Symptoms of missed abortion is definitely worth knowing every woman. Fading pregnancy often happens in the first trimester, but it is possible such a complication and in any other period, including a few weeks before birth. The main task of the woman in this case - in time to see a doctor.
Missed abortion: what happens in a woman's body and how it threatens
There are periods of pregnancy, during which most often occurs fading. This is the first four weeks, 8-12 and 16-18 weeks. When under the influence of various reasons fetus dies in the mother's body, it is developing the so-called missed abortion. If diagnosed in time missed abortion women spent scraping
Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
uterine cavity or cause premature labor.
If fetal death go unnoticed, it can remain in the uterus for quite a long time or never leave it without medical assistance within a few days, weeks, months or even years. At the same fetal tissue undergo certain changes, and toxins released during this having a negative effect on the fetus. The process of decomposition of fetal tissue can occur in different ways.
Most often exposed fetal tissue maceration, ie aseptic necrosis, accompanied by weeping. Sooner or later, such a process associated infection and without care a woman can die.
Much less is happening dry gangrene of the fetus - mummification. Usually this occurs in the death of one of the fruits of twins or triplets. The dead fetus decreases in the volume of amniotic fluid absorbed. This state can be maintained up to the birth.
A third outcome of missed abortion - petrification when mummified fetus "impregnated" with calcium salts and turns into a fossil. This fruit can be years in the mother's body without causing any discomfort.
As shown missed abortion in the early stages
Missed abortion in the early stages is sometimes not so easy to define. The most common warning signs of notices at the next examination, the doctor of female consultation. The first sign in this case is the discrepancy between the value of the uterus in pregnancy. To clarify the diagnosis woman examine blood HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin - the main hormone of pregnancy) and conduct ultrasonography (US). In a sign of US missed abortion
Signs of missed abortion
is the lack of the heartbeat of the fetus and HCG at first remained on the same terms (but must rise before the end of the first trimester), and then decreases.
How the woman may notice a missed abortion? Most often in the form of reducing the signs of intoxication, if it was an early toxemia of pregnancy. But this is an unreliable sign because at the end of the first trimester symptoms of toxicity, and so reduced.
You may notice a reduction engorgement and pain in the breasts, but it does not always happen, as the hormonal support of pregnancy may persist for one to two weeks after the death of the fetus.
Finally, missed abortion can be determined to reduce the basal (morning, it was measured before getting up) the temperature in the rectum. During pregnancy basal temperature is higher than outside of pregnancy.
If you missed first trimester fetus is expelled from the uterus by spontaneous abortion (there bleeding, cramping or dragging pain in the abdomen), the body of the mother increases intoxication, which is manifested in the form of a deterioration of the general state of health, chills, fever, headache and so on.
What are the symptoms of missed abortion in the later stages
In the later stages of a woman is easier to feel the symptoms of missed abortion
Missed abortion - do not lose faith in yourself
. The most important symptom that is hard to miss, is the absence of fetal movements. If fetal movements are missing or have fallen sharply during the day, you should consult your doctor - perhaps the child is still alive, and he can be helped.
Often during the second half of pregnancy, fetal death is accompanied by bleeding
Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
and abdominal pain. These are signs of preterm labor, but they do not always indicate that the fetus is killed - sometimes with timely medical care can save it. To confirm or rule out missed abortion, in this case it is best using ultrasound.
Quite often, a woman can not catch the fading signs of pregnancy in time, which is why all pregnant women are required to monthly (and more frequently if necessary) must be seen in the antenatal clinic. It is not a mere formality, but a vital necessity.
Galina Romanenko