Hemorrhoids during pregnancy - a complete cure possible

March 4, 2010

 Hemorrhoids pregnancy
 Hemorrhoids during pregnancy suffers almost every second woman. The threat of this disease during pregnancy knew Hippocrates. However, this problem is relevant today, when there are enough drugs for the treatment of this disease, because many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

 Hemorrhoids during pregnancy - a complete cure possible

What are hemorrhoids and why it so often occurs during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids - varicose veins is the end of the rectum and anus, which is accompanied by certain signs. Hemorrhoids - a very common disease, the cause of it, first of all, is the upright person, resulting in venous blood is forced to flow from the bottom up, which promotes the formation of stagnation in the lower half of the body and legs. Congestion increases with sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition - all this leads to constipation and a further increase of stagnation.

Pregnant women are joined to these factors constant pressure of the growing uterus on the lower abdomen, which compress the veins in the area, as well as chronic constipation due to low motor activity of the intestine. The reason for reduction of motor activity of the intestine - large amounts of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   in the blood, which inhibits any muscle activity that could cause a threat to abortion.

With the growth of the fetus and increase symptoms of hemorrhoids. In healthy women, hemorrhoids will appear in the second half of pregnancy, but if you had hemorrhoids before pregnancy or genetic predisposition (eg, expressed hemorrhoids was the mother) symptoms of hemorrhoids appear much earlier - at the end of the first trimester (after 12 weeks).

 Hemorrhoids during pregnancy - a complete cure possible

Symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hemorrhoids can occur as acute, chronic yet. Acute Hemorrhoids occurs suddenly, it is most often the cause is the formation of a blood clot in the veins of the rectum. At the same time quickly formed exterior, very painful knots. There are burning pains, especially after a bowel movement. Host becomes dense, sharply painful, can reach a diameter of 2-3 cm, the skin over it reddened, swollen, with a bluish tint.

After 5-10 days of the acute effects usually subside, the node swells and softens only straining. This feature suggests that external hemorrhoids become chronic, while during defecation hemorrhoids can fall out and cause bleeding. All this is accompanied by itching and other unpleasant sensations in the anus.

Isolated internal hemorrhoids generally occurs chronically, while concerned about the phenomenon a few weeks of discomfort in the anus, and then there is blood in the faeces, it is gradually becoming more blood drops, and even released a stream after a bowel movement. Root thus may not be increasing hemorrhoids begin to fall from the anus during defecation, vpravlyayas after it spontaneously. After some time, reduce a woman has their hand. The next stage - the loss of muscle tone and rectal prolapse nodes in the lung or without straining. From time to time the anus mucus, irritating the skin in this area. Perhaps flatus.

 Hemorrhoids during pregnancy - a complete cure possible

Complications of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids can become complicated with thrombophlebitis - blockage of a blood clot and vein inflammation of the vein wall. At the same time there are very severe pain, fever. If you do not take action, it threatens the emergence of purulent inflammation of the surrounding soft tissue, which is very dangerous during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids may be infringed (squeezed surrounding tissues), the pain of this increase. Long infringement leads to necrosis (necrosis), which is fraught with bleeding and infection accession.

Constant bleeding from hemorrhoids can cause iron deficiency anemia, which means that the woman will decrease hemoglobin, the fruit will not get enough oxygen (oxygen transported from the lungs to the tissues of hemoglobin) and begin to fall behind in development.

 Hemorrhoids during pregnancy - a complete cure possible

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

When the first signs of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   to do everything necessary to ensure that there was a daily stool:

  • eat more vegetables (preferably heat-treated) and fruits (such as apples);
  • eliminate from the diet of fatty meats, sweets and baking - they cause flatulence Flatulence - when too much gas  Flatulence - when too much gas
   and increase intra-abdominal pressure;
  • adjust the mode of the day, combining recreation with moderate physical activity: leisurely walking, therapeutic exercises classes for pregnant women to include special exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and the anus;
  • do not forget to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin in the anus - failure to comply with personal hygiene can lead to suppuration in this area.

If these measures prove insufficient, then the doctor may prescribe medication. But a pregnant woman should be clearly understood that their own, without a prescription, it can not take laxatives because they can stimulate the motor activity of the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 . Currently, there are laxatives that do not cause such complications.

The drug therapy includes external use of anticoagulants - drugs that prevent blood clots.

Do not run hemorrhoids, at the first sign of the disease, contact your doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hemorrhoids

Pressure in Pregnancy: the rise and fall are equally dangerous

December 20, 2009

 Changes in blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   during pregnancy may simply cause discomfort, but may be a sign of incipient severe complications - late toxicosis of pregnancy. The woman will not be able to understand this condition, which is why all pregnant women should regularly visit the obstetrician-gynecologist and timely surveyed.

 Pressure in Pregnancy: the rise and fall are equally dangerous

The work of the cardiovascular system during pregnancy

In normal pregnancy in the work of the cardiovascular system are increased requirements due to increased blood volume, improve the tone of the walls of small blood vessels, increasing the volume of the uterus and development of powerful system utero-placental circulation. A woman's heart is gradually adapting to the load, blood pressure (BP) changes slightly: in the first weeks it is somewhat reduced, and after 16 weeks there is little tendency to increase (5-10 mm Hg). For a correct judgment about the changes in blood pressure is necessary to know the initial value that was before pregnancy. This is necessary because there are among pregnant women with an initial decrease in blood pressure (hypotension), for which normal blood pressure is elevated.

 Pressure in Pregnancy: the rise and fall are equally dangerous

Lowering blood pressure in pregnant women

Low blood pressure in the first 16 weeks, there is almost always in the background of hormonal changes the body. It is because of this the woman has a weakness, malaise, dizziness, and sometimes fainting. Vomiting in the first days of pregnancy is often associated with lower blood pressure, but not with the first half of pregnancy toxemia, which appears later. Unpleasant sensations are amplified when a feeling of hunger, in a stuffy room or prolonged standing on his feet.

A small reduction in blood pressure does not harm pregnant women, however, should be taken to prevent complications - low pressure can threaten the child so that he will receive less nutrients and oxygen that come to it from the mother's blood. A woman should follow the mode of the day, night sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   It should last 8-9 hours, frequent walks in the fresh air - combined with relaxation. It is also necessary nutrition, physical therapy sessions feasible.

But the reduction of blood pressure may be a sign of disease (figures almost constantly below 90/60 mm Hg), in such a case requires medication, which is often carried out in a department of pathology of pregnant women: a significant long-term reduction in blood pressure harms the child.

If blood pressure dropped suddenly (there were dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Nausea, etc.), you should take a horizontal position, ensure access of air (open windows, unbutton clothes contracting), bring to the nose with cotton wool smelling salts (carefully, it should be done at a distance, so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the nose) give drink about 30 drops kordiamina (kordiamin increases blood pressure) or freshly brewed (not too strong) tea or coffee with sugar.

 Pressure in Pregnancy: the rise and fall are equally dangerous

Increased blood pressure in pregnant women

The norm is considered to increase in systolic (first number) pressure is not more than a third of the original level. Diastolic (the second number) pressure should not exceed 75-80 mmHg

Increased blood pressure in pregnant women can be observed in hypertension Hypertensive heart disease - the prognosis is poor  Hypertensive heart disease - the prognosis is poor
 , In some diseases of the kidneys and in the second half of pregnancy toxemia (preeclampsia).

The presence of a pregnant woman of any disease, promoting increased blood pressure, one can guess if the blood pressure has increased in the first four months of pregnancy, and in the second half of pregnancy, if the increase in blood pressure is not combined with other signs of preeclampsia (edema and the appearance of protein in the urine). These women require special monitoring and preventive treatment in the antenatal clinic.

Late toxicosis of pregnancy (preeclampsia) is a condition characterized by dysfunction of vital organs and systems. Net preeclampsia occurs in healthy women. If preeclampsia develops on the background of any disease (hypertension, kidney disease, endocrine disorders, etc.), it is called a match. Often preeclampsia occurs with fatigue, stress, genetic predisposition, very young women and women after 40 years.

Preeclampsia is divided into dropsy pregnant, nephropathy pregnant women, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Starting with preeclampsia spasm smaller (peripheral), blood vessels and exudation of liquid therethrough into the tissue (edema or edema of pregnancy), thereby reducing the volume of circulating blood from malnutrition start women suffer internal organs. This leads to the fact that the body begins compensatory release substances that enhance blood pressure in major blood vessels, leading to increased blood pressure and further fluid exudation (nephropathy pregnant). When the swelling of brain tissue appear; seizures and impaired consciousness (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia).

The initial stages of dropsy unexpressed pregnant can be treated on an outpatient basis, the remaining stages of the disease - only in the pathology of pregnant maternity hospital.

To avoid surprises, a pregnant woman is better to purchase electronic blood pressure monitor and keep track of your most blood pressure by measuring it several times a day, recording the evidence and consultation with a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pressure
