Gifted children, or whether well be a child prodigy

November 21, 2013

 gifted children
 Many parents wonder about whether their children are gifted: some because they simply want to know that the child is more talented than others, and some because they see - a child is objectively different from many of their peers. Of course, every child is gifted or not, unique, gifted children but have enough similarities to be able to distinguish one of them from children of average intelligence.


Signs of gifted children

To child was gifted, he need not have all of the following symptoms, but often these children have a majority of these characteristics are more or less pronounced.

  • Observation;
  • The extreme curiosity about the world around them;
  • I have hobbies that the child is ready to devote a lot of time;
  • Excellent memory;
  • The ability to hold the attention on an object for a long time;
  • Ability to logically argue in the relatively early age;
  • A well-developed capacity for abstract thinking;
  • Flexible and quick thinking;
  • The ability to quickly find connections between ideas, objects, facts;
  • The originality of thought;
  • The excellent ability to solve problems;
  • The child quickly learn, while it requires fewer reps to remember than most children;
  • Vivid imagination;
  • Interest in philosophical and social issues;
  • High sensitivity - emotional, and often - even physically;
  • Concerns about fairness;
  • Perfectionism;
  • Energetic learning and communication;
  • The ability to easily find a common language with parents, teachers and other adults in their circle of friends;
  • A high level of motivation is maintained even without external reinforcement;
  • Well-developed sense of humor;
  • The child soon begins to read, read faster and much;
  • The child prefers to read the literature, which is designed for children older than he;
  • Frequently ask questions that begin with "what if";
  • It shows the ability to think critically.

To make sure that a child is gifted, it is possible to test for IQ; This is recommended when the child is less than five and no more than nine years. Usually, a test is required only in cases when considering the admission of the child to school, which is more in keeping with his abilities than mainstream schools. In other cases, the presence of typical signs of giftedness is enough that the parents had no doubt that their child has special talents.


How to raise a gifted child

  • Always place a child in front of new challenges

If before the gifted child are not interesting to him personally intellectual and creative tasks, he may begin behavior problems in school, and perhaps entirely lose interest in learning. Many parents of gifted children expect excellent marks, but their performance can fall even below average if it becomes interesting to learn. Try to work with the teachers. Many of them will be happy to assist gifted students to disclose their abilities.

  • Defend the interests of the child

If teachers are not willing to take into account the peculiarities of your child, try to find him a suitable school. No need to immediately blame the child if they have any problems at school - perhaps the cause that is too different from the average student. If you can not send their children to another school, get him to educational resources on the Internet, and invited him to study the materials at their own interest to his subjects.

  • Open the child window to the world

These windows can be books, movies, museums, lectures, special courses, concerts, travel, and so on. Try as much as possible to attend the event, which correspond to the interests of the child. Tell him about the opportunities to participate in various competitions and contests, as well as where it will be able to continue their education if it is to learn with the same enthusiasm. It is very important that the child saw the possibilities and opportunities to apply their skills in the future.

  • Search for Teachers

If teachers in a school can not or do not want to separate work with gifted children, and you do not have enough knowledge to help the child to disclose his potential, one day he will need an experienced teacher who will be able to deepen their knowledge of the child, and send it. Via the Internet or other resources to try to find teachers who work with gifted children; they can give you valuable practical tips, which are not found in the multi-benefits.

  • Be modest

How would you not like to brag to your friends achievements of the child, it is not necessary to do so .  Firstly, it can lead to excessive self-confidence in a child, and she is often the cause of conflicts with peers .  Second, if your child is gifted by nature, learn better, learn more, think creatively for him - the norm, and it is not necessary to once again highlight .  Endowments - it's just a feature of the person, which can achieve a lot, but that can destroy life and, if given too much importance to the talent and forget about the need to work hard .  Do not let other people too praise your child .  This does not mean that his achievement should be ignored - praise him, but to the extent that he did not have the impression of superiority over all others .  He must understand that talent by itself - it is simply a gift of nature, which still need to properly use .

  • Learn with your child

Gifted children - a great opportunity for parents to supplement their education. If you have time, read books, child reading that (at least some of them), and every day ask him to tell you what he learned today. So you keep contact with the child, who may soon become a lot smarter than you, and you will develop together with it.

Article Tags:
  • child psychology

Aggressive children from two to five

July 26, 2011

 Aggressive children from two to five
 There Korney Chukovsky book of the same name, in which he collected the statements of children of this beautiful age. Many parents enroll their children of their statements, while maintaining a long time and periodically reading out their friends. But, if the child's unusual statements cause affection of others, the non-standard behavior scares and regarded negatively. However, both are phases of formation of the child.

 Aggressive children from two to five

The reasons for the aggression of children from two to five years

Probably not the parents who have not encountered a manifestation of stubbornness, persistence and intrusiveness of their children. The child grows up and tries to realize himself as an independent personality, which manifests itself in the quest for self-reliance and the desire to do everything yourself, as opposed to parents who wish to, for example, put the baby quickly.

Another reason for the appearance of children's aggression in this age - the desire to have all that love, including toys in the hands of other children, and on the shelves. Here the role of parents is very important, as children read from their faces the ban and resolution, as well as know what they really think about it. Parents need to be patient at the same time, calm and severe, and permanent. The stability and predictability of the reaction of parents in different situations - a pledge of good behavior of the child.

At this age, children can not understand why they are so himself, surprised the wave of anger themselves. Aggravating factors may be even the feeling of hunger, fatigue, discomfort. Attentive parents can observe and prevent or minimize aggression, just in time to feed him, warmer clothing, or put baby to sleep. The attention given by parents, and plays an important educational role, showing children how to behave in critical situations.

 Aggressive children from two to five

To help cope with aggression

There are simple techniques to cope with the aggression of children from two to five years.

  • Fairytale. The name of fashion, but in essence it's just reading the stories the child, followed by a discussion of the behavior of the characters and the conclusions about who did the right thing, and someone - no. Tales have to choose age-appropriate behavior and the child. You can ask any of these characters would like to be a child? Why is that? You can get very unexpected answers that will choose the right tactics to communicate with the child.
  • Games to allow the child to direct his energy in the right direction, especially when he had not attend preschool institutions. Well there are games in which the child is allowed to tear the paper, break branches, pour cereal or sand tinker with water. One need only think of the story of the game and interested to take part in it. Games that psychologists recommend:
  • Chants. Taking a walk through the woods or the park with the baby, away from people, you can arrange a competition: who shout louder, and you can shout and listen to the echo. In any case - the child learns to control his cry.
  • Molchalki. In this game you need to make a noise until the master would say "magic phrase" or show "magic mark" then everyone should shut up.
  • Bodalki. Two baby or child-adult couple stand on all fours and abut their heads - who lasts longer, wins. Adults need, of course, to give in.
  • Games with dolls as a child speaks and acts on behalf of the different characters. This helps him to remove aggression safely and visit the site of the offender and the offended. Parents can come up with different scenarios and play those situations in which the child hard to cope with anger. In the game, he will learn to do this and secure a useful skill.

Today, when the children are often left to the computer and the TV, leave the tradition of reading at night, family discussions, reading and children's games, the child can not see in front of examples of proper suppression of anger. He sees the violence and fights on the TV screen and transfers them in real life. Create an atmosphere around the child's love and care, eliminate shouting and violence, and aggression is significantly reduced.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • aggressive child
