Thrush in pregnancy - the problem is solvable - What is thrush

December 18, 2008

  • Thrush in pregnancy - the problem is solvable
  • What is thrush

What is thrush

Candidiasis or thrush (candidiasis) mucous membranes of the genitals - is an infectious disease caused by the yeast Candida. Of candidiasis helps to reduce the body's defenses (immune system), endocrine diseases, vitamin deficiencies.

Disease manifests redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of genitals, the appearance of them white attacks in the form of films, cheesy layers and surface erosions (mucosal integrity violations). Woman worried about severe itching.

The diagnosis of candidiasis confirmed by smear taken from the female genital tract, under a microscope or bacteriological research (sowing). One of the most accurate analysis - analysis which revealed the presence of DNA of Candida fungi in blood (PCR method).

 What is thrush | Thrush in pregnancy - the problem is solvable

How is thrush in pregnancy

In pregnant women, candidiasis is more common due to increasing levels of female sex hormones (this causes a change in vaginal flora and promotes the growth of pathogenic fungi). During pregnancy, the chemical environment in the vagina becomes more acidic, and immunity declines, resulting in leukocyte proliferation - all this favors the growth and development of the fungus Candida.

Fungal infection can cause inflammatory diseases of the internal organs of women, giving rise to adhesions (proliferation of connective tissue at the site of inflammation). Adhesions cause pain, which intensified on large stages of pregnancy due to the stretching of the walls of the uterus. Adhesions in the internal female reproductive organs can cause miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?

Thrush should be treated, otherwise the infection may move to the fetus, affecting his organs and systems. Usually, the infection affects the umbilical cord, skin, oral mucosa and respiratory tract. Sometimes the fungus spreads to a large number of tissues, and it can even lead to death of the fetus. The child may also become infected with thrush, passing through the birth canal of the mother. Such a child can see bubbles on the tongue or whitish plaque on the gums.

 What is thrush | Thrush in pregnancy - the problem is solvable

Treatment of yeast infection in pregnant women

Thrush in pregnancy should be treated carefully and under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you can not be cured, and "cover up" the main features of the disease and the infection will remain in the body. Treatment of yeast infection in pregnant women is conducted under a special scheme, which includes general and local treatment.

Local treatment - a candle, vaginal tablets, creams. You can lubricate the vaginal wall brown with glycerol and an alcoholic solution of brilliant green, which stops the growth of fungi, which in turn helps to reduce itching and discharge. These drugs can be used even in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the reception is contraindicated in almost any medication.

General treatment - it is prescription drugs that affect the infectious agent - the fungus Candida, as well as a general tonic (lifting immunity) treatment and diet.

Use of antifungal drugs is limited due to their toxicity. For pregnant women only apply to low-toxic (and therefore not very effective) Nystatin Nystatin - help with candidiasis  Nystatin - help with candidiasis
   and pimafutsin Pimafucin - help in difficult times  Pimafucin - help in difficult times
 . Most applicable pimafutsin, which is sufficiently effective and non-toxic even at high doses. Drugs such as diflucan, clotrimazole etc. contraindicated during pregnancy. In the appointment of the general treatment with antifungal drugs the doctor must take into account the health of the pregnant woman: the presence of chronic diseases, susceptibility to allergies, especially during pregnancy. In no case shall such treatment should not be performed by a pregnant woman alone.

As a restorative treatment prescribed special vitamin-mineral complexes, designed for pregnant women.

The diet of a pregnant woman suffering from candidiasis, should not include the sweet, baked, spicy and fried foods. The menu must be present dairy products. To restore normal intestinal microflora pregnant woman can take bifidumbakterin Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora  Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
   (a preparation containing beneficial micro-organisms that live in the intestines).

Pregnancy - is the most important period in the life of a woman, so any change in the body, and the more disease, should not go unnoticed. It needs time to identify and treat.

Article Tags:
  • thrush and pregnancy

Vaginitis in pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes - Treatment

April 10, 2013

  • Vaginitis in pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes
  • Treatment

 treatment of vaginitis during pregnancy

Treatment of vaginitis during pregnancy

Vaginitis during pregnancy - is a constant threat of infection to the internal reproductive organs and the fetus. Therefore, subject to mandatory treatment of vaginitis. Treatment of vaginitis in pregnancy performed differently, depending on the pathogen, its sensitivity to various drugs, and on how far the inflammatory process.

 Treatment | vaginitis during pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes

Basic principles of treatment of vaginitis in pregnant

The first woman doctor examines and determines the form of vaginitis. Basically vaginitis caused by infectious factors, which in turn are divided into specific (pathogens, sexually transmitted diseases - STDs) and nonspecific (opportunistic microflora constantly live in the vagina).

Specific vaginitis require systemic treatment. Vaginitis treatment regimens for pregnant women developed. For this purpose, used drugs permitted for use in pregnant women. So, for the treatment of chlamydial, mycoplasma and ureaplasma vaginitis applied josamycin (vilprafen), gonococcal - vilprafen Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic  Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic
 , Ceftriaxone, trihomonadnyh - metronidazole (Trichopolum - treatment is performed in the second trimester).

The treatment of nonspecific vaginitis is usually carried out with the help of drugs for topical application. Since nonspecific vaginitis is usually mixed microflora used for the treatment of the combined drugs.

After a course of antibiotic treatment was carried out, the woman appointed therapy, contributes to restore normal vaginal flora The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity

 Treatment | vaginitis during pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes

Treatment of non-specific vaginitis in women

Clinical data indicate that the most effective in the treatment of nonspecific vaginitis medicaments are combined for topical use - and terzhinan Polygynax. Thus, in the Terzhinan Terzhinan - accessible and efficient  Terzhinan - accessible and efficient
   (available in the form of vaginal tablets of the French pharmaceutical company Laboratory Bouchard) includes antibacterial (neomycin), antifungal (Nystatin), antiprotozoal agents (ternidazol - he also possesses a broad spectrum antibacterial action) and glucocorticoid hormones (prednisone), which perfectly removes inflammation, swelling , burning, itching, and urinary disorders.

All drugs that are part of Terzhinan, have a rapid pronounced antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect, without causing side effects that have a negative impact on pregnant women. Therefore terzhinan often the drug of choice for treatment and prevention of vaginitis in pregnant women.

The treatment is performed in the second trimester of pregnancy. Vaginal tablets terzhinan inserted into the vagina once daily at night. Before the introduction of the pill should be wetted with water for 20-30 seconds. After the introduction of pill a woman should be in a horizontal position for at least a quarter of an hour. The course of treatment is an average of ten days, but if there was found a fungal infection Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
 The course of treatment can be extended.

There is evidence that effective use Terzhinan together with enzymes that help cleanse the vaginal walls of the destroyed tissue, small pustules and so on. In particular, for this purpose used a proteolytic (protein-dissolving substance) enzyme imozimaza prolonged (longer, up to 3-5 days) actions. Available imozimaza as a solution for topical use, it has no toxic, irritant, enhances the action of antibiotics. It dissolves and removes dead tissue, fluid, inflammation occurs when the effect of reducing inflammation, swelling of tissues, stimulates regenerative processes.

When you assign complex treatment Terzhinan with imozimazoy all symptoms disappear within days. But the treatment is considered complete after the full course (at least 10 days), followed by laboratory control.

 Treatment | vaginitis during pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes

Rehabilitation treatment after antibiotic therapy

After a course of antibiotic therapy is required to restore the normal microflora of the vagina, which in turn will support the acidic environment of the vagina and the ability to cleanse itself. If you do not, the pathogenic microflora will again grow and cause inflammatory diseases.

To this end, pregnant women are prescribed vaginal suppositories containing lactobacillus - bacteria are the basis of normal vaginal microflora, such laktonorm.

Treatment of any of vaginitis during pregnancy should be carried out by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vaginitis
