Gastroesophageal reflux (regurgitation) in children - not such a harmless symptom

September 9, 2007

  • Gastroesophageal reflux (regurgitation) in children - not such a harmless symptom
  • Acid Reflux and Silent

 gastroesophageal reflux regurgitation in infants
   Regurgitation - this is repeated, effortless regurgitation of small amounts of milk after eating baby. It does not harm the child, and is a completely normal process. Regurgitation occurs when the pressure in the abdominal cavity is too strong for a weak esophageal sphincter baby; when the child is a little older, esophageal sphincter is successfully preventing regurgitation. Milk is readily passes through the ring-shaped muscle, especially when the child is lying.

Almost all children in the first months of life more or less often vomit. Some children regurgitation occurs more than once during a feeding. Most kids regurgitation occurs frequently from one to four months of life; often already in the fifth month of life regurgitation is minimal. In any case, for eighteen months muscles esophageal sphincter become sufficiently developed, and regurgitation is terminated; this is also due to the fact that the child in this age eating a solid food and spend more time in an upright position.

 Gastroesophageal reflux (regurgitation) in children - not such a harmless symptom


During normal regurgitation infant is not in pain, discomfort, and any other symptoms; This does not prevent him to eat well and gain weight.

Sometimes, regurgitation is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Other symptoms of this condition:

  • Slow weight gain;
  • She refused to eat and / or pain during feeding;
  • Vomiting and blood in vomit;
  • Frequent coughing and shortness of breath;
  • Sleep apnea (temporary cessation of breathing during sleep).

If your child has these symptoms, it is necessary as soon as possible go to the doctor - especially to prevent more serious illness. Should be diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease, your doctor may give direction to other specialists for further investigation.

Severe vomiting, in which the milk is almost shoots out of the mouth may be a sign of narrowing of the esophageal valve. When this symptom you should immediately seek medical help.

Approximately one in ten babies intense and frequent regurgitation leads to dehydration and weight loss. In such cases, appointed by the special treatment.

If regurgitation occurs very frequently, often try to feed the baby, preventing it at one time too much milk; do not let him take a horizontal position immediately after feeding, hold him in her arms, supporting the baby's back, at least for fifteen minutes. If you are going to feed your baby, put a number of clean towel so you can just wipe the milk he otrygnet.

Lullaby - not a fad

July 27, 2008

 Lullaby - is not just fun for the parent or the child. There are many very good reasons for not need to give up following a long tradition - to sing the baby before going to bed.

 Lullaby - not a fad

Lullaby helps sleep

The main and most obvious feature lullaby - to help your child sleep. The root of the word "lullaby" speaks for itself. Indeed, a lullaby helps the child to sleep, but under one condition - if you constantly sing to him before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . Often the baby is difficult to settle down to sleep, and habitual actions mom or dad - singing, give him the feeling that everything is fine, you need to calm down and it is time to rest. If you sing a lullaby for the first time, be prepared for the fact that the effect will be the opposite - the child is alive interested unusual phenomenon for a long time can not calm down. The best way to help traditional lullabies to sleep - their melodies and rhythms reconciled over the centuries until it became effective in "sleeping" means.

 Lullaby - not a fad

Strengthening the psychological connection

Lullaby is one of many ways of expressing love for the child. From other ways it differs in that while one man sings and the other listens attentively (a child or listening carefully, or not listening at all) between them creates a special psychological connection. The child begins to recognize his mother's voice very early, even before birth, and singing, maybe one of the best ways for consciousness strong bonds between mother and child. If mom sings regularly, the child heard her singing, feels confident that helps him to calm down, even if the whole day, he was very excited. Music itself has a relaxing effect (at least this applies to cradle), and the singing of a loved one especially can distract from the many troubles.

 Lullaby - not a fad


I guess we all know that many children can not sleep if there are no mothers (or other person who is taking care of them since birth). There is a theory according to which the children are tired and about ready to fall asleep, crying because of falling asleep causes them concern. This is probably due to the fact that the child does not understand what a dream, and it seems that it is a failure in something unknown and frightening. If a child is experiencing regular bedtime concerned and adults ignore it, perhaps in the future it will have serious problems with self-confidence. There are different ways to calm the child before going to sleep, but found that the most effective is singing a lullaby. When it becomes a kind of ritual, repeated every night, singing soothes the child almost instantly, letting him know that everything is okay and nothing to worry about.

 Lullaby - not a fad

The development of thinking

Numerous studies have shown that children who listen to music, there is an intensive formation of neural connections in the brain - much more intense than those who rarely hear the music or can not hear it at all. At the same time it does not matter what kind of music to listen to a child. These bonds can not be formed in any other way, and if they form early in life, they are not formed at all ever. The sooner the child will hear the music, including lullabies, the better development of its ability to learn, as well as creative thinking and creativity.

 Lullaby - not a fad

Speech and language

It is very important for the development of a child's speech The development of a child's speech - the stages of language acquisition  The development of a child's speech - the stages of language acquisition
   are those characteristics of a lullaby Lullabies: universal hypnotic  Lullabies: universal hypnotic
 As repetition, rhyme, assonance and alliteration. Singing the same lullaby over and over again promotes the ability to recognize sounds. In addition, a child who sing lullabies in early life remembers, though not aware of this, the construction of phrases and the correct pronunciation of words.


Attentive listening - is a key component of the development of the child. Solo, vocal or instrumental, allowing him to better focus on what he hears. Listening - an invaluable skill that will come in handy not only kid in school, but also in all situations.

Article Tags:
  • sleeping child
