Erosion of the cervix during pregnancy may be an extension of the disease occurring before pregnancy, and can occur on its background. In any case, a pregnant woman should be seen in the antenatal clinic and doctor's prescription to obtain the necessary treatment - it will prevent complications during delivery.

A long-term erosion of the cervix and pregnancy
If pregnancy occurs in a woman on the background of existing erosion, it can be complicated for the accession of infection. The fact is that during pregnancy, immunosuppression occurs naturally, it is necessary to ensure that the immune system has stolen women fetal tissues that are foreign to her body. Immunosuppression contributes to the development of infection, including genital area. Erosion of the cervix in pregnant women may then progress due accession infection.
Therefore, all women obstetricians today recommended to plan pregnancy. During planning, and identifies all possible disease being treated, including infection and cervical erosion. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, cervical erosion try to treat the most gentle way, so that the cervix is left in the scar. Pregnancy in cervical erosion occurs in these cases with minimal risk of complications.
Today at small erosions preference is given to conservative methods of treatment, identifying and eliminating the causes of the erosion, primarily infection and hormonal disorders. Much attention is paid to the restoration of normal vaginal microflora, which in the future will be on their own to fight the opportunistic and pathogenic infection.

Abortion in the cervical erosion - how it is harmful?
Sometimes a woman does not plan the pregnancy, but accidentally discovers the presence of her erosion. How to be in this case, how harmful abortion? Carrying out any type of medical abortion in cervical erosion is not contraindicated, however, abortion is harmful in any case, since abrupt termination of pregnancy contributes to a violation of hormonal background, and hence activation of the infection and the spread of erosion. But with proper conduct of abortion, followed by treatment of erosion and the restoration of the vaginal flora
The microflora of the vagina: purity
complications in most cases does not happen.

For the first time emerged erosion of the cervix during pregnancy
Since this condition in women hormonal changes and decreased immunity, erosion of the cervix in pregnancy is not an uncommon phenomenon. In the first half of pregnancy, the main female sex hormone progesterone is
Progesterone - norm and pathology
, Whose mission - to save the pregnancy by inhibiting the contractile activity of uterine muscles. A large number of progesterone inhibits the secretion of several estrogen - the female sex hormones that support normal microflora of the vagina and its ability to cleanse itself, that is to fight the infection.
At the same time a pregnant woman takes the physiological depression of immunity. All of this contributes to the rapid proliferation of pathogenic microflora, which is always present in the vagina, but it is normal for a small amount can cause infectious-inflammatory processes. During pregnancy, infection containment barriers weaken, develop inflammatory process which leads to the development of cervical erosion.
Can there be bleeding from erosion during pregnancy? Cervical erosion - is a violation of the surface, so the bleeding can not be. But spotting cause erosion can be such pain is not usually accompanied by spotting. But in any case, no matter what caused the appearance of bleeding
Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
. A woman should see a doctor immediately.

How to treat cervical erosion during pregnancy
In order to treat the erosion of the cervix during pregnancy, you must first conduct a survey. The main purpose of the survey is to identify the infection and its sensitivity to antibiotics, as well as dysplasia
Dysplasia - what is it?
- Changing the appearance of the cells at the site of erosion.
All the identified infection in pregnant women being treated. Sometimes, one has such a treatment is enough to stop the spread of erosion. After birth, the erosion can pass on their own. If this does not happen after the complete recovery of the body being treated erosion of women and, if necessary, and sear.
An important criterion in the management of pregnant women is the presence or absence of cervical dysplasia. If no dysplasia, erosion does not apply. Treatment should be deferred until delivery.
In identifying dysplasia treatment approach should be individualized.
Galina Romanenko