Artificial insemination - is a technique that helps with certain types of infertility in both women and men. During this procedure, the sperm is injected directly into the cervix, fallopian tubes or the uterus. Thus, it is easier to get sperm to the egg, since on their way there are no obstacles. Ideally, this should contribute to pregnancy to those who did not manage to do this before.
Intrauterine insemination, in which sperm is placed directly into the uterus - the most common form of artificial insemination.
Although the chance of getting pregnant by artificial insemination may not be as great as when using a new and sophisticated methods, this technique has a key advantage: it is simple and has very few side effects. For this reason, doctors often recommend in vitro fertilization as the first way to treat infertility
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In what types of infertility helps artificial insemination?
Artificial insemination can be used for various problems with fertility. For example, it may help if the sperm are not strong enough to go alone into the cervix and fallopian tubes. Artificial insemination can be effective for women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis, or if there are any abnormalities of the reproductive organs.
This procedure often takes a woman with such violations as secret immunity cervical canal. This disorder is characterized by the fact that the mucous membrane of the cervix is an aggressive medium for sperm cells and prevents them from entering the uterus. Through artificial insemination sperm can pass all the hazards to the site.
In addition, the doctor may suggest artificial insemination, if you can not establish the reason why the couple can not have children.
The procedure
First, the patient is undergoing tests using ultrasound and gives blood for analysis. This is to ensure that the physician will be able to carry out the procedure of artificial insemination during ovulation
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. Your partner will need to pass the sperm for the procedure. If you live near the clinic, it can be done at home, but if not, it will provide a separate room. It is recommended to abstain from sex for 2-5 days prior to undergoing the procedure, as this will increase the concentration of viable sperm.
Within an hour after ejaculation in the laboratory carried out "cleansing" of semen. This increases the probability of pregnancy because sperm are removed from a substance which may cause irritation or discomfort to the woman's body. Then, using a special harmless chemical separates the most active sperm.
In the procedural sperm is placed in the catheter through which it is introduced into the uterus. Artificial insemination - a quick and relatively painless procedure. In some women, it causes the lungs spasm and minor bleeding.
After the procedure, you need to lie down for at least 15-45 minutes to allow the sperm to fulfill their work. Factors that may reduce the probability of successful in vitro fertilization:
- The elderly woman
- Poor egg quality
- Poor quality of sperm
- Strong endometriosis
Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
- Severe damage to the fallopian tubes (usually caused by chronic infection)
Artificial insemination does not help everyone. Some couples have to go through the procedure several times before you get pregnant; some are not possible at all. Sometimes, to increase the chances of getting pregnant, the patient prior to the procedure are hormone therapy
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. If all this does not work, do not despair. There are many ways, more complex and often more effective.