Lupus and Pregnancy: how to act correctly

March 3, 2012

 Lupus and Pregnancy
 Lupus does not reduce a woman's chances of getting pregnant. Less than 50% of pregnancies in women with lupus have complications, but in lupus pregnancy have a high degree of risk. Lupus can complicate pregnancy, increasing the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and late toxicosis pregnant women and can cause problems with a child's heart. If you're going to get pregnant and lupus, consider these tips to secure a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby.

 Lupus and Pregnancy: how to act correctly

Before you become pregnant:

  • Assemble your team of doctors

Before becoming pregnant, women with lupus should see a rheumatologist, a doctor who specializes in diseases such as lupus, perinatology or an obstetrician who specializes in high-risk cases, as well as pediatric cardiologist.

Earlier consultation allows women suffering from lupus to discuss their health status with your doctor to determine the potential risk for lupus. Not all women are the same, so it's important to know exactly what it means to your disease to your pregnancy.

Some pregnancy may require early treatment. This will help prevent the risk of complications, and such treatment should begin in the first few weeks of pregnancy for best results. The risk of complications increases if you have worsening lupus, so it is important to contact your doctor.

  • Identify at risk of complications during pregnancy

Each case is different disease lupus. This disease does not increase the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester. But women with this disease are at risk of miscarriages at a later date and even the risk of stillbirth due to the effects of antiphospholipid and anticardiolipin antibodies. About 33% of women with lupus have these antibodies, which increase the risk of blood clots. Your doctor may advise you to pass a special blood test Blood tests: a mirror of health  Blood tests: a mirror of health
 To verify the presence of such antibodies.

Placental blood clots could endanger your child's nutrition and oxygen supply, as well as slow down its development. If you have an increased risk of blood clots, your doctor may prescribe blood thinners such as aspirin slabodozirovanny Aspirin - NSAIDs  Aspirin - NSAIDs
   or heparin. You will also need to be tested for the presence of antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
 Which represent an increased risk of congenital heart block in children.

Affected lupus kidney or lungs increase the chance of complications during pregnancy. Pregnancy tends to increase the load on the damaged organs. This can cause irreparable and irreversible damage to the kidneys.

  • Change your medications for the treatment of lupus to protect pregnancy

Your doctor can help you plan the treatment, safe for your baby. Gidroksihlorin and prednisone are considered safe for pregnancy. Methotrexate and cyclophosphamide can not be used during pregnancy and should be canceled at least one month prior to a possible pregnancy. Ask your doctor to weigh the pros and cons of your medications.

* Plan your pregnancy. Planning a pregnancy is not always easy. But you have to decide on pregnancy only after a thorough medical examination. You also have to plan pregnancy during remission or reduction of disease activity. You will have a lot less complications if your disease is not active.

 Lupus and Pregnancy: how to act correctly

If you are already pregnant:

  • Visit your doctor frequently

Frequent visits to the doctor can help detect diseases, to monitor the development of the child and bring you peace. About 25% of pregnancies in lupus can end premature birth. A 20-30% of female patients will have late toxicosis of pregnancy. This sudden increase in pressure and the presence of protein in urine The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated  The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
 Which leads to internal body tissue edema. Late toxemia (preeclampsia) often requires emergency treatment, and can be cured only after the birth of a child, so you need to frequently visit their doctor. Your doctor may also monitor the growth of a child with a sonogram or ultrasound, are harmless to you and your child.

  • Watch out for the aggravation of the disease

Recent studies show that the worsening of lupus during pregnancy are extremely rare. In fact, many women have improved their status during pregnancy. If you become pregnant after six months of remission, you're unlikely to experience a worsening of the disease, than if pregnant during an active period of the disease. Symptoms of acute illness may be the same as during pregnancy, so it is important to determine, together with the doctor started you have exacerbation or is it just the usual signs of pregnancy. Both are marked by swelling of the joints and accumulation of fluid, a rash on the face and changes in condition of the hair.

  • Try to reduce fatigue

Pregnancy can be a difficult process for the woman's body, and lupus may add problems during pregnancy. Good holiday in this period is very important for you. Women with lupus do not have to dial an extra unnecessary weight during pregnancy, and must adhere to a healthy and balanced diet. Be prepared to make changes in your activities and daily life, if you feel tired or you will have something to hurt.

  • Prepare for the possibility of premature birth

About 50% of pregnancies in women with lupus, end premature birth due to complications arising from the disease under the influence. Select a hospital specializing in the care of young children and offering neonatal intensive care, by some chance your baby will be born prematurely or will have health problems. Although prematurity pose a risk to infants, most of the problems can be successfully overcome in the hospital, which specializes in the care of newborns.

Article Tags:
  • lupus

Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy - an impossible combination

November 1st, 2012

 endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy
 Endometrial hyperplasia - a disease that develops when hormonal disorders, pregnancy at the same time can not occur. But this disease can be cured completely, and then to conceive and bear a healthy child. That's just be careful about your body and in time to see a doctor, or for a long period of hormonal imbalance in the womb can lead to cancer.

 Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy - an impossible combination

What happens in the body when endometrial hyperplasia

In this disease, the egg leaves the ovary does not, then there is no ovulation occurs and pregnancy is impossible. This happens due to the fact that under the influence of various factors disrupted hormonal support of the menstrual cycle. Maybe two versions of events: persistent follicle and follicle atresia. And he and the other options lead to the impossibility of pregnancy, that is, to infertility.

But the risk of endometrial hyperplasia Hyperplasia endometrial cancer - requires timely detection and treatment  Hyperplasia endometrial cancer - requires timely detection and treatment
   ends. If the disease last for several years, there is a threat of degeneration of hyperplastic processes in cancer. And since all of the tumor during pregnancy grow at an accelerated rate, a pregnant woman is absolutely contraindicated.

 Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy - an impossible combination

Persistent follicle - too much estrogen

When this option produces a sufficient amount of estrogen and follicle in the ovary matures in time. But the body produces no or insufficient pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH), and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Providing hormonal support the second phase of the menstrual cycle. And since it is under the influence of LH egg is released from the follicle, the first phase of the menstrual cycle is long, the follicle while constantly producing estrogen. Such long-term existence of the follicle is called persistence. Inability to ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   It leads to infertility.

Infertility is also being developed, and because of changes that occur in the uterus. Under the influence of estrogen in the uterus grows mucosa. But a proliferation of small tissue for introduction into the uterine wall of the embryo. Need complete the second phase of the mucous membrane - secretory, which occurs under the action of progesterone.

Progesterone inhibits proliferation and stimulates secretion. In the absence of progesterone the mucous membrane grows and then, when the amount of estrogen decreases, rejected. The exclusion of such a large mucous membrane leads to significant bleeding. Typically, rejection mucosa rarely occurs once, it usually occurs rejection portions that support prolonged bleeding. In the mucous membrane of the uterus, which has not yet begun to secrete, the embryo can not penetrate.

 Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy - an impossible combination

Atresia of the follicle - the impossibility of oocyte maturation

When the egg follicle atresia is not mature, and as such remains in the ovary. It lasts a long time, so for a long time a little follicles produce estrogen. When estrogen is stopped stand, begins rejection mucosa, it happens in waves, plots, resulting in prolonged bleeding.

The mucosa of the uterine cavity while also not adapted for implantation embryo, as there was no second secretory phase of its development.

Atresia of the follicle is often found in adolescents, resulting in prolonged bleeding, sometimes even life-threatening, and the development of iron deficiency anemia. If this is not the time to treat, and the problem will go into adulthood, will develop infertility.

 Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy - an impossible combination

Can I become pregnant while endometrial hyperplasia

If there is a problem, it is impossible to get pregnant for two reasons: the egg leaves the ovary does not (do not ovulate), and the mucous membrane of the uterus is not suited for the development of the embryo.

So what do you do if a woman wants a baby? Examined and treated. In most cases, this condition is quite restore is. But first you need to conduct a full examination and determine the cause of the disease. This could be because, for example, long-existing invisible infectious inflammation of female genital organs, chronic stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Intoxication (eg, smoking, alcohol), endocrine disease (eg, diabetes). All this can lead to malfunction of the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary. The reasons are many, they need to identify, if necessary, treat, or simply eliminated, and then spend the restorative treatment. If the process is not running and there is no suspicion of degeneration of the endometrium, such a woman could conceive after treatment, carry and give birth to a child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • diseases of the uterus
