Pregnant women are always interested to know everything related to pregnancy, especially when it concerns children. Often, any, even the smallest deviation from the norm during the pregnancy, the woman begins to panic. It should not do it, because to explain and reassure the woman can always obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation.
What is the placenta and its proper attachment
The placenta is also called the afterbirth. This is a temporary body which is formed and works only during pregnancy. But it is very important because it is through the placenta to the baby communicates with the mother. Hence, it receives the necessary structure for tissue protein for energy and maintaining the body - carbohydrates for proper metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
- Fats, vitamins and minerals. The placenta and the baby gets oxygen - without it, the fetus can not exist. These are all products of metabolism as the placenta.
The placenta protects the baby from infection, do not allow the immunological conflict between foreign tissues of mother and child and provides both the necessary body's hormones for their development.
Placenta is given disk diameter of about 15 cm and weight of approximately 0, 5 kg, which is attached to the uterine wall. It covers two records: one that is addressed to the fetus (it fits the umbilical cord of the fruit), and the one that is attached to the uterine wall. Between the plates there are numerous blood vessels. Place placental important. Normally, the placenta is attached to the front or rear wall of the uterus closer to its bottom (the bottom of the uterus is at the top) - in this place a lot of blood vessels, so to create the most favorable conditions for the formation of placental and utero-placental blood flow.
Types and causes of improper placental
In some cases, the placenta is attached is low, sometimes closing part or all of the output of the uterus - the attachment is called a partial or complete placenta previa. This is a very dangerous condition, which almost always ends with heavy bleeding during childbirth, so the delivery is usually done by cesarean section.
But it also is the attachment of the placenta when it is low, but the seats out of the uterus does not reach. This attachment is called a low attachment of the placenta or low placentation.
Condition is, in general, is not dangerous and does not prevent vaginal birth, however, the woman should know about it and comply with certain conditions.
The reason for improper attachment of the placenta are a violation of the state of the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium), which result from the previously transferred abortion, obstructed labor, post-partum and post-abortion infection, pelvic inflammatory disease. Changes prevent endometrial implantation (introduction) of a fertilized egg in the right place and location of implantation shifts.
The dangerously low placentation
At low placentation placenta it is only a few centimeters from the exit of the uterus, as well as the baby grows, its mass increases, the movements become more and more active, and increased pressure on the placenta. Any physical exertion and sudden movements (especially jumping) increase the pressure on the low-lying placenta and can cause bleeding.
During labor, the uterine muscles contract, the uterus shrinks, decreasing in volume. Placenta is not decreasing, so her blood vessels, welded to the wall of the uterus tighten, they can break and cause premature detachment of the placenta - a very dangerous condition, which is always accompanied by heavy bleeding.
Low placentation can be dangerous for the child: in the lower uterus passes fewer blood vessels, which means that the child may receive less nutrients and oxygen, because of which will suffer its development.
That is why women with low placentation be carefully observed obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation. But it is not all bad: the placenta can be shifted, often in time of 33-34 weeks, she goes up (after growing uterus) and thus removed all the dangers it is not attached properly.
Rules of conduct for pregnant women with low placentation
Women with low placentation should observe the following rules:
- Avoid strenuous exercise, do not make sudden movements, do not jump;
- sitting and lying down to attach the legs elevated position (it improves blood circulation in the placenta and contribute to its recovery);
- refuse sex life;
- If the doctor suggests to go to the department of pathology of pregnancy to save, you should not refuse - perhaps the child needs "feeding";
- the appearance of the first signs of bleeding or spotting should consult a doctor, and if the bleeding is strong enough - to call an ambulance.
Low placentation does not require treatment, but to a regime and to monitor their state of the woman is obliged.
Galina Romanenko