During pregnancy, most women appear hemorrhoids, which can flow seamlessly, and can - very painful. In recent years, women are more likely to relieve pain, itching and bleeding hemorrhoids become self-applied medication Relief, which is available over the counter without a prescription. Should we do it?
Why during pregnancy appears hemorrhoids
The main cause of hemorrhoids are chronic constipation. A pregnant woman constipation start literally from the first day of pregnancy due to hormonal changes. During pregnancy, particularly during the first 12 weeks, the main hormone is progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
, Whose main task - not to terminate a pregnancy. To do this, progesterone inhibits motor activity of muscles of the uterus.
And since all the smooth muscles of the abdomen and pelvis is a common innervation suppressed motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, urinary tract, which creates problems during pregnancy, such as constipation, pyelonephritis, and so on. Constipation can be quite quickly lead to hemorrhoids. As far as he is pronounced depends on the individual woman, that is the initial state of the venous system, it inherited from the parents.
In the second half of pregnancy the active role of progesterone decreases slightly, but growing uterus compresses the internal organs and blood vessels of the small pelvis, causing congestion in the veins of the rectum. This reinforces the effects of hemorrhoids.
What to do with hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Hemorrhoids can occur extremely painful, and why women seeking to withdraw his own symptoms, such as using drugs Relief Series. But to do so not worth it. You should know that there is many hemorrhoids, and if his symptoms are significant, it is necessary to turn to an obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation, which advise how to deal with this problem.
The main method of prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoid treatment - a long, difficult but possible
during pregnancy is nutrition. Your doctor will tell you what diet is suitable pregnant woman to solve problems with hemorrhoids. But sometimes required, and prescription drugs. Including a doctor can prescribe medications and Relief series, but not every woman.
Preparations Relief why they can not apply to all pregnant women
To drugs Relief Series include: rectal suppositories Relief, rectal ointment Relief, Relief Advanced rectal suppositories and rectal suppositories Relief Ultra.
As part of these preparations have shark liver oil, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, hemostatic and immunomodulatory effects. Since clinical trials in pregnant women by the manufacturer (Sagmel, USA) were not carried out, no one knows exactly how shark liver oil acts on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus.
The remaining components have different preparations of a series Relief. For example, of the candles and ointments include phenylephrine Relief - a drug that acts like adrenaline, sharply narrowing the blood vessels. This leads to the rapid removal of edema, reduction of itching, pain and bleeding. However, phenylephrine is rapidly absorbed in the rectum into the blood and the body can have on the overall impact, narrowing blood vessels, raising blood pressure (BP) and causing cardiac arrhythmia. That is why Relief can not apply to all women. You can not use it if there are any problems with the cardiovascular system, such as high blood pressure.
Relief Advanced Rectal suppositories are composed of shark liver oil in addition to the anesthetic benzocaine. This is an anesthetic for topical application on the skin or mucous membranes benzocaine impedes pain impulses, removing pain and itching. The blood of benzocaine is not absorbed, so Relief Advanced often prescribed during pregnancy when severe pain and itching.
The composition of rectal suppositories Relief
Relief - for the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus
ultra except shark liver oil include hydrocortisone and zinc. These candles instantly relieve the inflammation, swelling, pain and itching, but are contraindicated during pregnancy because they can cause numerous disorders in women. This happens because of the presence of hydrocortisone
Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
- Glucocorticosteroid hormone (GCS), which has a very strong anti-inflammatory effect, but it reduces the immune system (the risk of joining infection), increases blood pressure and can cause a number of undesirable consequences.
Thus, the question of whether to appoint or not to appoint in each case a pregnant woman drugs Relief Series solves a doctor.
Galina Romanenko