Constipation during pregnancy - the basic principles of the struggle - Why pregnant women appear constipation
April 4, 2010
- Constipation during pregnancy - the basic principles of the struggle
- Why pregnant women appear constipation
Why pregnant women appear constipation
Each person has his own rhythm of the bowel. Some empty it 1-2 times a day, while others - once in two days. And this is the norm. But if the chair is no more than three days, then it is constipation. Constipation in varying degrees, concerned almost every pregnant woman, as their causes are the same and fairly investigated.
Constipation in pregnancy can occur in the early stages of pregnancy due to the fact that the reduced motor activity of the intestine. It stops the muscle contractions of the intestine hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
, Whose task is to inhibit muscle contractions as long as the time for delivery. And since the uterus musculature and intestines have the same structure and innervation, it is simultaneously blocked traffic in the intestine. That is the situation the same for all pregnant women. But if a woman is before pregnancy suffered from any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by constipation (these diseases are widespread among the population and many are not even aware of their existence), then constipation can greatly increase.
In the second half of pregnancy hormonal reasons constipation bowel joins the mechanical compression of the expanded uterus. This compressed and veins of the intestine, which further increases its stillness. Blood stasis in the veins of the intestine leads to the formation of hemorrhoids
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And hemorrhoids, in turn, aggravates constipation, bowel movements because women become uncomfortable (aching).
Finally, throughout pregnancy constipation are supported by an unstable state of the nervous system of women: all the stress and anxiety (including about constipation) only reinforce this unpleasant phenomenon.
So what to do with constipation?
Do not pay attention to the locks is impossible, as the body retained the collapse of food products that have a negative impact on both the mother and the fetus. But no need to panic, you just need to constantly deal with this problem.
Pregnant women need to free the intestine daily. To do this, pick up a set of products which on the one hand to increase the volume of stool, and on the other - will not cause further bloating. This individual, as some women are great raw vegetables, then, like the others, they cause unpleasant phenomena such as bloating.
To activate all the muscular system (including muscles of internal organs), a pregnant woman needs to move. It should be a daily leisurely walks in the fresh air, in the first half, they can be longer, the end of the pregnancy - short but regular, several times a day. It is also necessary physiotherapy - it is better to be carried out in the antenatal clinic under medical supervision. At locks in a set of exercises include movements that promote bowel movement.
If all this does not help, the doctor may prescribe medication. Women only need to remember that most take any pills, and even a vegetable laxative in any case impossible. The fact that the most popular laxatives cause a sharp increase in the motor activity of the intestine, which is very dangerous for a pregnant woman (may cause miscarriage). However, nowadays there are several drugs which loosen the stool, drawing fluid into the intestine from surrounding tissue. Obstetricians are well aware of such preparations and, if necessary, appoint them to pregnant women. In addition, they will appoint medication relieves mental stress.
Read more about food for constipation
Basic principles for combating constipation using power are as follows:
- morning fasting (half an hour before a meal) to drink a glass of water (preferably not boiled and purified using a filter) during the day to drink water
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, Juices, fruit drinks (the amount of fluid received per day must be approved by your doctor);
- better to eat for breakfast or buckwheat porridge, it contains a large amount of vegetable protein (it is necessary for the construction of tissue) and at the same time there is fiber, which will help move stool through the intestines;
- during the day should eat about 0, 5 kg of different vegetables are better if they are raw in salads with oil (which has a laxative effect) or with low-fat sour cream; but if a woman from raw vegetables swells the stomach, all the vegetables (or part of them) need to cook, stew or steamed (but not fried!);
- Fruits are also needed them less coarse fiber and many vitamins;
- the evening before bedtime
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all you need to drink a glass of sour milk drink; it must be remembered that, for example, yogurt has a laxative properties only in the first days after manufacture, older yogurt fixes.
What you should not eat a pregnant woman having problems with a chair:
- spicy, fatty, fried foods;
- carbonated drinks;
- confectionery and baking in large quantities;
- peas, beans, lentils;
- coffee, strong tea, alcoholic beverages.
Feijoa during pregnancy: an indisputable advantage - Nutrients
April 14, 2012
- Feijoa during pregnancy: an undeniable benefits
- Nutrients
Nutrients and benefits of feijoa
The fruits of feijoa is somehow not very popular in the US, especially in the northwest, probably because he needed a warm climate. Feijoa is grown in Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Georgia, Russia, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Israel, Azerbaijan, China and some warm states. The fruits of feijoa also called pineapple guava or just guavastin. Feijoa as plants can be regarded as an evergreen shrub or small tree. Some people combine the pineapple guava cocktails, ice cream, shakes, yogurts, juices, fruit drinks, jam, or simply enjoy them in a natural and healthy fruit. The fruits of feijoa bring great benefit to people's health, because about a cup of pureed fruit contains the following nutrients:
- Vitamin B1, thiamin
- Vitamin B2, Riboflavin
- Vitamin B3, Niacin
- Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid
- Vitamin B6, pirodoksin
- Vitamin B9, folate (a significant amount)
- Vitamin C (large number)
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Zinc
- Brass
- Manganese
- Proteins
- Natural fat
- Carbohydrates
- Calories
Furthermore, these nutrients may be most likely to get very good health benefits. The benefits that can be obtained from raw and preferably organic fruit feijoa:
- It reduces the risk of cancer
- It helps create a protection against free radicals
- Improves wound healing
- Helps prevent frequent colds
- Helps prevent frequent infections
- It improves the condition of the lungs
- Reduces the risk of anemia
- It improves blood condition
- It improves the condition of the nerves
- Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
- It reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease
- It helps prevent irritation
- Reduces the risk of depression
- It helps to improve short-term memory
- Reduces the risk of gingivitis
There is also a lot of talk and evidence that feijoa
Feijoa: use flavored
contains large amounts of iodine, but for some reason the information is proving not find so easy. If so, then the iodine is added to the list of benefits following important values:
- It improves the thyroid gland
- It helps prevent the formation of goiter
- It helps to cope with fatigue
- It helps to cope with depression
- It helps to cope with weakness
- It helps to cope with weight gain