially nipples, are also the first signs of pregnancy. After conception, the body increases the synthesis of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   and estrogen, which influences the sensitivity of the mammary glands. In addition, since the mammary glands of early start to prepare for the birth and breastfeeding, resulting in these structural changes (growth of glandular tissue).

 Pain in early pregnancy: what they may be

Pathological pain in early pregnancy

  • Miscarriage

Spontaneous abortion is one of the most common causes of pain and abortion. Miscarriage takes place in several stages: threatened abortion, which began abortion, abortion in progress, incomplete and complete abortion. With the threat of termination of pregnancy there is a constant pulling or aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, which if left untreated increase. Basal temperature drop (below 37 degrees), a pregnancy test may be negative (due to decreased production of human chorionic gonadotropin). If the abortion has begun appearing spotting from the genital tract, in the course of an abortion is accompanied by cramping pain, heavy bleeding, the disclosure of the cervical canal.

  • Urinary tract infection

Under the influence of progesterone during pregnancy, there are some changes in urination (it becomes more frequent due to relaxation of the muscles of the urethra). Violation of hygiene and inflammation of the vagina leading to infection of the urethra and bladder. There are pain when urinating, and in the case of further climbing infection in the pathological process involved the kidneys, which is accompanied by pain in the lower back.

  • Appendicitis

Appendicitis often occurs early in pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes in the body and weakening the immune system. The pain of appendicitis are localized in the right iliac region, accompanied by fever and symptoms of intoxication (nausea, vomiting).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy and cold on the lips: how to avoid it

March 16, 2012

 pregnancy and cold on the lips
 Cold on the lips - small inflammation on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, red, painful and itchy. The common cold on the lips disappear on their own and lasts from several days to two weeks.

The first symptom of a cold on the lips, the appearance of which is the herpes simplex virus or herpes simplex virus - fever, sore throat, swollen glands. In a few days appear characteristic inflamed lesions on the lips, cracks, then covered with a crust of dried up and finally disappear after a few days.

The common cold on the lips disappears on its own within a few days after the appearance and does not require treatment. However, if a cold on the lips causes discomfort, pain, it can be cured - by means of special medicinal ointments for herpes Ointment for herpes - a wide range of funds  Ointment for herpes - a wide range of funds
 And, in some cases, and tablets. Medications help to accelerate the healing process of inflammation of one or two days and suppress associated with the emergence of cold on the lips of the unpleasant symptoms. Herpes simplex virus, provoking the emergence of cold on the lips, can not be cured - after infection with the virus is present in the human body continuously. However, a cold on the lips during pregnancy does not threaten the health of the child.

The virus that causes the appearance of a cold on the lips - a very common phenomenon, with him facing the majority of people before reaching adulthood, and only twenty to thirty percent of the herpes simplex virus infection leads to the regular occurrence of cold on the lips. After infection, the virus is in an inactive state, and the activity of the virus can provoke a variety of factors - from the effects of ultraviolet to stress. Pregnancy itself with its hormonal changes can also cause viral activity. "Activation" of the virus leads to the appearance of cold on the lips.

 Pregnancy and cold on the lips: how to avoid it

How to prevent a cold on the lips during pregnancy?

To avoid infection with herpes simplex virus that causes the common cold on the lips, it is possible, following a few simple rules:

  • Avoid contact with people who contracted the virus - herpes simplex virus is transmitted through bodily fluids, so you can not use the same crockery, cutlery and other items
  • Once infected with herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   guaranteed way to prevent the occurrence of cold on the lips does not exist - but to reduce the risk of cold on the lips, you can, avoiding all the factors that can trigger the activity of the virus. For example, since the appearance of cold on the lips can cause exposure to UV light, it is necessary to regularly use sunscreen cosmetics and lip balms
  • When the cold on the lips do not forget to wash your hands as often as possible and try not to touch the inflamed area - this will prevent the further spread of the virus

 Pregnancy and cold on the lips: how to avoid it

Treatment of cold on the lips during pregnancy

Any medications that could immediately get rid of cold on the lips or prevent its occurrence does not exist. During pregnancy, it is best to treat a cold on the lips How to treat a cold on the lips - to get rid of herpes  How to treat a cold on the lips - to get rid of herpes
   using medicinal ointments - they accelerate the healing process and relieve inflamed areas of pain and itching. The best way to treat a cold on the lips during pregnancy to use ointment or cream, which include the active ingredient acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
   - An antiviral agent. Permission to take during pregnancy and acyclovir in preparations for oral administration, but often with the task of suppressing the symptoms of cold on the lips do well and ointments for external application.

Article Tags:
  • a cold during pregnancy
