Hepatitis C and pregnancy - to avoid severe complications is quite real

March 28, 2014

 Hepatitis C and pregnancy
 Hepatitis C and pregnancy - consider this issue, the subject of many studies. Today, experts believe that pregnant women suffering from hepatitis C occurs without any serious complications. However, to completely eliminate all risk to mother and child is not possible, so pregnant women with hepatitis C should be under constant medical supervision.


Hepatitis C in pregnancy - how dangerous it is?

Hepatitis C - a viral infection that causes acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the liver. Generally, this disease goes unnoticed and therefore many women learn about its presence only during pregnancy, since all of them are examined for the presence of hepatitis B and C.

What do a pregnant woman, if she discovered hepatitis C? First of all, do not panic. In most cases, the disease does not affect the course of pregnancy and is not transmitted to the child. That is why hepatitis C is not a contraindication for pregnancy.

However, complications such as his mother's side, and from the child may have, so today obstetricians to avoid surprises as various infections detected during pregnancy, it is recommended to plan pregnancy with preliminary inspection. If a woman at the planning stage of pregnancy is detected hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
   With her being treated. Current antiviral therapy can now how to completely remove the hepatitis C virus from the body, and significantly reduce its activity. Pregnancy after treatment of hepatitis C Treatment of hepatitis C - not an easy task  Treatment of hepatitis C - not an easy task
   usually uneventful.


Hepatitis C and pregnancy - the risks to the mother

What is the risk that the hepatitis C Hepatitis C - "the tender murderer"  Hepatitis C - "the tender murderer"
   during pregnancy may give some complications of the mother or the child? It is found that for hepatitis C during pregnancy does not change. Moreover, the state of the woman can be improved, as in the first and second trimesters of hormonal changes due to liver function improves (decreases in blood liver enzymes). And only in the third trimester of pregnancy may increase the blood content of the hepatitis C virus

Current hepatitis C may worsen if the woman already has expressed human liver, which led to esophageal varices. This poses a threat of bleeding from esophageal varices in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, presence of hepatitis C in pregnant women could worsen during obstetric diseases such as toxicosis of the first and second half of pregnancy and other diseases. Exacerbation of hepatitis C after birth often develops after a difficult birth.


Pregnancy in hepatitis C - which threatens a child?

This question is usually most concerned about pregnant women. The risk of contracting hepatitis B from a child sick mother is small and the average is about 5%. But it all depends on whether there is in the mother's blood for hepatitis C virus (RNA HCV) and in what quantity. The higher the score, the greater the likelihood of intrauterine infection of the fetus. Thus, the presence of maternal blood in a large amount of hepatitis C virus (more than two million copies), increased risk of infection of the child to 30%. If lower quantities of virus in the blood of the risk of infection is greatly reduced. If the mother's blood detected only antibodies to hepatitis C virus, and HCV RNA is detected, there is no risk of infection of the fetus.

If hepatitis C during pregnancy is quite active, the fetus may lag behind in development. The risk of fetal infection increases during such manipulations as amniocentesis (taking amniotic fluid for analysis) cordocentesis (blood samples from the umbilical cord of the fetus in the study), during which can be compromised fetal membranes.

Antibodies for hepatitis C during pregnancy may fall from the mother to the fetus and remain in the blood of children after birth to 1, 5-2 years.


Power pregnant with hepatitis C.

A pregnant woman suffering from hepatitis C should receive full food that would help supply her body and the fetus with all necessary nutrients. Diet for pregnant hepatitis C is rarely necessary, but it certainly should follow the rules of healthy eating Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
   exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods, smoked meats, canned foods, large amounts of sweets, soft drinks, strong tea and coffee, chocolate. Of course, should be excluded all kinds of alcohol.


Births hepatitis C

The risk of infection with hepatitis C in the child's birth by a sick mother there. But it appears the possibility of infection if infected with the virus in the mother's blood gets disturbed covers child. This is usually in complicated births (for example, forceps).

Clinical experience shows that the birth with hepatitis C may be natural. At the same time, if for obstetric indications woman requires cesarean delivery, it does not increase the risk of infection in the child's birth, and in some cases even reduce it.

Breastfeeding for hepatitis C is not contraindicated, since the virus is not excreted in human milk. At the same time, the presence of even small scratches on the mother nipple and the mouth in a child infected through blood is quite possible.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hepatitis C

Dekaris breastfeeding - whether the drug will harm a child?

January 9, 2014

 dekaris breastfeeding
 Dekaris breastfeeding does not apply, as this worming medication is actively absorbed from the intestine into the blood, from which can get into the mother's milk and have a negative effect on the infant. Therefore, in the case of the vital importance of the appointment decaris should decide on the termination of breastfeeding.


Why not appoint dekaris breastfeeding

Main effect decaris anthelmintic drug is that it causes paralysis of neuromuscular helminths, thus affecting their cellular metabolism. Paralyzed worms then excreted in the peristaltic movements of the intestine. Sensitivity to dekaris Dekaris - with anthelmintic drug and immunostimulatory effects  Dekaris - with anthelmintic drug and immunostimulatory effects
   showing mostly round worms (nematodes) - roundworm, hookworm, intestinal ugritsa and others.

But dekaris may have a negative impact on the central nervous system, causing phenomena such as headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, seizures, impaired consciousness. A young child all the side effects may occur more on the body and provide a significant negative impact. That is why it is impossible to assign dekaris children up to three years.

In addition, dekaris can irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Diarrhea or constipation.

One of the side effects decaris a depressing effect on the process of hematopoiesis. Inhibits the formation of bone marrow granulocyte - white blood cells responsible for cell-mediated immunity. The complete absence of granulocytes called agranulocytosis - the body then becomes absolutely defenseless against infection.

Side effects may occur decaris well as fever, catarrhal symptoms (runny nose and cough), skin rash, and so on.

During breastfeeding enters the bloodstream dekaris (active substance levamisole) gets into breast milk and may have some effect (perhaps in the form of negative side effects) on the body of the baby. In the future, levamisole is decomposed in the liver to inactive metabolites and excreted in the urine. Only a small number of levamisole remains unchanged - it also appears mainly in the urine, and only a very small amount of feces.


What if the appointment decaris vital?

Dekaris usually given only once, and only occasionally require his reappointment after one - two weeks. From the mother's body levamisole completely eliminated during the day. At this time, it is possible to interrupt breastfeeding, replacing it with a mixture of milk Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
 Intended for feeding the child Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   up to a year.

But wee should not forget to express breast milk. This is necessary firstly to remove milk with a dash of levamisole, and secondly, in order to avoid decreased lactation.

After the daily break, you can again put the baby to her breast. If you want to re-admission decaris, then breastfeeding should be done just as well.


How to appoint dekaris women during breastfeeding

During breastfeeding dekaris appointed in the usual rose for adults, it does not require correction. Appointed decaris usually one tablet of 150 mg. If necessary, a second receiving anthelmintics can be repeated after one or two weeks.

Take dekaris better in the evening, after a meal with a small amount of water. At the same time for excretion of helminth receiving a laxative or a special diet is not required - parasites are displayed throughout the day under the influence of the natural intestinal peristalsis.


In some cases, you can not take dekaris

Dekaris not be taken if you are hypersensitive components of this drug, and if in the past, women in developing agranulocytosis while taking any other drug (it speaks of individual predisposition to the development of this condition).

Precautions dekaris should be used during pregnancy, severe liver and kidney dysfunction of these organs, as well as violations on the part of the hematopoietic system. When pregnancy appointment decaris possible only when the intended benefits to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Worming medication should not be prescribed dekaris during breastfeeding. If the need arises, breast-feeding should be temporarily halted while trying to preserve the possibility of recovery in the future.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dekaris
