In ancient Greece, the immortality of the gods mortals explained by the fact that the gods ate ambrosia consisting of honey, milk and nectar. The spoon fragrant honey collected many micro- and macronutrients, vitamins, essential for human development. Honey - a natural product, similar in composition to blood plasma, a real fount of health. On the treatment with bee sweet gift mankind knew in ancient times, engaged in apiculture and beekeeping. What diseases can be cured with honey?
The composition of the medical honey
"Honey - transformed flower nectar collected by bees and other insects" - a definition gives the free encyclopedia Wikipedia Internet. Honey contains from 13 to 20% of water, 75-80% carbohydrates (including glucose
Glucose: The energy source
, Fructose, sucrose), vitamins B, E, R, C, provitamin A, carotene, folic acid, phosphorus, iron, and other trace elements involved in the formation of blood and bone formation. The composition of human blood plasma consists of 24 trace elements, twenty-two of which are contained in the honey.
Most effectively on pathogens of various diseases of honey collected from apple, chestnut, linden, clover, pears. This is due to the activity of volatile, which are formed in these plants.
Which treats diseases of honey?
Mention of the use of honey as a medicine in the annals preserved from very ancient times. In handwritten Russian medical manual contains hundreds of recipes that use honey bees. Today, however, scientists and physicians have rediscovered the power of science to the therapeutic effects of honey on open wounds and damaged skin, its antioxidant, krovotvoryaschie and antibiotic properties.
Honey is not only useful as a fortifying agent, it is beneficial for nervous exhaustion, helps with heart and stomach diseases, liver and kidneys. Honey soothes the mucous membranes, it is recommended for coughs and sore throat, has antibacterial properties, the ability to kill pathogens or to delay their growth. Honey can be used as a remedy for many diseases of the digestive tract, especially gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis with high and low acidity. Regular use of honey in these illnesses can completely restore lost health.
Honey is recommended for anemia, constipation, headache, dermatitis, coronary heart disease, metabolic disorders, with reduced vision, memory, immunity, radiation exposure, chronic intoxication, gynecological, endocrine and many other serious diseases.
Contraindications may be diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
honey and nutrition of children under 1 and 5 years. Allergic reactions to honey is almost impossible, exceptions are allergic to the defective product or the impurities contained in the honey. In rare cases, when a patient is allergic to any complex carbohydrates, honey may provoke an attack.
Methods of treatment with honey
Depending on the disease, honey taken orally in pure form, as solutions, pills and potions. Externally used honey as part of lotions, compresses, lubrication, baths and inhalation. Famous honey massage way to get rid of serious internal diseases, give the skin a velvety and smooth, clean the pores, bring products of metabolism and remove excess fat.
If ingestion is recommended to use daily for 1-2 g per kilogram of body weight. For inhalation use 5-10% solution of honey in distilled water. Inhalation is carried out for ten minutes twice a day for sore throat, sinusitis and other respiratory diseases. Rinse with stomatitis, pharyngitis and coleitis
Colpitis - take a lot of trouble
- 2-4 times a day, 30% honey solution.
In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease and neurosis
Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
appoint honey, diluted with warm water, three times a day for twenty minutes before meals or two to three hours after eating. In diseases of the upper respiratory tract it is recommended to keep the honey in the mouth five or six times a day, using up to a full recovery.
Interesting facts about the properties of honey
During the Great Patriotic War, many military hospitals used honey as an external remedy for healing wounds and for the treatment of skin diseases gnoynikovyh - carbuncles and boils. It was found that even a weak aqueous solution of honey not only stops the growth of bacteria, but completely destroy them.
Honey, as a valuable folk medicine, sung in Russian epics, folk tales and songs. Honey treated early folk doctors, elders, wise long-term observations. Ancient epic tells how the doctors healed Ilya Muromets that "thirty-three years in the village sitting sydney Karacharovo" returned his heroic virtue, "giving the drink a glass of honey-pititsa."
In ancient times, when there were no refrigerators termobudok, with long-distance transport of meat for preservation fill it with honey. In honey no shelf life, it can be crystallized, while maintaining its properties. Honey found in the tomb of Tutankhamen, is still edible.
"Father of Medicine" Hippocrates is not only widely used honey as a medicine, but ate them himself, thus he lived, according to legend, to 104 years. Pythagoras, Herodotus and Aristotle believed that regular consumption of honey helps to significantly prolong life and improve its quality.
Jeanne Pyatirikova