Recurrent abdominal pain during pregnancy: Are they dangerous?

February 21, 2012

 recurrent abdominal pain pregnancy
 Recurrent abdominal pain in pregnancy Abdominal pain during pregnancy: the types and value  Abdominal pain during pregnancy: the types and value
   usually harmless. But every woman's body is different, and in order to ensure that no complications during pregnancy, you need to tell a recurring pain obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation.

 Recurrent abdominal pain during pregnancy: Are they dangerous?

Pain in the abdomen as a result of constipation

Constipation always accompany pregnancy. They begin with the hormonal changes from the first days of pregnancy and increases its life can only grow because of the compression of the gastrointestinal tract of the growing uterus. Thus recurrent pain may occur to the right or to the left, depending on which has accumulated a large amount of feces.

The main cause of constipation in pregnancy is a female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , Whose mission - to inhibit the contraction of the muscles of the uterus to hold in the uterus fertilized egg. But at the same time it "extinguishes" and the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract (these organs are innervated by nerves among branches), which leads to stagnation of feces and constipation. If you do not carry out a constant struggle with constipation, you can join hemorrhoids, which is also often accompanies pregnancy.

Help women with constipation can only active motor mode and proper nutrition. With regard to motor mode, then, of course, the motion should be combined with rest during the day and a full bed Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   night. In the first half of pregnancy, unless there are contraindications, a woman can walk a lot, moderately engaged in habitual for her sport and generally move more. This is an excellent prevention of constipation. In prenatal she can show a set of exercises therapeutic exercises that will help to cope with constipation.

Nutrition is also a very important factor in combating constipation. Well, if the food will contain a sufficient amount of fiber, which increases the volume of stool and removes them from the intestines. "Broom" for the gut called, for example, fresh salad. But he can not suit all women, for some it can cause flatulence and intestinal cramps. In this case it is possible to make vinaigrettes, composed of boiled vegetables, including beets, which has laxative properties. Vegetables are also shown in stewed or boiled. Very good help from constipation reception the night cups fresh yogurt (two-, three-day kefir fixes).

If their own efforts do not help, you can ask a doctor to prescribe a laxative. Warning: take laxatives, even the most innocuous, herbal pregnant strictly forbidden - it can cause uterine contractions and spontaneous miscarriage. For pregnant women have special laxatives, it can accept only on prescription.

 Recurrent abdominal pain during pregnancy: Are they dangerous?

Pain in the abdomen as a result of the restructuring of the body - whether you want to endure?

From time to time there may be abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   and due to changes in the joints and ligaments. Joints and ligaments in the pubic and lumbosacral joints, since the first days of pregnancy, under the influence of hormonal changes begin to prepare for the high stress during pregnancy and childbirth. Bundles first swell slightly, and then stretched, and joints as a result of the same processes in the cartilage capsules and slightly divergent. This allows you to slightly increase the pelvis, but even a slight increase (the bones in the joints may diverge at 0, 5-0, 6 cm) can be crucial in childbirth. The process of sprains especially enhanced after the formation of the placenta, which produces the active substance relaxin, which enhances the process of change in the musculoskeletal system.

All these processes can cause recurrent pain in the abdomen. Pain, these are mild aching in nature and may be aggravated by prolonged finding a woman in an upright position.

Help the woman in this case can wear a special prenatal bandage - decreases the tension of the ligaments, and the pain will not be so worried. But we must remember that the prenatal bandage is worn only in the position of a woman lying on her back - it is necessary to fix the ligaments and muscles in a relaxed state.

Pain arising from changes in the joints and ligaments, usually minor and can be patient, but the woman should be confident that this is not a complication of pregnancy, and that confidence can give her only obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation after the examination and necessary diagnostic Research (if required).

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • abdominal pain in pregnancy

If the stomach ache during pregnancy - require medical attention

November 3, 2014

 if the stomach ache during pregnancy
 Abdominal pain in pregnancy occur for many reasons. Sometimes their appearance is not associated with any disease, and in some cases, they serve as a major symptom of a pathology. Therefore, if the stomach ache during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. In certain situations, a qualified health care should be provided as soon as possible.


Pain in the abdomen in normal pregnancy

In the first trimester, many worried about the pain in the abdomen. These result in the appearance of the physiological processes that occur when you change the hormonal status of the woman. Properly support the unit uterine tissue soften, stretch and move. Because of this, part of the pregnant women in pain pulling character, and they are not cramping. Such feelings are not related stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   or physical activity.

In the second half of pregnancy pain pulling character associated with stretching the muscles of the abdominal wall and the displacement and compression of the enlarged uterus of the internal organs. Under the influence of hormones slows peristalsis.

The food on the digestive tract slow. Because of this, some parts of the intestine can pererastyagivatsya and lower abdominal pain occur. Due to the long residence time of food in the intestines enhanced fermentation occurs flatulence which amplifies discomfort.

In order to prevent this, during pregnancy should eat right. It is recommended to eat smaller portions, but four or five times per day. We can not allow big breaks between meals and overeating. To improve the peristalsis in the daily diet should include foods rich in fiber (fruits and vegetables). You can also eat dried apricots and prunes.

To reduce the need to limit the use of gasification beans, cabbage, garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   and onions, radishes Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable  Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable
   and radish, grape and apple juices. It is important to drink a sufficient amount of fluid per day.

Physical activity has a positive effect on bowel function and condition of the whole organism. Recommended swimming and therapeutic exercises, which will focus on strengthening the muscles of the back, buttocks, thighs and abdomen.


Abdominal pain in the pathology of pregnancy

In some situations, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   - It is a symptom of dangerous conditions that require rapid provision of skilled care. These include:

  • The threat of miscarriage;
  • Premature birth;
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Premature detachment of the placenta.

For abortion characterized by the appearance of uterine contractions. This leads to detachment of the ovum. Abortion involves several stages:

  • Threatened abortion. Uterine contractility increased, but the fruit is still completely associated with its wall. In the area of ​​the sacrum and lower abdomen there is a feeling of heaviness or slack pulling pain. At this stage of bleeding from the vagina is not;
  • Began abortion. Intensified contractions, on its wall partially peeled ovum. Pain becomes more intense and often acquire cramping in nature. There are bleeding from the vagina;
  • Abortion in the course. This fertilized egg is completely separated from the uterine wall and down into the lower parts of the body. Woman experiencing lower abdominal cramping. Bleeding becomes pronounced;
  • The previous stage can be completed as an incomplete and a complete abortion. At the time when the uterus is expelled from the ovum, the woman complains of cramping and bleeding from the genital tract. Incomplete abortion remain in the uterus of the fetal membranes and placenta. When they complete abortion with fetal egg completely leave the uterus.

Premature birth is called, which occurred on the stage of pregnancy from 22 to 37 a week. There are alarming beginning and went into premature labor. At the first of them appear pains and lower abdomen. When starting birth pains are cramping and regular. Regular labors and the gradual opening of the cervix, which is determined by a physician, is characteristic of the onset of labor.

If an ectopic pregnancy the fertilized egg develops outside the uterus. The most common tubal pregnancy, and the fetus when it is implanted in the fallopian tube. Such pregnancies interrupted spontaneously by the type of rupture of the fallopian tube or tubal abortion. In the first case, there are suddenly a lot of pain in the abdomen, which is given up and the anus. Because of acute intra-abdominal bleeding skin becomes pale, the woman faints.

When tubal abortion the woman's condition and the nature of the pain depends on how much blood flows into the abdominal cavity.

If the blood a little bit, then in the stomach appear aching right or left to give the rectum. A more significant bleeding characterized by severe pain during an attack which may occur vomiting, dizziness and fainting. Pain gives up, the sacrum, anus, scapula and clavicle.

Placental abruption before birth is also accompanied by bleeding and pain. The latter may be paroxysmal, very strong and durable.


Abdominal pain during pregnancy for other diseases

Against the background of hormonal changes, decreased immune protection and changes in blood circulation in the internal organs there are conditions that facilitate the development of pathological processes. Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy may be accompanied by:

  • Acute appendicitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Foodborne diseases;
  • Cystitis.

Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy can occur due to many reasons. But only a doctor can properly assess all the symptoms. To clarify the diagnosis will require additional research and consultations with specialists.

Article Tags:
  • stomach ache
