Hepatitis in pregnancy - it is always dangerous

March 7, 2014

 Hepatitis in pregnancy
 Hepatitis in pregnancy phenomenon is not frequent, but exclude its development during this period of a woman's life is impossible. A particularly dangerous for pregnant hepatitis E is why - not reliably established. The danger is, and chronic hepatitis Chronic hepatitis - a diagnosis for life  Chronic hepatitis - a diagnosis for life
 That the woman fell ill before pregnancy.


Hepatitis B and pregnancy - how dangerous it is?

The liver - an organ that detoxifies and removes from the body all the major toxins, including those formed as a result of metabolism. During pregnancy increases the load on the liver, because it now has to be cleaned not one, but two organisms - mother and child.

If this develops any disease of the liver, the liver is unable to cope with its main function - cleansing the body. As a result, the blood accumulates a large amount of toxins have a negative impact on the mother and child. Violation of the liver leads to poor blood circulation, the fruit does not get him the necessary nutrients and oxygen, and this is reflected in its development - there is a risk of placental insufficiency.

The risk to the mother and the child depends on the cause of the hepatitis and timeliness of its detection. For example, viral hepatitis at untimely detection and absence of adequate treatment can cause intrauterine fetal loss.

A particularly dangerous for pregnant women hepatitis E Hepatitis E - a disease that is most often spread by malfunction  Hepatitis E - a disease that is most often spread by malfunction
   - This is not the most severe form of hepatitis can cause the death of a pregnant woman. Fortunately hepatitis E - a rarity in our country, it is common in countries with hot climate and water supplies disrupted, as is transmitted primarily through tap water.


The symptoms of hepatitis B during pregnancy

Symptoms of acute hepatitis during pregnancy are usually the same, regardless of the reasons that caused them. It starts acute disease with fever, weakness, headache, joint pain, malaise. After a week or two there yellowness sclera (ikterichnost) and skin, pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, bloating, unstable chair. Icteric stage of the disease lasts about a month, followed by a stage of recovery and the symptoms regress.

A particularly dangerous viral hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
   E and drug-induced hepatitis Drug-induced hepatitis - is not such a rare disease  Drug-induced hepatitis - is not such a rare disease
   pregnancy. Drug-induced hepatitis, given the high burden on the liver during pregnancy can very quickly go into a toxic liver necrosis. Status of women at the same time can be very severe, until the development of coma.

The risk of hepatitis E is for pregnant women to develop their severe forms of the disease, which is rarely found among the other contingents of patients - Hepatitis E typically has a moderate course.

Among other viral hepatitis greatest danger is a combination of viral hepatitis B and D. The disease can be severe with severe intoxication, prolonged jaundice and often becomes chronic. The severity of the disease may be different - from non-severe forms with complete recovery to severe with subsequent transition to the chronic course. There is also the risk of passing the virus through the placenta and the development of intrauterine infection.

Hepatitis A usually does not have a significant impact on the course of pregnancy and childbirth and does not cause fetal infection. Childbirth can worsen during an acute hepatitis. Most acute hepatitis in pregnant women are asymptomatic.

Chronic hepatitis in pregnant women - a rare phenomenon, as in chronic hepatitis develop significant hormonal disorders of the reproductive system and infertility. But if pregnancy still occurs, depending on the degree of activity of the hepatitis resolved the question of its termination or continuation of the first trimester.


Analysis of hepatitis in pregnancy

The diagnosis of hepatitis during pregnancy put on the basis of characteristic symptoms of the disease, these biochemical blood tests (level of increase in the blood levels of liver enzymes and bilirubin corresponds to the degree of activity), determine the type of virus and antibodies thereto, as well as antibodies to its own liver cells in autoimmune hepatitis. Work is also ultrasound of the liver. Puncture liver pregnant women do not.


Treatment of hepatitis B in pregnant women

Treatment of hepatitis in pregnant women is carried out only in a hospital. Appointed by bed rest, gentle nutrition, detoxification therapy, drugs with hepatoprotective action.

Diet for pregnant women with hepatitis - a table number 5, the food is rich in vitamins and minerals with limited animal fats and 5 - 6-course meal.

To prevent the disease a vaccine is introduced, which includes a surface antigen of hepatitis B vaccination against hepatitis B and pregnancy are quite compatible, but try to do it before pregnancy or after childbirth. Pregnant women vaccinated against hepatitis B is only done in the case of moving to an area where there is a threat outbreaks.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hepatitis

Bradycardia and pregnancy - requires further investigation

May 20, 2014

 bradycardia and pregnancy
 Bradycardia and pregnancy - usually a combination of harmless and occurs without any additional violations of the cardiovascular system. However, bradycardia and may be a sign of serious disorders, such as myocarditis. Therefore, a pregnant woman examined and treated if necessary.


Bradycardia during pregnancy - types and causes

During pregnancy the cardiovascular system of women has a significant load, so the heart rate (HR), she usually increases. But it also happens that during the pregnancy rate decreased heart rate, that is developing bradycardia. It is not always a sign of severe disease and more often than not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

The heart muscle is able to automatically shrink under the influence of impulses arising in itself. This automaticity provides conduction system of the heart - special muscles that run along the thickness of the heart, forming branches (beams) and clusters of cells (units). Cardiac conduction system consists of nodes located in the atrium and on the border between the atria and ventricles, as well as the waste from these beams, which conduct excitation to the myocardium (heart muscle).

Sinus bradycardia is divided into (it may be a variant of normal) when the slow rhythm of the main driver (the place where there are impulses) - sinus node and bradycardia Bradycardia - when the heart stops  Bradycardia - when the heart stops
   as a consequence of violations (blockade) of conduction heart rhythms at different levels (between the sinus node and atrium, or between the atria and ventricles).


Sinus bradycardia during pregnancy

If the sinus node has an innate low automatism, the sinus bradycardia during pregnancy may be a variant of normal. Such a woman from birth adapted to precisely this rhythm without any damage to health and her pregnancy is proceeding normally.

But sometimes develops during pregnancy abnormal sinus bradycardia. The reason it is often the irritation or compression of the vagus nerve (vagus nerve - cranial nerve, which runs through the chest and abdomen), the growing uterus. The inhibitory effect on the sinus node may also have some of the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, as well as inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the heart muscle (myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, coronary heart disease).

Pulse when sinus bradycardia Sinus bradycardia - how to distinguish normal from pathological condition  Sinus bradycardia - how to distinguish normal from pathological condition
   rare in pregnant women (60-70 beats per minute), but rhythmic. Sinus arrhythmia Arrhythmia - when we hear your heart  Arrhythmia - when we hear your heart
   almost never causes marked disorders of the heart and unpleasant sensations in the art. Sinus bradycardia during pregnancy does not worsen the condition of patients and does not constitute indication for its interruption.


Bradycardia pregnancy with heart blockages

Impulse conduction in the heart muscle may be disturbed during their transition to the atria or ventricles. Violation conductivity between the sinus node and atrium called the sinus block, it does not reach all the impulses of the heart muscle atria and ventricles. The reason for this blockade can be any disease of the heart muscle. If a pregnant woman feels with the attack of dizziness or weakness, then it can be removed by drinking a cup of freshly brewed tea.

If bradycardia in pregnant women, developing on the background of cardiac conduction between the atria and ventricles (atrioventricular block), the pulse is even more rare, there are arrhythmias (atrial and ventricles in a different mode). Women can disturb weakness, dizziness, faint and dizzy and fainting.

When significant bradycardia in pregnant women suffering primarily the brain due to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients. This state is called the syndrome of Morgagni-Adams-Stokes and first manifested vertigo Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
   (all spinning in the dark eyes), and then loss of consciousness, a temporary cardiac arrest and respiratory depression, convulsions and involuntary urination. After a while, the work of the heart is restored and the woman regains consciousness (what happened to her, she does not remember).


Diagnosis and treatment of bradycardia during pregnancy

Persistent bradycardia with the appearance of attacks of weakness requires examination of pregnant women. Problems with childbearing occurs only in severe organic heart disease, accompanied by significant violations of state women, including seizures of Morgagni-Adams-Stokes and blood circulation. Prenatal care and delivery in such a case is carried out on an individual plan.

In most cases, bradycardia in pregnant does not require treatment. But such a woman should always be under the supervision of a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • bradycardia
