Breastfeeding herpes - to interrupt or not?

January 16, 2014

 breastfeeding herpes
 Breastfeeding herpes (chronic and often even recurrent) interrupt is not necessarily as herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   is not allocated to human milk. But if herpes infection occurred during lactation, then the temporary interruption of breastfeeding can think, for the treatment of systemic infections prescribe antiviral drugs that can be allocated to human milk.


Treatment of primary HSV infection during lactation

Primary herpes infection in any case should be treated as necessary, including during lactation. Primary genital herpes can occur quite difficult, as the temperature rises, a violation of the general condition of women and intoxication, which is manifested headache, fatigue, joint pain, and so on.

Simultaneously, the mucous membranes of the genitals appear redness, swelling and numerous blisters, accompanied by burning and itching. Approximately twenty-four hours, and bubbles burst on the mucosal surface formed extensive erosion. Healing erosion occurs at the primary herpes slower than relapse.

In primary herpes in women is no protection from the infection - antibodies to herpes viruses have not yet been worked out. Therefore, the body vulnerable to the virus and the latter can spread throughout the body. If the overall immunity of the woman is reduced (as is often the case during lactation), the infection can take generalized, spreading to the internal organs. This is very dangerous, so the treatment in this case should be a system - it requires a woman for health reasons.

Because of antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpes is usually prescribed acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
 , Valtrex or famfir. Acyclovir and Valtrex (after absorption in the intestine it is converted to acyclovir) are excreted in breast milk. It is not known whether Famvir with human milk, but laboratory studies on rats have revealed his selection with milk of these animals.

Acyclovir tablets are not contraindicated during breastfeeding, but this drug is not sufficiently effective when taken orally, and its intravenous administration during lactation is contraindicated. Experience also use Valtrex and Famvir during lactation not.

Based on these data and taking into account the woman's condition and the extent of the virus, the doctor decides (each individually) whether to discontinue breastfeeding or not.

If it is decided to interrupt breastfeeding, a woman must constantly express breast milk for after treatment did not stop breastfeeding.


Treatment of recurrent herpes infection during lactation

Herpes during feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding may be a relapse has long been existing herpes infection. Recurrences of genital herpes during lactation can occur often, as a woman in this period is often reduced immunity. However, relapses are usually not severe and did not take place so long as the primary herpes. Therefore, treatment of herpes during breastfeeding if a relapse of chronic herpes performed using antiviral drugs for external and local application. Basically this creams and gels - ointment for the treatment of acute herpes do not apply because they do not have a drying effect.

No less can often recurring herpes on the lips. Herpes during lactation can cause infection of the infected child.

At the same time it is known that the herpes virus is not excreted in breast milk, the baby can be infected only through dirty hands, contaminated secretions or things when cold sores are located on the skin of the breast.

For the topical treatment of recurrent genital herpes applied: 5% cream acyclovir (Zovirax), 0, 002% gel panavir (it possesses antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory). To remove the swelling, itching and burning in the genital area is widely used folk remedies: St. John's wort tincture, calendula, oak bark decoction and tyudyu

For the treatment of herpes Treatment of herpes - a serious problem  Treatment of herpes - a serious problem
   lips during lactation is possible to apply a cream fenistil pentsivir which acts only locally, without being absorbed into the bloodstream.


Herpes and feeding - how to avoid infecting their children?

Herpes in nursing mothers, although the primary manifestation, although a relapse of a chronic infection, always threatens child transmission. Therefore, breast-feeding, the focus of this should be given to personal hygiene:

  • thoroughly wash hands with soap after using the toilet; chest every time with soap and water to wash do not need - this may cause cracks on the nipple;
  • regularly change their underwear and underwear of the child; iron all linen baby on both sides with a hot iron;
  • thoroughly wash and boil the dishes of the child;
  • daily washing with soap and baby toys (soft toys the child can not be given).

Herpes breastfeeding is dangerous primarily as a source of infection and the threat of infection of the child. But if all the rules of hygiene to avoid transmission is possible while maintaining breastfeeding herpes.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • herpes in pregnancy

Dyspepsia pregnant when it is worth thinking about drugs

December 16, 2011

  • Dyspepsia pregnant when it is worth thinking about drugs
  • The main methods of treatment

 dyspepsia pregnant
 Dyspepsia pregnant usually associated with acid reflux - the penetration of acid from the stomach into the esophagus, which may cause heartburn Heartburn - no cause for concern?  Heartburn - no cause for concern?
   and other unpleasant symptoms. To suppress dyspeptic symptoms in pregnant women used antacids or if there is chronic indigestion, acid-suppressing drugs.


What is dyspepsia pregnant?

Dyspepsia - a general term used for a group of symptoms of all sorts of digestive disorders. Dyspepsia pregnant - very common symptoms of digestive disorders observed in a period half of pregnant women. During pregnancy, dyspeptic symptoms are usually caused by acid reflux - the penetration of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.

Acid reflux - a condition accompanied by outflow of acid into the esophagus. While the mucosa of the esophagus by stomach acid is usually not damaged, too much acid leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of the characteristic symptoms of dyspepsia.

Sphincter, the circular muscle that narrows or closes when the reduction of the lower opening of the esophagus, in ordinary cases, prevents the outflow of acid. However, during pregnancy increase the level of certain hormones leads to a relaxation of the sphincter, reduce the ability of muscles to contract. In addition, the growing fetus exerts constant pressure on the stomach. These two factors increase the risk of outflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.

After giving birth, when hormone levels return to normal, and the growing belly is no longer exerts pressure on the stomach, dyspepsia symptoms disappear on their own. The chances of occurrence of dyspeptic symptoms in pregnancy increases if the pregnancy was observed to gastroesophageal reflux - an inflammation of the esophagus caused by the outflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.


Symptoms of dyspepsia pregnant

The symptoms of dyspepsia may be pregnant as a minor (in most cases), and sharp. The most common symptoms include:

  • Heartburn - a burning sensation in the upper gastrointestinal tract
  • Pain or discomfort in the abdomen
  • Soreness in the central chest area
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Abdominal distention
  • The unpleasant feeling of fullness after eating

Symptoms of dyspepsia pregnant women - a phenomenon usually episodic, not continuous. The symptoms of dyspepsia may occur at any stage of pregnancy, and usually their appearance becomes more frequent in the last trimester of pregnancy. After giving birth, indigestion caused by pregnancy, quickly.


Dyspepsia pregnant and lifestyle change

  • Refusal of certain foods, beverages, and large portions

Certain foods and drinks can trigger or worsen the symptoms of dyspepsia in some cases. For each person, this suite of products is different, but most often associated with disorders of the digestive tomatoes, chocolate, fatty and spicy foods, fruit juices, hot drinks, coffee and alcohol. In addition, it is better to give up large portions of food, if they provoke the symptoms of dyspepsia - in such cases you need to eat less, but more often, up to six to eight times a day.

  • smoking cessation

The chemicals contained in cigarettes sphincter relaxes and increase the chances of outflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. Quitting smoking can alleviate the symptoms of dyspepsia. In any event, pregnant women are advised to stop smoking How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women  How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women
   whether provokes dyspepsia smoking or not.

  • Good posture and correct posture

Prolonged stay in a horizontal position, the incline of the day during provoke outflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. Very important is the correct posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
   when sitting - if you sit hunched over on your stomach puts additional pressure, which can worsen the symptoms of dyspepsia pregnant.

  • Refusal to eat before going to bed

If the dyspeptic symptoms are observed, mostly at night, can help prevent indigestion refusal to eat two to three hours before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   - Better to go to bed with an empty stomach. Correct posture for sleep, suggesting the rise of back and head at a slight angle, will help prevent the outflow of acid from the stomach.

  • Failure to medicines

Some medications can aggravate the symptoms of dyspepsia (although most of these drugs are not recommended for pregnant women for other reasons). Such drugs irritate the esophagus or relax the sphincter, increasing the risk of outflow of acid into the esophagus. The most common drugs - anti-inflammatory analgesics (e.g., aspirin and ibuprofen), some antidepressants, sedatives.
