Children's tantrums - how to behave?

November 25, 2013

 children's tantrums
 The only desire of parents whose children are satisfied with tantrums, it is often to escape somewhere far away not to hear the endless crying child. It seems like the best way to deal with temptation still apply corporal punishment in response to the children's tantrums, despite the fact that today most parents find it unacceptable.


Causes of childhood tantrums

The manifestations of hysteria in children are different - with tears and complaints before the screaming and the use of violence to surrounding people (or objects). Tantrums are equally common in boys and girls, and is particularly common among children aged one to three years.

Since children are very different temperament, one child tantrums can happen on a regular basis, another, more peaceful - very rarely. They are a normal part of the little man, and they are not necessarily viewed as extremely negative phenomenon.

Unlike adults, children do not have sufficient capacity for self-control. Imagine that you are trying to play a DVD-player, you do not go out, no matter how you try. This is very annoying, and you will most likely begin to swear, throw on the floor manual, slams the door ... and then cooled, again take up the player and maybe this time it will. This is an adult version of a tantrum. Young children are trying to fine-tune the world for themselves, for their own needs; when they fail, they resort to a single, as it seems, the available tools - hysterical.

Several major causes of childhood tantrums familiar to every parent: the child may choose to focus, he was tired, hungry, or it is inconvenient (for example, due to new shoes). In addition, tantrums are often the result of dissatisfaction with the child around the world - when they can not get what you want. Tantrums are especially frequent in the second year of life, when a child understands a lot, but not well said - they called it by its inability to properly express their thoughts.

When the children are a little older, they start using tantrums to assert their independence and to exercise their will.


How to avoid tantrums

First of all you need to make sure that the child is not satisfied with tantrums just because he does not get enough attention. Although adults can be difficult to understand from the point of view of the child's negative attention (reaction of parents to the tantrum) is better than no attention. If the child does not get enough attention, he will try to get it by any means, and hysteria is one of them. To prevent this, find the time to talk with your child, read the book to him, praise him for his good behavior. You can just comment on his actions - for example, when he is playing or eating; All this gives the child understand that not forgotten about it, and the desire to arrange a tantrum occurs less frequently.

  • Allow your child to control his life - at least to some extent. For example, ask him if he wanted to brush your teeth before or after having taken a bath if he would drink orange juice or apple, and so on. If you ask a child prone to tantrums if he wants juice at all, most likely, he will answer in the negative.
  • Distract the child. He still can not hold the attention on an object long enough, and that we must use. If you notice that a child is dissatisfied with something and is close to hysteria, ask him to do something else, that it distracted from the source of discontent. You can simply change the situation, for example, to transfer the child to another room - often this is enough to keep him quiet.
  • Weigh all the requests of the child. If he asks for something that you can afford, and that is not a danger to it, try to fulfill his wish. In the end, if you deny him in all his tantrums are quite good reasons.
  • If a child is tired or not feeling well, I do not offer him a walk to the store and do not insist that he ate. Tired children are often only need to leave for some time alone so it did not come into hysterics.


What if the hysterics has begun

The most important recommendation for parents in such situations: do not lose control. If you give free rein to their emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 The situation will only grow worse.

Corporal punishment will not help: so you just give the child to understand that the problems can be solved by force, and hysteria from this will not be less.

Try to understand what is happening. With hysterical need to cope in different ways, depending on what the cause. For example, if a child who has offended, probably, it requires only your consolation.

If hysteria is caused by your failure to give something or to buy a child, try to ignore his cries and screams. You can once explain to the child why you replied to his request for waiver, but do not expect that he will understand you - at least, as long as the rest. Give him crying and go about their business, but do not let the child out of sight.

In no case do not let the child wanted, just to stop the tantrum - if you do this, it will in the future seek his in the same way.

When the tantrum is over, hug a child to make him understand - you love him no matter what. Prior to that, you can gently tell him what he did wrong, and ask him not to do. It is unlikely that he will listen to you, but maybe in the future he will think before you demand something tears and cry.

If over time, children's tantrums are becoming longer and more intense, and / or if the child often tries to hurt themselves or others, seek professional help. In most cases of hysteria eventually pass by themselves, the baby learn to communicate more effectively with the world, and parents become much calmer.

Article Tags:
  • children's tantrums

Montessori Pedagogy in Italian

October 21, 2010

 Montessori method
 Montessori developed by Dr. Maria Montessori - a unique approach to education, which is based on long observation of the development of children from a very young age to adulthood. Under this campaign, the child has a natural thirst for knowledge that can open up completely in a well-organized environment. It focuses on all-round development of the child - physical, social, emotional, mental.

 Montessori Pedagogy in Italian

Features Montessori

Among the components of educational programs based on the Montessori method: group of students, consisting of children of different ages, blocks of working time does not interrupt normal variables and gives children the choice of teaching methods, guided by an instructor. In addition, children and teachers can use the elaborate educational materials specially arranged in an aesthetically pleasing space class.

Teacher, student and working Seda - are aspects which the Montessori method attaches paramount importance. The classrooms are arranged so as to encourage the independence, freedom within certain limits, and a sense of order. The child, making an independent choice, using the opportunities provided by the learning environment and interacts with the teacher when he needed support and / or guidance.

Due to the fact that the study groups include children of different ages, younger can learn from elders and seniors better memorize and re-look at the previously covered, explaining the younger what is already learned themselves.

Dr. Montessori noticed that the children during the development period are particularly sensitive, or so-called window of opportunity. Teachers who work at the Montessori method, prepare special lessons for those periods when new knowledge is especially easy digestible.

Preschool children learn through sensory-motor activity - children work with materials that are developing their ability to think through the direct experience of the senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, movement.

At the elementary school children with special educational materials and interdisciplinary programs are gradually moving from the concrete to the abstract. Over time, they begin to use their new knowledge to real-world phenomena.

 Montessori Pedagogy in Italian

Benefits of Montessori

Each child is treated as a unique individual. Montessori is based on the recognition that children can learn in different ways, prefer different forms of learning. In addition, students can choose suitable for their learning pace - the one to which they are ready.

From an early age pupils become accustomed to order, coordinate their actions, concentration and independence. The design of classrooms, teaching materials and organization of work contribute to the fact that the child himself to organize their activities. Children develop self-learning ability and habit to think for themselves about what they are learning and why.

Students form a close-knit community whose members care about each other. Older children are happy to mentors and role models for the younger ones. Younger feel the support and confidence that they, like older guys will be able to cope with the upcoming challenges. Teachers show respect for the identity of the children and contribute as much as possible peaceful and constructive resolution of conflicts.

Children learn to enjoy the freedom and realize the associated liability. Within certain rules, students can actively participate in deciding on what it is best to focus in training. The inner satisfaction that the child receives, learning in this mode, it stimulates the desire to learn more and learn more deeply interested in his subjects. At the same time a child sees the result of the adoption of decisions by himself and learns to understand that freedom is associated with a high level of responsibility.

Students themselves are looking for answers to their questions. The learning process is built so that children have the opportunity to find the necessary information; Of course, they can also ask their questions to the teacher. The idea is that the child yourself thinking about what he studies, compared the facts already known to him and decided that he did not have enough for a more complete understanding of the subject matter.

Self-correction. Over time, enrolled in the Montessori children learn critical look at their work, correct it and learn from your mistakes.

History of Education - hundreds of names, and only a few real school, whose traditions are successfully used many years later. Maria Montessori - Italian psychologist, physicist and teacher. Almost seventy years have completely forgotten about it in Eastern Europe, while in America and Western Europe opened academies and institutes, where it has successfully embodied the pedagogical, didactic and anthropological ideas.
