Linseed oil for the body - finished natural cosmetics

June 8, 2014

 linseed oil body
 Flaxseed oil is good for the body helps relieve dryness and flaking of the skin associated with age-related changes, metabolic and hormonal levels. Flaxseed oil can be used to soften the skin of hands and feet, to get rid of cracks on the heels, as well as to strengthen nails.


Linseed oil for body skin

Flaxseed oil is composed of the necessary biologically active substances, a positive influence on the state of any skin. Especially effective is flaxseed oil for dry chapped, flaky skin. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), omega-3 and omega-6 and monounsaturated fatty acids (MNZHK) Omega-9 is easily absorbed by the human body, it penetrates the superficial tissues of the skin and is actively involved in metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

Especially important for proper metabolism in the skin PUFA Omega-3, which in sufficient quantities are contained only in flaxseed oil and fish oil. Formed during their exchange biologically active substances eicosanoids activate fat metabolism, promote the formation of new young skin cells, improve blood circulation in the skin, stimulate the immune system and inhibit chronic inflammatory processes.


Linseed oil for the body - the restoration of youth and skin elasticity

Tired, aging skin of the body can be restored, daily eating 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, adding it to salads, steamed vegetables, cereals and so on. Here are just a cook in the linseed oil is not recommended: when heated it loses almost all its useful properties.

Simultaneously use linseed oil and externally adding it to the various masks and skin creams or body using pure. To rejuvenate dry flaky skin suit applications with linseed oil: 100 ml of warm linseed oil need to add 5-10 drops of rose or orange essential oil, moisten the cloth with a solution of the oil obtained from cotton, to impose on pre-cleaned small area of ​​skin (forearm, shoulder , neckline, and so on) and leave for 20 minutes; then the remaining oil should be removed, soaked skin tissue.

Such applications should be done every two days on different areas of the skin. Overlay application directly to the skin of the whole is not necessary, because through the skin into the body receives oxygen and oil blocks access of oxygen to the tissues. Regular use of applications within three months will significantly improve the condition of the skin, making it more fresh and tightened.

For skin of hands suitable mixture of linseed oil with lavender, chamomile or eucalyptus essential oil. But a tablespoon of flaxseed oil add 2 drops of essential oil. The resulting mixture is applied to clean skin Clean skin: the beauty of the need to fight  Clean skin: the beauty of the need to fight
   hand and massaged for a few minutes. After this procedure, your skin becomes smooth and tender. The same procedure can be carried out, and on his feet.

Quickly restore the skin on the hands will help a mixture of linseed oil (1 teaspoon), which should add 2 drops of oil solution of vitamin A and E, and raw egg yolk. The mixture should be applied to clean skin on the hands, wear gloves beauty filament (you can buy them at the store) and leave for 30 minutes, then wash your hands thoroughly with a soft water without soap.

Widely used flaxseed oil polish. In a teaspoon of warm linseed oil, add 1 drop of essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   daisies, carefully rub the mixture into the fingertips, nails and cuticles nail plate for 5 minutes, remove excess oil with a paper towel and put on cotton gloves beauty overnight. Procedure should be performed twice a week for at least three months.

A lot of discomfort can deliver skin on the feet, especially on the heels. It gets tough, peeled layers and bursts to form a long non-healing fractures. In this case, you can do daily foot bath of decoction of potato peelings with the addition of linseed oil. These baths are well soften the skin soles of the feet, including calluses and corns, which are then easily removed with a pumice.


Linseed oil for massage

Flaxseed oil is perfect for massage. This natural oil with no preservatives, which is well absorbed into the skin, providing a smooth glide hand massage. For massage can be used pure linseed oil, or add a small amount of essential oils.

Absorbed into the skin, linseed oil Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower  Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower
   It gets into skin cells and activates metabolic processes in them. Especially effective is flaxseed oil for cellulite. Massages with linseed oil help to restore skin cells, fat stretched inclusions as linseed oil promotes the breakdown of fat. It also helps linseed oil for stretch marks: it helps to restore collagen fibers gaps that occur when tension of the skin.

Flax seed oil - a lovely natural cosmetics for the body.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • linseed oil

Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?

June 28, 2013

  • Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?
  • rules

 strengthening the hair
 If you are trying to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss, you unsuccessfully tried all available shampoos, conditioners, creams and masks, it does not mean that the case is hopeless. Chances are you were looking for solution to the problem is not there. Often the best way to strengthen the hair is food - that is, we have to act from within, not from outside.

Healthy hair is dependent on the body's ability to "build" healthy hair as well as skin and hair follicles. That is why it is so important to a healthy diet - without a body is simply not enough building materials. However, the change in diet will affect only the condition of the hair, which has yet to grow, so do not expect a quick result. If you change your diet today, the condition of your hair improve significantly in 6-12 months, depending on the rate of growth (the hair grows, on average, 1.2-3.8 cm per month).

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?

Cases in which power does not help izmenenpie

  • Hair loss male pattern. In this case, you need as soon as possible to see a doctor, and the use of special funds for baldness Funds from baldness: saving hair  Funds from baldness: saving hair
  • Loss and thinning hair associated with the aging process. In all aging people hair become less and thinner; It is a natural process, which by means of a healthy diet can be slowed, but not prevented.

Other conditions that can cause loss of hair, but are reversible:

  • Fluctuations in hormonal levels. Many women have hair fall out or become brittle during pregnancy and lactation. Healthy food can accelerate the recovery of the organism, including the condition of the hair, after being normalized hormones;
  • Stress;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Iron deficiency.
  • Now let's talk about which products should be included in the diet, to strengthen the hair How to strengthen the hair, so as not to get lost:-tested recipes  How to strengthen the hair, so as not to get lost:-tested recipes

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?

Protein foods rich in iron

Protein is needed for growth of cells, including those which make up the hair. When protein lacking hair grows slowly becomes more brittle, but in some cases, begins to fall. Furthermore, the iron contained in the protein products of animal origin, is absorbed better than from plant foods. Iron helps red blood cells to ensure the access of oxygen to all body cells.

Most people have enough iron, which they get from the diet. However, premenopausal women age recommended for dietary supplements containing iron, because in this period the level of the substance in blood is significantly reduced. Do not take these supplements without first consulting a physician since excess iron in the body can be dangerous to health. Rich sources of iron - clams, oysters, lean beef, turkey, duck, lamb, chicken, pork, shrimp, eggs. Its pretty much in tofu, soy, lentils, beans.

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?


Weak hair can be a sign of a lack of certain vitamins. Eat more vitamins A, C, E and C. Eat more greens and protein foods such as eggs and nuts - they contain a wide range of essential hair nutrients.

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?

Vitamin C

Vitamin C improves the body's ability to absorb iron from plant foods, so vegetarians is especially important to use as many foods rich in this vitamin.

Ascorbic acid is also necessary for the formation of collagen, which is largely dependent beauty of hair and skin.

A lot of vitamin C in bell peppers, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, pineapple, papaya, lemons, broccoli, guava, Brussels sprouts.

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?

B vitamins - folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12

These vitamins are involved in the creation of red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body. At deficiency of vitamins in the skin becomes bleak and dry hair weaker, break and fall out. And it is - only the external signs; internal organs shortage of these substances may eventually cause much more serious damage.

The sources of vitamin B6 are chickpeas, fortified cereals, wild salmon (not grown in nurseries), lean beef, pork, chicken, potatoes, bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
   and lentils. Many vitamin B12 in shellfish (mussels, oysters, crabs), salmon, fortified cereals, soy milk, trout, lean beef and low-fat cottage cheese. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is contained in soybeans, oatmeal, turnips, spinach, green peas, artichokes, okra, beets, parsnips, and broccoli.

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?


Zinc is needed for growth and tissue repair, including - hair. It also ensures the normal operation of the sebaceous glands, which also affects the condition of hair. Zinc deficiency can lead to stunted growth and hair loss and dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
 . Rich sources of zinc are oysters, lean beef, crab, pork, peanut butter, wheat germ, turkey, veal, pumpkin seeds, chicken, chickpeas.

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?

Means for strengthening hair

Many people dream to have a long, strong, thick hair. In practice, such a hair to grow without any effort can not be just about anyone. If your hair is damaged by heat styling, exposure to sunlight or low-quality paint, you have to have patience, to regain your hair healthy. However, while strengthening the hair - a long process, the result is worth it.

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?


Regularly trim the hair to remove the split ends, and to stimulate their growth. Split ends can not be "cured", they can only temporarily cover up with special funds. The only way to really solve the problem - it is a regular haircut. Damaged, loose hair cut is recommended every 6-8 weeks. Healthy hair can be cut once in 2-3 months.

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?

Caring for the scalp

Proper care of the scalp - one of the most important means to strengthen the hair. 4-5 times a week, but better - every day, do yourself a scalp massage to stimulate blood circulation. Wash your hair as often as necessary to the skin does not accumulate too much fat and dirt - it restricts the access of air to the hair follicles, and this has a negative impact on the hair.

 Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?

Deep conditioning

Try to carry out this procedure at least once a week. Buy a special tool for deep conditioning, or use natural conditioners like mayonnaise, grated pulp of avocado, or olive oil. Apply your chosen tool on unwashed hair and scalp, put on the head with a shower cap or wrap it polyethylenes, and keep the air conditioner on the hair for 20-30 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.
