Hand Care - hide your age
February 15, 2013
- Hand Care - hide your age
- Tips for men
Your hands do not know about the rest. They make you a sandwich in the morning, put in order the face and hair, gaining a text message, open dozens of windows every day, shake hands. There are not many cases in which the arms do not actively participate. In addition, they are, as we know, the hallmark of a woman, and can not be neglected in any case. Here are some tips that will allow you to reward their own hands for their work.
- Wear gloves. Rubber gloves are needed when you work at home, using harsh chemicals. Leather or wool gloves are needed to protect your hands from the cold winter air. Do not forget to wear gloves while working in the garden - ground contact skin dries out very quickly.
- Protect your hands from the sun. Even people who regularly use sunscreen on your face, neck, arms and other exposed parts of the body, often forget about the hand. Meanwhile, they are often exposed to sunlight, so that the day be sure to apply them a cream with an SPF of at least 15.
- Age spots that tend to occur primarily on the hands, do you immediately above. One of the main reasons for their appearance - the lack of protection from sunlight. If you already have appeared spots, use special creams, skin lightening.
- Exfoliation is an important part of skin care. To exfoliate the skin of the hands is better to use the same means as for the person; body scrubs can be too harsh for the delicate skin on the hands.
- Moisturize. Frequent washing of hands dry out the skin, so you need to apply them regularly moisturizing lotions or creams. During the day, use a light lotion, and before going to bed
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smear your hands greasy cream that contains vegetable oil.
- Massage. Massage your hands when they smear the cream at least once a day. Begin the massage with hands and then massage each finger individually, from base to tip.
Masks for hands
Water, soap, household chemicals permanently affect the skin, depriving it of moisture and lead to the premature appearance of age. In order to permanently preserve a beautiful, smooth skin, creams are not enough; as well as the face, hands need nourishing, anti-aging, moisturizing mask. They do not have to buy in the store - Effective mask can be prepared with their own hands, of the products that is in almost every home.
- Honey mask. You will need: 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon oatmeal and 1 tablespoon honey. Mix the ingredients, apply the mask on your hands and wear gloves made of thin polyethylene. After 15-20 minutes, rinse and apply a moisturizer on your hands.
- Potato mask. Crush 2-3 warm boiled potatoes and add the milk that was not very liquid paste. Apply the mask on your hands and wear gloves. Rinse when it cools down.
- The mask of egg yolk. Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of honey. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
- Banana mask. Crush half a banana puree
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, Mix with a tablespoon of honey, and apply the mask on your hands. Rinse it after 15-20 minutes with cool water.
- Carrot mask. Rub on a small grater 1 carrot, mix it with 1 tablespoon sour cream and 1 false teaspoon of olive oil. Keep the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- Mask of potatoes. Crush two potatoes in their skins, add 50 g of milk and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the mask on your hands and wear gloves; wash off after 20-30 minutes. This mask is especially useful in inflammation and irritation of the skin.
- Mask of oatmeal. Mix 6 tablespoons of oat flour, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons of milk and 2 teaspoons of honey. Keep the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This oil is very helpful for dry skin.
- Mask with almond oil. Mix 25 g of almond oil, 25 g of honey, 1 egg yolk and the juice of one lemon. Apply the mask on your hands and wear gloves. You can keep the mask from half an hour to four hours; rinse with warm water.
- The mask of glycerol. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of ground oatmeal or oat flour, 1 tablespoon hot water 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Keep the mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- Paraffin mask. This mask is made in many beauty salons, but it is quite possible to do at home. Apply a moisturizer on your hands, and then - a warm liquid paraffin. Put cellophane gloves and keep the mask for at least 10-15 minutes. This mask slows the aging process, reduces joint pain
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and relieves muscle tension.
- The mask of avocado. Rub on a small grater 1 avocado and mix it with two tablespoons of corn flour. Apply the mask with light massage movements - then you will not only moisturize the skin but also remove dead cells from it.
- The mask of milk and yogurt. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and one cup of plain yogurt (no flavors and flavorings). This mask perfectly soothes and nourishes the skin. It will be even more useful if you add to it grated a ripe peach
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Prepare a mask immediately before going to use them. After the strike the mask, wear plastic gloves on the hands or simple packages and wrap them in a warm, damp towel (this increases the efficiency of the mask). Keep the mask for at least five minutes.
Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body
February 19, 2013
- Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body
- Theory
- Technicians
- Beneficial features
The founder of Thai massage is considered Jivaka Kumar Bhasha, who lived in India more than 2,500 years ago and was a physician of the Buddha. The techniques that he practiced, over time, got into Thailand, where Ayurvedic treatment techniques were the impact of traditional Chinese medicine
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. The result is a fusion of different oriental healing practices, which itself has become a unique destination in alternative medicine.
For many centuries, Thai massage done by monks and their students - they used it as one component of Thai medicine.
History of Thai Massage
Buddhism originated in India, where his supporters are already thousands of years ago with extensive knowledge in the field of medicine. When religion began to spread to other parts of Asia, with her receiving the distribution and medical practices, which served as the basis for the development of Thai massage.
It is believed that the founder of Thai massage is Shivago Komarpay, who was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha. Even then, massages include items similar to yoga asanas - thought that this enhances the therapeutic effect.
When Buddhism in the 3rd century BC reached the territory of present-day Thailand, in the temples, which were built there, were not only the sanctuary, but also schools, which could be taught different methods of treatment - including, and massage.
Monks, who conducted the training, the men were, and learn from them, too, could only be men. In turn, the monks followed the instructions of the ancient manuscripts. After graduation, local men verbally passed this knowledge to other members of their family - and so it went on from generation to generation.
In 1778, many texts devoted to Thai massage and other healing practices were destroyed during the Burmese invasion. King Rama III ordered his men to collect the remains of the original texts, and perpetuate them in wall paintings and statues, some of which to this day can be seen at the temple of Wat Pho in Bangkok.
Thai massage is significantly different from what the representatives of Western culture accustomed to understand the word "massage". In particular, do Thai massage, the client fully clothed and lying on a special mat on the floor; accordingly, no oils or lotions such massage is required.
Among the techniques of Thai massage, which can be used all over the body, and on its separate parts: rocking, rhythmic contraction of the muscles, the various positions that the customer receives via a masseur, and stretching.
The primary goal of Thai massage - to bring the body, mind and spirit to balance and harmony, which promote self-healing organism. Masseur begins a session with the Puja - worship, focusing on four states of mind:
- Kindness;
- Compassion;
- The joy of the other;
- Equanimity.
This practice helps the masseur and the customer enter into a meditative state, to focus on the energy and breath, and in a certain sense, to turn the human body into an empty vessel that can take a healing energy, and achieve inner freedom. During Puja Specialist refers to the Buddha, Jivaka (one of the founders of Thai massage) and his immediate teacher. He asks for healing for the client, for myself, for all those who, as he is known, must be healing as well as for the planet and the world. This is necessary because the traditional Thai massage affects not only the physical body, but also on the invisible energy under the influence of a higher power.
It should be noted that contrary to some popular belief, Thai massage has nothing to do with erotic massage and the provision of services of a sexual nature.
How does this happen
Thai massage is sometimes also called the yoga massage, because during the session the therapist moves the client's body in such a way as to adopt provisions similar to some yoga asanas. Many people say Thai massage - it's like yoga without their own efforts. Also used muscle compression, joint mobilization and acupressure. In the course of Thai massage reached deep relaxation, but after people feel energized.
A typical Thai massage lasts one to two hours. During the session, a man fully dressed and lying on a thin mat on the floor; No massage oils are not used.
The Thai massage is useful
Thai massage relaxes the body and mind, helps to relieve stress
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It improves blood circulation, gives strength, improves flexibility of the body, increases range of motion of the joints. In addition, it is useful for people suffering from high anxiety
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and poor concentration. Thai massage is also often used as part of treatment of people who have suffered a variety of sports injuries.
Safety measures
Thai massage is not recommended for the following groups of people:
- People suffering from infectious skin diseases, as well as those who have open wounds;
- People who have recently undergone surgery;
- People, which took place recently, chemotherapy or radiotherapy
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If the doctor does not request otherwise;
- Because in the course of Thai massage is a risk that blood clots can start moving through the bloodstream (this can have very serious consequences), people who are prone to blood clots, this massage is also not recommended. If you have heart disease, consult your doctor before you go on a Thai massage;
- Pregnant women who wish to experience the beneficial effects of Thai massage should also be pre-consult with your doctor. In any case, they have to do massage only to authorized personnel, which gives him the right to work with pregnant women;
- Thai massage can not be done in the area of bruising, inflammation, unhealed wounds, tumors, hernias, and recent fractures.
Additional recommendations
- Before a session of Thai massage should not eat a heavy meal.
- If you have any disease, be sure to tell the masseur.
- If, during the session you are experiencing discomfort, it is also necessary to tell the masseur.