Colds during pregnancy: bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids

October 31, 2011

 Colds during pregnancy
 Pregnancy affects the woman's body and her behavior. Number of limitations that should be strictly followed, help to avoid all sorts of problems and complications of pregnancy. But how to protect themselves from the cold during pregnancy? The task is not easy, because even an ordinary person can easily get cold, especially during the cold season, and in pregnant women increases the risk of catching the infection in a few times. This is due to hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, which leads to immunosuppression (immunosuppression).

 Colds during pregnancy: bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids

The clinical picture of a cold

The common cold - is the common name of diseases transmitted by airborne droplets and infect upper respiratory (breathing) system. For colds are flu and SARS (large group of viral diseases).

  • Flu Clinic

Getting flu spicy, with a sharp and high, sometimes up to forty-degree temperature rise. There is a weakness, chills, muscle pain, aching all over the body, runny nose, sore throat, dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
 . Often joined by disorders of the digestive system (nausea, vomiting). Fever can hold five to seven days, accompanied by a decline in its copious sweating.

  • SARS Clinic

Unlike influenza, SARS develops gradually, with a slight fever, symptoms of intoxication is virtually absent, the patient's condition to a satisfactory close. There are a runny nose, cough, discomfort in the throat.

 Colds during pregnancy: bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids

The more dangerous to the fetus colds?

Undoubtedly, there is no non-serious illnesses, especially during pregnancy. Will the cold transferred to the child or not, depends on the duration of pregnancy (critical periods). The most dangerous periods of pregnancy are the first eight weeks, when there is a bookmark of the internal organs and systems, and the last three - four weeks of pregnancy, that is, before delivery. Moved cold in early pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion, and the second - the third trimester of pregnancy may develop fetal hypoxia, intrauterine growth retardation, fetal infection, and polyhydramnios. The most serious complication of the common cold in late pregnancy are premature birth.

 Colds during pregnancy: bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids

Treatment of colds in pregnancy

The main principle of the treatment of the common cold - is almost complete ban on drugs.

  • Treatment of intoxication

To relieve the symptoms of intoxication (weakness, loss of appetite, fever), you first need to comply with bed rest. Diet during the disease should be gentle with the exception of meat products, strong broths, spicy, salty, smoked. Showing lactic acid products and fresh fruits and vegetables (to compensate for vitamin deficiency). During fever the body loses a large amount of fluid that needs to replenish plentiful drink. It can be: tea with honey, lemon or raspberry, cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks, apple decoction, infusions of herbs (lemon balm, sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 , Linden).

  • Lowering the temperature

Of all the drugs to reduce fever during pregnancy should only be used paracetamol. Effective wiping vodka or three-percent solution of vinegar. Good help bring down temperature How to bring down the temperature in the home - a variety of methods  How to bring down the temperature in the home - a variety of methods
   Herbal teas oregano, plantain Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach  Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach
 , Mother and stepmother. In the case of the chill should be attached to the warmer feet and hands, take cover with a blanket.

  • The fight against the common cold

Vasoconstrictor drops may be used only at the peak of rhinorrhea (in compliance with the dosage). Since these droplets can be habit-forming, they are used no more than three days. You can dig into the nose Pinosol and Aqua Maurice, pre-washing it with saline. To facilitate breathing, you can grease the sides of the nose balm "asterisk" or ointment Dr. Mom.

  • Cough, sore throat

Pregnant contraindicated physiotherapy, hot foot baths, mustard. You can replace them with dry heat (wrap woolen scarf throat, his feet put on wool socks). At normal temperatures possible inhalation (breathing broth over potatoes, herbs, soda solution with iodine). You can gargle with warm infusion of herbs (chamomile, calendula).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • a cold during pregnancy

Ureaplasma in pregnancy: to treat or not to treat - Possible risk

April 7, 2013

  • Ureaplasma in pregnancy: to treat or not to treat
  • Possible risk

 Ureaplasma possible risk to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus

Possible risk to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus

The structure of the different clinical entities that may complicate pregnancy, the frequency of detection of Ureaplasma is different. The percentage rate of the spread:

  • 35-40% in the developing pregnancy
  • 46-60% for threatened abortion in early pregnancy and up to 39% with threatening preterm delivery
  • 24-49% in the case of preeclampsia
  • 45-58% for stillbirth

Infectious complications during pregnancy due ureaplasmosis also occur with varying frequency. Primarily it comes inflammatory kidney, gestational pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis - kidney disease  Pyelonephritis - kidney disease
   in pregnant women may develop in 28% of cases. There is a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus, the development of congenital pneumonia and other diseases. In a sufficiently large percentage of ureaplasma may cause formation of fetal congenital malformations. In 17% of cases are distinguished ureaplasma normal healthy newborns that does not lead to pathological states. At the same time, in the case of perinatal pathology of the pathogen can be detected in 58% of newborns.

 Possible risk | Ureaplasma in pregnancy: to treat or not to treat

Spread of infection

The main way of spreading infection ureaplazmennoj that matters from the point of view of a possible infection of the fetus is transplacental and ascending path. Rising through the pathogen spreads from the cervix and into the uterus. The incubation period can be up to an average of 20 days. The reason is the development of pathological changes in the processes of interaction that occur at the level of the membrane in contact with the pathogen in the body of a pregnant woman. As a result of changes in the antigenic properties of the trigger autoimmune reactions. Avilable ureaplasmas, ie the lack of a cell wall of the microorganism, causes no pronounced immune response. This naturally leads to long-term persistence ureaplazmennoj infection due to lack of proof of the immune response.

As a source of re-infection of the body and acts as a depot ureaplasmas persistent bone marrow .  The agent may be a long time in the body, thus it is able to "hide" from the protective action of the immune system does not respond to antimicrobial therapy .  If intrauterine infection even in the absence of express clinical signs of infection, you can detect changes in the lung tissue of the fetus, which regularly end development of newborn pneumonia .  Pneumonia occurs with interstitial lesions and with vascular or circulatory disorders .  Diagnostic value has to determine the level of special substances interleukin composed of amniotic fluid (increased levels of interleukin -8) .  Their presence can be considered as a causal factor of occurrence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in fetuses Dysplasia - what is it?  Dysplasia - what is it?
 . Besides destruction of lung tissue can be a pathology of other systems of the body (kidney disease, liver or heart). Quite often when ureaplasmosis develops pathology of the nervous system. Almost 30% of cases of neonatal malformations formed the central departments of the central nervous system. Prenatal ureaplasmosis Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system  Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
   It leads to ventriculomegaly, hydrocephalus, choroid plexus cysts, as well as to a breach of cerebral blood flow. Infection of the fetus is the cause of the backlog of the fetus in utero (various forms of intrauterine growth retardation, or IUGR) and intrauterine hypoxia, which can be seen in 30-40% of clinical cases.

 Possible risk | Ureaplasma in pregnancy: to treat or not to treat

Dangerous consequences

Infection is also reflected negatively on the course of the entire period of pregnancy, leading to serious complications. When urogenital ureaplasmosis from the early stages of pregnancy, the clinic develops threat of interruption. It occurs in 45-70% of pregnant women who have found the pathogen ureaplasmosis. The reason for this complication is infection of the endometrium and of the ovum. In the presence of infection may not occur the full implantation of the ovum. Also, there is a development of autoimmune processes which lead to spontaneous abortion.

Pregnancy may be interrupted at various dates due to autoimmune reasons, but most often it occurs in the early stages of the type of detachment of the ovum. In 67% of pregnant women with urogenital ureaplasmosis this is one of the most common complications. During the formation of placental tissue infection factor in favor of the primary cause of placental insufficiency, which will contribute to further development of various complications. If ureaplasma infection is persistent over a long period, it is the development of disturbances at the level of the blood coagulation system. Hemostatic disorders manifest phenomena hypercoagulable (increasing the capacity of the blood coagulation). This is a very serious complication for a pregnant woman, so be sure to conduct a study of its coagulation.

At the first level it is possible to conduct a study of coagulation .  If the results of the blood test will identify the changes you need to spend more than in-depth survey at each hemostasis .  Changes in the coagulation system, as a result of autoimmune processes become a cause of infection in pregnant women such terrible and dangerous complications such as preeclampsia .  The frequency of its development can reach 60% of all clinical cases .  A special feature of the complications of genital ureaplasmosis is its early development .  Preeclampsia can develop at 24-26 weeks of gestation, and often takes the medium and heavy during that require treatment in a specialized obstetrical department .  From outpatient treatment is recommended to refrain .  In 24% of pregnant women may develop oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios .  Timely detection of these complications allows you to start a course of therapy which must include antibacterial agents, preparations improving metabolic, metabolism and circulatory processes .

If a woman's pregnancy is on the background ureaplasmosis, you should be sure to monitor the growth of the circumference of the abdomen and uterus. If you deviate from normal values ​​should conduct an ultrasound scan using Doppler method. This type of research will reveal the development of the disturbances at the level of blood flow in the "mother-placenta-fetus", which is especially necessary to consider in terms of the negative impact of the pathogen on the metabolic processes and clotting. In case of variations in the amount of amniotic fluid is conducted complex therapy with conduct routine ultrasound examination two weeks after completion of the treatment course.

 Possible risk | Ureaplasma in pregnancy: to treat or not to treat

What to look for

Urogenital ureaplasmosis has no specific clinical symptoms, the majority of complaints will be of a non-specific in nature. The most frequent complaints in pregnancy, which should pay particular attention are the following:

  • the appearance of a light itching and burning in the genital area
  • dizuricheskie disorders
  • signs of inflammatory changes in the genital area, which can be shown or vaginitis endocervicitis. The more inflammation develops the type of vaginitis in 70-80% of pregnant women

The diagnostic value for the diagnosis ureaplasmosis has not only a correct assessment of the clinical data and the interpretation of results of laboratory research. The test material ureaplasma This insidious ureaplasma - often too late  This insidious ureaplasma - often too late
   must be contained in titer determination on the basis of what can be concluded about how the illness in a pregnant woman. In the process of diagnosis should be considered even the possibility of a systemic nature of defeat in this kind of infection.

Article Tags:
  • ureaplasmosis
