Anger in children: its causes, effects and how to cope with it
May 7, 2012
- Anger in children: its causes, effects and how to cope with it
- Age up to four years
- Tips for parents
- Phantom pain
- Psychological stimuli
- Age eight - twelve years
- Introspection parents
All parents ever wanted their child to the enclosed instructions. Just imagine how it would be nice if the baby is born with a detailed manual, which painted all aspects of life - from changing diapers to serious conversations on important topics. This "guide" might tell you how to get him to eat green beans, how do you know if he fell into bad company, how to instill in him self-confidence and determination to succeed, and what to do when he comes out of himself, arranging a tantrum .
Anger - is an emotion common to all people, regardless of age. It turns out that the anger may have even babies. It's so commonplace that 80% occur in children aged one to four years. Approximately 20% of cases - is temper tantrums in children aged two years and 10% - children under the age of four. But parents sometimes difficult to understand what to do, how to act when a child gets angry. Unequivocally to answer all questions related to anger in children (because the line of conduct of parents in each case depends on the causes of anger, and their innumerable), you can not, but you can learn more about this issue, that gives hope for the favorable resolution conflict.
"I want! I demand! "Anger in young children
Aggressive behavior - normal for a child's development, and there are various stages of its formation and manifestation. They can then break off, then emerge with renewed vigor. it is necessary to treat this without undue panic and to watch their behavior as aggression will take place during this period, or will the personality traits of your child depends on the parents. Anger - one of the main and most important of human emotions, without which aggression. Through anger and aggression the child tries to express their needs, monitor the environment and to become independent. And along the way he has the patience of parents.
Even the newly born child can show that he is satisfied, and when - no. His discontent manifests itself in crying, body movements, facial expressions. In the two months can easily be distinguished from the general dissatisfaction with the state of emotion
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anger. What becomes a cause of anger in babies? One of the first reasons - pain. Many studies support the assumption that the pain is innate trigger anger and possibly violent behavior in general. The experience of anger creates the incentive to action, not the action itself. But whether this action aggressive, it depends on the individual characteristics of the child and his environment. Anger causes any discomfort - hunger, fatigue, stress
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. Limiting the physical freedom and the cause of the angry and aggressive reactions. Even four-child if he did not give a time to move his arms, reacts angry facial reaction, and is able to establish the source of the seven-month limit and give aggression towards this source.
Psychological constraint as physical, deprives a person of freedom of action. The first psychological limitations in the child's life is "impossible" that parents tell him when attempting to master a large and unfamiliar world. And the older the children are, the more diverse are these "impossible". Parents can think of many situations where the children reacted with anger to the various bans, as well as their quantity.
The obstacle in reaching the goal may also cause anger. For example, baby intently busy playing and the parents take him at the dinner table, that such interference will naturally be perceived as an obstacle, restriction and cause an angry reaction. Furthermore, anger can be the cause of certain emotional states. It is noticed, for example, that depression
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sadness often coexists with anger. Disgusted with yourself and others, too, can cause anger and aggression. Often in a situation of depression, frustration both with the emotion of anger arise and emotions of disgust and contempt.
Anger in infants - a way to express needs
Psychologists believe anger in babies integral part of their development, such as the primitive displays of emotion - crying, aggression - to help young children express their needs and achieve their satisfaction.
Can you imagine what would happen if the children politely silent when my mother did not have time to feed them on time, put to sleep or just inadvertently hurt? If they had not screamed crying, not suchili legs and screaming? Then the parents would simply not know when you need to change the baby diaper, feed him or put to sleep. We can say, anger - basic (and sometimes the only affordable) way to communicate with the world of babies.
If your child shows anger of this type, remember that it is perfectly normal and in any case do not take his behavior personally. Of course, sometimes from childhood tantrums
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I want to tear my hair out and climb the wall, but we need to remain calm, take a deep breath and ask yourself what can be caused by such behavior kid: maybe he was hungry? Or he needs to change the diaper? Or he was cold (hot)? He was too excited? He needs mothering? He has a tummy ache? Or you just need to hold on to the handles and press the chest?
Adults are also experiencing anger, rage and anger. But the fact adults and adults to be able to independently cope with these emotions, not showing them around. You can boil with anger inside, but the outside to be restrained and calm. But young children have no such deterrents, they still do not realize their feelings and do not understand their reactions. So if they need something, they require this.
For parents, it is quite natural to be upset because of angry outbursts at the kid, but do not respond to his own aggression. Remember that anger for it - is a means of learning about the world. And be patient and optimistic - when your child grows up, his anger will not go away, and your task - to help your child deal with his anger, so it does not become a hidden hostility.
Delayed speech development - when to sound the alarm
November 23, 2013
Normally, parents begin to worry about the possible delay of speech development of their children, when compared with other children. For example, if your son to two years learned to say a few words, and the sister's son at this age have a lot of talking, and quite clearly, it can be a cause for concern. However, many mothers and fathers still hope that everything will be fine by itself, and the child will outgrow their problems. Typically, parents refer to those skilled only if notice any other signs of slow development. To time to help a child who has really been delayed speech development, it is useful to know how it is developing normally.
Normal speech development
- Up to 12 months, children begin to pronounce the individual sounds and syllables, as well as to recognize the names of objects with which they deal on a daily basis (eg, bottle, spoon, table, and so on). Many children around the age of a year starting to articulate a combination of syllables, words like "mom", "dad", and so on.
- 12-15 months. At this age, children begin to imitate the sounds of speech of adults, and usually say their first words, usually of no more than two syllables. They can also understand and follow simple requests (for example: "Give me the toy").
- 18-24 months. Most children this age can pronounce 20-30 words. By two years, children begin to speak simple sentences of two or three words. The two-year child usually recognizes his familiar objects (including the pictures), and may, at the request of the adult point to eyes, ears, nose and so on.
- 2-3 years. Child Dictionary is much higher than a hundred words. He starts to explain the proposals, consisting of three or more words, use the comparative characteristics, such as large and small, light and dark, and so on.
Signs of a delay of speech development
The following symptoms may indicate a delay in speech development of the child:
- A child under the age of weakly responds to sounds, and he almost does not emit any sounds;
- For the twelve months, the child is not using common gestures - does not point to objects with your fingers, not waving goodbye, and so on;
- For eighteen months the child still does not imitate sounds;
- A child can hardly understand addressed to him a simple request;
- A child older than two years can only imitate the voice or gestures, and does not say any sounds spontaneously, on their own initiative;
- A child older than two years, says only a limited number of sounds, and can not use any language skills to report on anything other than the immediate needs (for example, he might ask is, but can not explain what he likes some toy);
- The child has an unusual tone of voice (for example, he says in the nose, or a very raspy voice);
- Parents struggle to understand what the child says. Normally, adults who regularly care for the child must understand half the words he utters in two years, and about three-quarters of words - when he was three years old. By the time a child is four years old, his speech should be clear enough for everyone, even for people who never before did not communicate with him.
Reasons for the delay of speech development
The child, which generally develops normally, speech delay can be caused by problems with the structure of the tongue or palate. For example, the tongue-tie may limit his mobility, and because of this child are not clearly pronouncing words.
Sometimes children are violated due to the areas of the brain that are responsible for it. In this case, the child is difficult to coordinate the movements of the lips, tongue and jaw to properly pronounce the sounds. Delayed speech development may not be the only result of such violations; Sometimes these children have problems with eating.
In some cases, delayed speech development is part of the common problems with the development of the child, the result of which sometimes becomes a mental retardation.
Hearing problems are often associated with delayed speech development, so in the course of diagnosing children be sure to check hearing. Hearing can cause problems with articulation, understanding and use of language.
Ear infections - especially chronic, can seriously damage your hearing baby. In most cases, the infection fails to cure quickly, and they do not affect the speech development. Anyway, if at least one ear of the child hears well, his speech will develop normally.
Help with delayed speech development
If you suspect any problems with speech development of the child as soon as possible go to the doctor. If it turns out that the child is developing normally, you get rid of fear, and if not - it will be provided with timely assistance. Experts say that in any case it is better to prove unfounded concern than to seek medical help too late.
If the results of the examination the doctor determines that the child needs therapy, successful treatment will require the active participation of parents. Typically, they are encouraged to attend the sessions and learn to participate in the process. Your doctor will show parents how to work with your child at home to help him gradually develop it. How exactly it will be therapy depends on the characteristics of the particular case.
Parents should follow these guidelines to encourage speech development of children:
- As much as possible communicate with the child, even if he was born just a few weeks ago, and, apparently, absolutely do not understand. Talk to him, sing to him approvingly react to his attempts to imitate the sounds and gestures.
- Read child, beginning at least six months (and can be sooner). Clearly pronounce words and show the child a picture. If he interrupts reading any sounds, pause and listen to him as if he had clearly expressed his opinion about the read.
- Encourage success. If the child is correctly pronounced the word which was given to him for a long time, and began to speak sentences of three words instead of two, to praise it. Children very early start to differentiate tone of voice, and well aware that their actions cause approval, and when - no.