Endometrial hyperplasia - a disease that develops when hormonal disorders, pregnancy at the same time can not occur. But this disease can be cured completely, and then to conceive and bear a healthy child. That's just be careful about your body and in time to see a doctor, or for a long period of hormonal imbalance in the womb can lead to cancer.
What happens in the body when endometrial hyperplasia
In this disease, the egg leaves the ovary does not, then there is no ovulation occurs and pregnancy is impossible. This happens due to the fact that under the influence of various factors disrupted hormonal support of the menstrual cycle. Maybe two versions of events: persistent follicle and follicle atresia. And he and the other options lead to the impossibility of pregnancy, that is, to infertility.
But the risk of endometrial hyperplasia
Hyperplasia endometrial cancer - requires timely detection and treatment
ends. If the disease last for several years, there is a threat of degeneration of hyperplastic processes in cancer. And since all of the tumor during pregnancy grow at an accelerated rate, a pregnant woman is absolutely contraindicated.
Persistent follicle - too much estrogen
When this option produces a sufficient amount of estrogen and follicle in the ovary matures in time. But the body produces no or insufficient pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH), and progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
Providing hormonal support the second phase of the menstrual cycle. And since it is under the influence of LH egg is released from the follicle, the first phase of the menstrual cycle is long, the follicle while constantly producing estrogen. Such long-term existence of the follicle is called persistence. Inability to ovulation
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It leads to infertility.
Infertility is also being developed, and because of changes that occur in the uterus. Under the influence of estrogen in the uterus grows mucosa. But a proliferation of small tissue for introduction into the uterine wall of the embryo. Need complete the second phase of the mucous membrane - secretory, which occurs under the action of progesterone.
Progesterone inhibits proliferation and stimulates secretion. In the absence of progesterone the mucous membrane grows and then, when the amount of estrogen decreases, rejected. The exclusion of such a large mucous membrane leads to significant bleeding. Typically, rejection mucosa rarely occurs once, it usually occurs rejection portions that support prolonged bleeding. In the mucous membrane of the uterus, which has not yet begun to secrete, the embryo can not penetrate.
Atresia of the follicle - the impossibility of oocyte maturation
When the egg follicle atresia is not mature, and as such remains in the ovary. It lasts a long time, so for a long time a little follicles produce estrogen. When estrogen is stopped stand, begins rejection mucosa, it happens in waves, plots, resulting in prolonged bleeding.
The mucosa of the uterine cavity while also not adapted for implantation embryo, as there was no second secretory phase of its development.
Atresia of the follicle is often found in adolescents, resulting in prolonged bleeding, sometimes even life-threatening, and the development of iron deficiency anemia. If this is not the time to treat, and the problem will go into adulthood, will develop infertility.
Can I become pregnant while endometrial hyperplasia
If there is a problem, it is impossible to get pregnant for two reasons: the egg leaves the ovary does not (do not ovulate), and the mucous membrane of the uterus is not suited for the development of the embryo.
So what do you do if a woman wants a baby? Examined and treated. In most cases, this condition is quite restore is. But first you need to conduct a full examination and determine the cause of the disease. This could be because, for example, long-existing invisible infectious inflammation of female genital organs, chronic stress
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, Intoxication (eg, smoking, alcohol), endocrine disease (eg, diabetes). All this can lead to malfunction of the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary. The reasons are many, they need to identify, if necessary, treat, or simply eliminated, and then spend the restorative treatment. If the process is not running and there is no suspicion of degeneration of the endometrium, such a woman could conceive after treatment, carry and give birth to a child.
Galina Romanenko