10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

January 9, 2011

 Common Misconceptions health medicine
 We often believe in certain things just because it is accepted without even thinking why. So, just in case. However, many misconceptions associated with medicine can be not just absurd and amusing, but hazardous to health. We present the ten common myths about medicine, with which we often have to face in everyday life.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

Contact lens can "get lost" in the orbit

Some people seriously claim that their contact lens Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?  Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?
   "Stuck" in the orbit, but to solve the problem, they do not hurry up, because they are afraid that to extract the lens will have to remove the eye! Well, we have good news: if you think that the contact lens is "lost" in the orbit, calm down - it's impossible. Most likely, you've lost the lens in a less exotic location such as on the bathroom floor when trying to remove it. Or embodiment: a lens can adhere to the inside of the eyelid.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

Tampons can "get lost" in the body

This misconception common among women. It is surprising, but the women often go to the doctor, suspecting that the tampon How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   "I failed." In 98 cases out of a hundred turns out to be a false alarm. Why is that? Yes, because it simply nowhere "to fall." The walls of the vagina tightly close around foreign object (in this case a tampon). On the other side of the vagina to the cervix is ​​closed, so that if a tampon "lost", most likely, you just forgot that it had been removed.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

After the flu shot can be infected with influenza

It is believed that the flu virus can be picked up as a result of flu shots The flu shot - does it make sense to do it?  The flu shot - does it make sense to do it?
 . This is another misconception. Flu shots contain inactive or neutralized viruses. But despite the fact that the virus is rendered harmless and poses no danger, the body recognizes it and tries to destroy it. But not so long ago in America, a major scandal broke out: a large consignment of flu vaccine was withdrawn from the fact that the employee forgot to neutralize the lab it contains viruses. So make your conclusions.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

To revive the dying, it is necessary to introduce drugs directly into the heart

"Pulp Fiction" - a great movie classics of world cinema. But he advocates a single harmful misconception resuscitation can be performed vkolov medication directly into the heart. The film is a shot of adrenaline after a drug overdose. It looks impressive, but it is not true - all invented director. No doctor would cure the dying stabbing through the heart - the adrenaline, by the way, is administered in the event of a heart attack and a heart attack, but is administered intravenously. And yes, the adrenaline does not treat heroin overdose - he is being treated narkanom. If the doctor and can insert the needle in the heart, but only in the pericardial sac to pump out the accumulated liquid.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

Older people have less need for sleep

Many believe that with age, the need for sleep decreases, and the elderly need to sleep five or six hours to feel refreshed and rested. But this is misleading. In fact, the need for sleep does not change throughout life. Moreover, after sixty-five need for sleep may be increased. Most likely, this myth arose because elderly people often suffer from insomnia, sleep less so. But this does not mean that they need less sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   to recuperate.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

From chocolate pimples

This is a very common misconception. From childhood, we are told that chocolate spoiled teeth and skin, pimples. But scientific studies have shown that the appearance of acne in no way associated with the consumption of chocolate in any form. Thus, in one study participants in the first control group was given chocolate containing no cocoa and second parties - the chocolate with a high content of cocoa. Neither the first nor the second group of changes was not observed. But do not forget: World should know when to stop and lean on any food, including chocolate, should not be.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

From sneeze can stop the heart

At least, this myth arose not from scratch, but on the basis of observations. Although the idea that when you sneeze can stop the heart, is not true - does not have anything to do with it - when you sneeze really quickens the heart rate, which is caused by pressure changes in the chest.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

From the wound on the finger you need to suck blood

Each of us at least once in your life ever cut your finger. If wool or bandage is not at hand, cut finger often goes straight into the mouth, where carefully chew, and because of this, you should not do. His mouth is full of harmful bacteria, and stick your finger in your mouth - asking for big trouble. Where has gone astray it is harmful is unknown, but the next time you slice the finger, think about it.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

You can not go to sleep after a concussion

This error, as in many others, blame the movies. It's OK to fall asleep with a concussion, and it is not necessary to slash the victim's cheeks, not letting him go to sleep. Concussion can cause a coma only in very rare cases. But this does not mean that a concussion does not require treatment - the victim should see a doctor immediately, if only to make sure that everything is in order.

 10 common misconceptions related to health and medicine

Mouth sores contain the infection

If you at least once appeared nasty sores on the lips, you know how frustrating it is. In addition, they are terribly contagious, so you can not kiss! But unlike herpes sores on the lips and in the oral cavity do not contain infection. It is difficult to confidently name the reason of their appearance, but that is not the bacteria and viruses. Rather, their appearance is caused by disruption of the immune system.
