5 amazingly simple ways to make children smarter

September 26, 2011

  • 5 amazingly simple ways to make children smarter
  • Each teacher at the microphone

 Five surprisingly simple ways to make children smarter
 Experts in the field of education has long been arguing about why school education often does not justify the hopes rested upon it. Someone thinks that the case of insufficient funding and non-professional personnel. Someone - that children are too passionate about Twitter, where you can discuss the work and personal lives of stars, that they had the time, energy and desire to math, biology, literature, and other important things. But there is something that you yourself can do for a successful development of their children. It's simple, inexpensive and witty.

 5 amazingly simple ways to make children smarter

Send him to school later (only one hour)

It knows all the children and all the parents ignore this since the beginning of time.

In the morning look around at the office. It is very likely that you will see one of your colleagues, yawning and rubbing his eyes, the other looking at the monitor look frozen zombies, the third is not more active and alert than sloth, went about their daily business. How do we know? The fact that two-thirds of adults now suffer from lack of sleep regularly. Moreover, they generously share this habit with their children.

Insufficient sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   in children, especially teenagers, can lead to poor performance in school. In schools where classes have decided to start later than usual, performance has improved significantly. For example, in an English school after the introduction of these innovations was 27% less absenteeism, and the report of the school, which is located in Toronto, says that the number of unsatisfactory ratings for examinations and examinations in mathematics in the graduating class decreased from 45% to 17%. Children who go to school later, feel less depressed, and their parents report that children are becoming easier to find a common language.

 5 amazingly simple ways to make children smarter

Why does it work?

Hormonal changes influence the biological clock, which is why many teens, as opposed to small children, go to bed late. And then we force them to wake up early enough to be at school at 7:30 or 8 am. The result is obvious: teens average 6.9 hours of sleep they need, instead of nine. The difference of two hours may not seem very significant, but it becomes noticeable in the classroom. About 20% of students regularly fall asleep in class.

And fall asleep in class - is not the worst. You remember that chronic sleep deprivation can cause a whole bunch of diseases in adults? Now apply all of these symptoms in adolescents who already is hormonal changes in the body, and all awry. That is why schools that have decided to start the school day later and found that they became rapidly improve performance. Who would have thought that it needs only a little bit lazy allow teenagers.

 5 amazingly simple ways to make children smarter

Let the sunshine

It's time to learn from the hippies. Do not worry, we will not go on the manufacture of illegal substances such as illegal plants or that to improve IQ well be another year or two to travel to South America on foot.

Hippie love something, you need each and every one - the sunlight. In one of his most famous songs are called "to put it inside." Can you think of their mental faculties anything but formal scientific studies have shown that children who are engaged in the classrooms with large windows, a 25% better at tests, 23% faster reading and 15% successfully engaged in mathematics. In other words, for some students the difference between failure and success can only be determined by curtained windows or not.

 5 amazingly simple ways to make children smarter

Why does it work?

Sunlight is needed not only for photosynthesis was possible for us to be warm, and to all the Earth could be habitable. It also elevates mood, helps to better see and suppresses melatonin, a hormone that has a strong impact on our sleep. In other words, children who are studying in the sunlight, feel happy, they are less sleepy, more attentive and active.

It used to be that you need to build a school with small windows to students less distracted during lessons. Although, as we know, cars and trees around schools has never started to sing the chorus and dancing the cancan, thereby preventing kids learn algebra. Now it began to realize in the new school buildings make great big windows. So before you decide which school to give the child to find out the size of the windows in the classrooms.

Depression in adolescent girls: what you need to know about it

May 24, 2012

 depressed teenage girls
 In the life of any teenager takes a lot of events - school, friends, relationships with others, changes in the body. There is nothing surprising in the fact that young people often behave unpredictably and emotionally unbalanced. How to find out whether the mood swings Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?  Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?
   normal or is it cause for concern?

 Depression in adolescent girls: what you need to know about it

It is best to start by answering the following questions:

  • Do not stop if a child do things that used to give him pleasure, for example, the game of baseball, running, dancing or attending school discos? And not just shifted from one activity or sport to another, but simply dropped their hobbies, because none of them do not bring happiness?
  • Do not refuse any child on walks and shopping trips with your friends, simply because there is no mood?
  • Do not dropped his grades in school?
  • Does the child have no quarrel with their parents more often than before?
  • If he does not irritate on different occasions for no apparent reason?
  • Do not torment the child's constant fatigue and insomnia at the same time?
  • Do not eat more than usual if a child to come in a good mood? Or perhaps, on the contrary he lost his appetite?
  • Do not torment his guilt or anxiety that to him that something was wrong?
  • No Does your child have thought that he was tired and sick of it all?

If a child answers "yes" to at least one of these questions, then perhaps his depression. This means that he needs help - and as soon as possible - to understand their condition, to understand what was happening and what to do. He needs to talk to your parents, a doctor, social worker, or any other adult whom he trusts.

 Depression in adolescent girls: what you need to know about it

What is depression

Some say: "I do not have depression, because I have not always a bad mood." But depression is not necessarily manifested through the bad mood. A bad mood is due to the so-called "affective disorder," which can in unexpected ways to influence a person's mood.

Some people suffering from depression, do constantly in despair and cry a lot. Others have simply become too irritable and ready to hate the whole world.

According to experts in psychiatry, "depression - this is when you feel disgusting, but do not know for what reason." Sometimes it's hard to say whether the tormented human depression, or he's just not in the mood. All of us sometimes "the blues." But that is not related to depression.

For example, a child could not play well as a team, had a row with someone or seriously quarreled with his best friend. If a child is sad couple of weeks, and then comes to life, it's probably not depressed. When us unpleasant things happen, quite naturally, we are sad, angry or feel disappointed.

But, according to experts, "If a person is constantly irritated, upset, gloomy and not in the mood for more than two weeks, there is a problem." Depression does not mean that the man - the spirit is weak or a loser.

Depression is not always behaves the same way. For some people it works so much that they go through difficult each day. On the other, it acts softer, but lasts for months and sometimes years. In addition, there is depression, which begins after the sad events in life, such as the death of a loved one or divorce of their parents.

All kinds of depression are treatable.

 Depression in adolescent girls: what you need to know about it

What do we have to do

If you suspect that a child has depression, there may be doubts about whether to deal with this problem to the doctor, because a child can be labeled as "crazy." Forget about it. Depression has nothing to do with madness.

In fact, the knowledge that a child depression - is a kind of good news, because there are effective treatments for this disease. You do not need to go to hospital for treatment or receive unwanted drugs. There are many other methods of treatment.

Depression is treated in the following ways:

  • Therapy. A teenager can go to individual counseling with a therapist or a course of treatment in the group. Therapy helps the teenager understand what is going wrong in his life, and how to change things for the better, for example, how to cope with problems at school, how to work on healthy relationships with friends and family.
  • Changing lifestyles. For example, physical activity, good nutrition and the search for support in society. Many studies have shown that the treatment of depression Treatment of depression - pills needed  Treatment of depression - pills needed
   exercise as effective as drugs.
  • Antidepressants. Sometimes medication prescribed by the doctor to help the patient regain emotional and psychological balance. There are many drugs. (There have been several cases where the use of these drugs was associated with suicidal thoughts in young people, so if there is a suspicion that drugs taken worsen the teenager should immediately inform your doctor).

During the consultation with the doctor to develop individual treatment plan. It is recommended to conduct therapy and lifestyle changes can antidepressants. But for the treatment of depression is not enough taking the pills.

Depression in adolescents, both medium and large extent, is treated by a combination of faster reception of medicines and consultations with the social worker. But if the patient refuses to take medication, used other, equally effective treatments. Usually, the patient's condition significantly improved within two months after starting treatment.

 Depression in adolescent girls: what you need to know about it

Thoughts of suicide

Many adolescents and adults is depression, but not every one of them had suicidal thoughts.

If you have thoughts of a teenager that he wanted to die, that the world would be better without it, or talk about it to him friends, you need to seek immediate medical attention. You can call the hotline psychological help Psychological help: to understand their own rubble ...  Psychological help: to understand their own rubble ...
   and confidential talk with a specialist who can help the teenager to cope with their emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code

It is necessary to remember the following:

  • It does not do anything that can not be subsequently corrected. Suicide - is not an option.
  • If a teenager is not sure he could cope with the temptation to commit suicide with him must always be a person you can rely on.
  • Depression can cause a variety of thoughts and feelings. But the teenager should not think that he is a bad and stupid, or that he is a failure. You just need to ask for help. Each of us sometimes need help.

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  • depression
