Discharges during pregnancy and vaginal infections: Warning and Control

May 17, 2012

 isolation during pregnancy vaginal infections
 Vaginal discharge in pregnant women - completely normal, because hormonal changes stimulate the vaginal secretion, so the slight increase in the number of discharges should not cause concern. But if the selection is so abundant that we have to use panty liners, accompanied by itching and burning and cause severe discomfort, you should consult your doctor.

 Discharges during pregnancy and vaginal infections: Warning and Control


This is the most common cause of vaginal irritation and vaginal discharge in pregnant women. Thrush is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, so it is also called "Candida." The occurrence of thrush in pregnancy is due to physiological changes in the vaginal flora. In the body of a pregnant woman increases the level of female hormones that stimulates the creation of favorable conditions for the development of thrush. The main symptoms of yeast infection in pregnant women is genital itching and white cheesy discharge with a sharp sour smell. While studies show that the yeast does not bear harm to the unborn child and its mother, but it is still an unfavorable factor that must be addressed. Fortunately, treatments for yeast infection in pregnant women a lot, in particular, nystatin Nystatin - help with candidiasis  Nystatin - help with candidiasis
   and pimafutsin Pimafucin - help in difficult times  Pimafucin - help in difficult times
 . Pimafucin - antifungal medication recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It is sufficiently effective and non-toxic even at high doses. Local treatment (suppositories, vaginal tablets and creams) is combined with the system, and during pregnancy is preferred. In addition to specific antifungal drugs for the treatment of thrush is often used antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents. It is believed that carriers candidiasis are both men and women, and the infection can be transmitted sexually, so the period of treatment should refrain from sexual intercourse.

 Discharges during pregnancy and vaginal infections: Warning and Control


Trichomoniasis (or trichomoniasis) - one of the most common diseases, sexually transmitted diseases .  Its pathogen - Trichomonas vaginalis .  Development of the disease contribute to various diseases and other genital organs, accompanied by metabolic disorders, reduced immunity, hormonal disorders, vaginal flora, which reduces its acidity, and pregnancy .  Trichomoniasis is very dangerous for pregnant women because it can provoke the premature delivery and low birth weight .  Pregnant women with trichomoniasis who have symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to undergo treatment .  Treatment of trichomoniasis should be comprehensive and individual .  It is important to bring the treatment to the end, as the finished the cure trichomoniasis may acquire chronic and express themselves in a few years .  Treatment of trichomoniasis is reduced to the prescription of antibiotics for oral administration .  To successfully eliminate the infection is necessary to have been treated both partners .

 Discharges during pregnancy and vaginal infections: Warning and Control

Gonorrhea (gonococcal infection)

Gonorrhea - one of the most common infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. Gonorrhoea is a gram diplococcus. Pregnancy does not prevent infection with gonorrhea, but for pregnant women the infection is especially dangerous. For pregnant women with gonorrhea, there is a risk of spontaneous abortion, miscarriage and premature birth. In the postpartum period there may be heavy bleeding. In addition, patients with gonorrhea mother during delivery can infect the baby, which can develop as a result of gonococcal conjunctivitis - blennophthalmia or gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
   the lower urinary tract. The main symptoms of gonorrhea: abdominal pain, profuse yellow discharge from the vagina is not accompanied by itching, problems with urination. Infection with gonorrhea during pregnancy is dangerous because fresh gonorrhea in this case is not localized in most cases, and actively spread to many parts of the reproductive system. Treatment of pregnant women with gonorrhea, is carried out only in the hospital with antibiotics (penicillin) on prescription scheme. If the treatment is carried out competently and professionally, in the majority of cases in pregnant women, gonorrhea can be cured safely and complications arise.

 Discharges during pregnancy and vaginal infections: Warning and Control


Herpes - a viral disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes. The cause of the disease is a herpes virus. Herpes - the most common disease in pregnant women, which can complicate the development of the pregnancy and prevent the normal development of the fetus. In the case of the primary lesion of a pregnant woman with herpes simplex virus (herpes woman was not ill and was not carrying the virus before pregnancy) greatly increases the likelihood of premature birth. The severity of herpes depends on the gestational age at which there was an infection with herpes simplex virus. The main sign of herpes - skin rash (if genital herpes - on the skin and large labia minora, vaginal mucosa and cervix), scanty watery discharge Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions  Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions
   (the duration of which is five to seven days), itching, burning, weakness, muscle aches and fever. Treatment of genital herpes in pregnant women is the use of antiviral drugs (ointments, creams, tablets) against herpes. As a rule, recently performed a Cesarean section.

 Discharges during pregnancy and vaginal infections: Warning and Control

Bloody issues

Spotting in early pregnancy may indicate a miscarriage, and later - on premature labor. In the second trimester bleeding after intercourse may indicate cervical erosion.

Article Tags:
  • separation during pregnancy

How to recognize an abnormal vaginal discharge: what to look for

May 17, 2012

 how to recognize abnormal vaginal discharge
 Vaginal discharge is needed to cleanse the vagina and the maintenance of normal microflora. But a change in the nature and quantity may indicate an infection or serious illness.

For most women, the nature of vaginal discharge is an important feature that allows timely identification of health problems and to seek medical help. But how do you know whether the normal discharge, or not? Normal mucus discharge are generated in the cervix, they are transparent, are not abundant and have no smell.

 How to recognize an abnormal vaginal discharge: what to look for

Vaginal secretions and menstrual cycle

After puberty, before the first menstruation, the girl raises the level estroge¬nov and appear allocation of vlagali¬scha that may continue for years after the first neskol¬kih menstruation. By this time, menstruation becomes regular.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle and during ovulation (approximately fourteen days of the menstrual cycle) mucus released from the cervix (cervical fluid) becomes more abundant and vodya¬nistoy (and may even form a thin white threads) that facilitate advancement of sperm to the egg . Thus, the yield of mature egg from the ovary in the middle of the menstrual cycle, stimulates the production of enhanced vaginal discharge. According to doctors, in this period, vaginal discharge may be increased to thirty times; copious - a sign of ovulation.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, progesterone due to their number decreases, they become more viscous, thick and opaque to prevent sperm from entering the cervical canal. After completion of the menstrual cycle is repeated all over again. A woman can not affect the nature and amount of bleeding caused by the menstrual cycle, and not necessary, because in this way the body is cleansed of bacteria.

 How to recognize an abnormal vaginal discharge: what to look for

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy

These natural selection (whites) are continuing, and after pregnancy, but their nature and the amount of change. In the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, the uterus work is regulated by progesterone. In the second trimester blood reappears large amounts of estrogen, discharge becomes greater, and they - more liquid. Normal discharge during pregnancy Discharges during pregnancy - should not be afraid  Discharges during pregnancy - should not be afraid
   - Clear or whitish color, odorless. They usually do not cause irritation, but to reduce the possible discomfort women are advised to use special sanitary pads (tampons can not be used to avoid getting an infection in the genital tract).

A few weeks before giving birth the amount of bleeding is increased even more, and their texture becomes thick and dense. It departs mucous plug covering the entrance to the cervical canal, opening the birth canal. During this period, it is also possible a small allocation of amniotic fluid. Its selection can occur at the same time, or in part, and also accompanied by bloody impurities, but nothing to worry about here. In addition, in the third trimester of pregnancy may rupture of membranes, that is the beginning of a regular labor. If bladder rupture occurred near the cervical canal, it is released at the same time, otherwise depart gradually amniotic fluid.

 How to recognize an abnormal vaginal discharge: what to look for

Abnormal vaginal discharge

It should be wary if during pregnancy release suddenly change color or become unpleasant smell. Such separation can be a sign of infection or disease. The most common of these is the thrush (candidiasis), while from the genital tract stands white curdled mass of sour smell. In addition, the woman feels itching in the genital area, which is worse at night, after showering or sexual contact. Most yeast prevalence among pregnant due to lower immunity against the background of hormonal changes. Currently, developed special products that allow to treat candidiasis in the future without harm to the mother of the child.

In addition candidiasis against the lowered immunity often manifest themselves and other diseases, sexually transmitted infections, such as trichomoniasis and gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
 . In this case, discharge from the genital tract acquire an unpleasant smell and a yellowish, greenish or grayish hue. Treatment of thrush and genital infections is generally carried out in the second half of pregnancy, using a prescription vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
 . Keep in mind that the examination and therapeutic course must pass and female sexual partner. During treatment should refrain from sexual intercourse.

In bacterial vaginosis appear watery discharge Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions  Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions
   with an unpleasant odor. This infection is also linked to the balance and activity of microorganisms in the vagina. The disease increases the risk of preterm birth and the onset of symptoms should be treated as soon as possible. Bacterial vaginosis is treated with antimicrobials and antibiotics.

Character discharge in pregnant women may change under the influence of external factors, or an allergic reaction, in which case they become transparent and more abundant. Symptoms: itching, irritation, discharge - may be a reaction to toiletries, to uncomfortable garments that cause sweating, or excessive sexual activity. To return to normal is enough to eliminate the impact of the stimulus.

To prevent abnormal discharge from the vagina, doctors recommend personal hygiene, keep the genitals clean and dry, do not use perfumed means for intimate hygiene (soap, shower gel) does not engage in unprotected sex, especially with untested partners, and wear loose cotton underwear .

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  • separation during pregnancy
