Beautiful hands - do not forget the cream

February 25, 2007

  • Beautiful hands - do not forget the cream
  • Nursing

 beautiful hands
 According to a very widespread opinion, hands speak of a woman more than any other part of the body. Perhaps this is true, as the arms are involved in virtually everything we do, so, for them, one way or another, affects all our lives. This hand can be judged on how well she takes care of herself - not to hide the lack of care with makeup or jewelry. The most expensive and beautiful clothes do not make much sense, if your hands are not well maintained - they are a status symbol, business cards, on which it is impossible not to draw attention.

 Beautiful hands - do not forget the cream

The basic rules of care for your hands

Beautiful hands can only be a woman who carefully observe the basic rules of care for them:

  • Moisturize your hands cream at least once a day, preferably - more. Ideally, you should always carry a cream and apply it on your hands every time after washing, and just when you get to do a couple of minutes to spare. The more intense you moisturize your hands, the better they look. Do not forget to rub the cream into the nails - they also need moisture;
  • Once a week, remove the skin from the hands of dead skin cells and other impurities. As scrub you can use coffee grounds or sea salt;
  • Wash the dishes, do the cleaning in the house and work in the garden wearing rubber gloves;
  • Make regular masks for hands. For example, a mask of aloe vera gel Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   It helps to prevent or slow down the signs of aging. Masks of sour cream and a variety of oils perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin, and strengthen nails;
  • Hand bath with different herbs also perfectly soften and nourish the skin of the arm. Take bath before going to bed, at least once or twice a month. After the bath generously lubricate hand moisturizer with oil, and go to sleep - in the morning will be wonderfully soft hands;
  • As you know, funds polish remover with acetone strongly dried nails and skin around them, so they should be avoided;
  • Several times a week, do yourself a hand massage. Certain rules here - just rub and knead hands as you see fit, above. To process gives you pleasure. For greater effect, mix a little bit of glycerin, lemon juice and rose water and use this mixture to massage. The skin becomes not only softer, but a little lighter;
  • In cold weather, be sure to wear gloves or mittens. In the summer, apply sunscreen on your hands Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach

 Beautiful hands - do not forget the cream

Health Hand

Beautiful hands - is, above all, healthy hands. And since his hands are almost always in business, they are the most vulnerable part of the body. Cuts and scrapes the skin of hands - so frequent that many of us simply ignore them, and to no avail. Even with a small wound on the form can penetrate the infection that can deliver a lot of trouble, so the damage to the skin must be treated - at least, immediately wash them with soap and water. If you hurt the skin on his knuckles, the wound is to tie up so that you could not bend a finger, or because of the constant stretching the skin will heal very slowly.

Hands are a favorite place for warts that appear there because of rough skin, or because of infections. Although traditional medicine offers many recipes for their removal, the only effective tool against them are corrosive liquids that need to be applied to the wart. Since the independent use of such equipment is not safe, it is best to consult a doctor. Do not try to cut a wart yourself - at best, it simply reappears in the worst - you teach infection.

Splinters, which often fall into the hands to avoid infection should be removed as soon as possible. If the skid is stuck deep, consult a doctor. If it is close enough to the skin's surface, you can remove it yourself or ask someone to help.

Wash the skin around the place where got a splinter, and treat with antiseptics (your regular cologne, alcohol or vodka). Tools that will be used to remove a splinter, too, need to be disinfected. When a splinter is removed, apply the resulting wound antiseptic. If after some time on the site will remove splinters swelling, inflammation, redness and / or abscess, consult a doctor.

When you see any problems with the hands, such as joint stiffness, contact your doctor. One of the most common diseases that affect hands - rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 . It not only kills the beauty of the hand, but also makes them less functional - because of the pain and reduce the mobility of joints, even a simple job can become unbearably heavy.

 Beautiful hands - do not forget the cream

Home remedies for hand care

  • Lotion olive and castor oil

You will need: 100 ml of olive oil, 100 ml of castor oil, 1 lemon. Pour olive and castor oil in a pan, and warm them up to a comfortable temperature. Squeeze the lemon juice and add it to the oil. Keep hands into the resulting mixture for 15 minutes. In order not to waste so much oil, it is possible to mix the same ingredients in smaller proportions, and a hand massage this mixture.

  • Hand mask with honey and orange juice

Take 1 tablespoon of honey and half a cup of orange juice. Mix the ingredients and rub the mixture into your hands and nails. Keep lotion on the hands for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

  • Hand mask with honey and banana

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon honey, 1 lemon, 1 banana Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 1 tablespoon butter. Mash a banana into a homogeneous mass, and mix it with the remaining ingredients. Apply the mask on your hands, and wash off after about 20 minutes.

Fighting cellulite: the war of a lifetime

December 10, 2011

 the fight against cellulite
 Cellulite familiar to most women. But what is cellulite? Why is he there? And how to make so that it was not?


What you should know about cellulite

In healthy fatty tissues beneath the skin, it gives the skin a smooth attractive appearance. Cellulite - is visible loose body fat, which are seen on the skin of the thighs, buttocks, legs, arms, stomach. The fat cells swell and stretch the connection between them, forming a visible skin bumps and hollows. Cellulite formation may eventually be pronounced, roughly, and even begin to hurt.

Cellulite - is the problem of obesity is not as such, so that it can not be fought as ordinary fat. To combat cellulite will not only diet but also revise its way of life.

Cellulite - is a dynamic phenomenon, which goes through several stages of embryonic development, soft and implicit to highly significant and painful. So the sooner started the fight the appearance of cellulite, the better.

Fat - is not the only culprit of ugly cellulite deposits. In fact, healthy fat - this is good and beautiful. For example, the fat tissue on the face gives the cheeks a gentle smoothness and youthful appearance. Plastic surgeons make a lot of money each year, making fat injections to their patients in different areas of the face and body, to give foreign youth. Incidentally, fat injections - one of the means of visual alignment cellulite.

Although it seems that cellulite - a mandatory satellite overweight, actually - is not. Even thin women can cellulite. And the thing is that even though cellulite and fatty deposits formed, overweight - this is not the main reason for the formation of cellulite. Much more dangerous in this regard, the sharp fluctuations of weight. Stretched skin does not have time to shrink with weight loss and greatly expands with increasing body weight. These stretch-contracting lead to the loss of elasticity of the skin, caused by more than noticeable cellulite.


How does cellulite

Under human skin is a layer of connective tissue that attaches the skin to the muscles. The structure of the upper layers of the skin and a bottom layer of connective tissue responsible for the appearance of the skin, it is this structure gives the skin a smooth or a rough surface "orange peel".

In men, connective tissue fibers are arranged crosswise or diagonally, which forms a dense and smooth structure.

In women, the connective tissue fibers are arranged vertically (perpendicular to the skin). Because of these fibers to attach the skin to deeper layers at certain points, and the grid is formed fat called cellulite. Fat presses on the skin from the inside, and the fibers of the connective tissue is attracted towards the skin of this body fat by simply "dragging" the fat skin, like a grid.

The difference in the structure of the connective tissue (and in addition to the fact that the skin is usually thicker in men than women) explains why men are usually not subject to the scourge of cellulite.


First, the bad news

At the beginning of the life of a human connective tissue fibers elastic, which gives youthful skin its healthy appearance. But as a teenager, due to the strong hormonal changes, the fibers become less elastic. At the same time, fat cells increase in size, pressing on the skin from the inside.

Since the connective tissue fibers become stronger with age, they become harder to pull the skin to the muscles. At the same time, increases in volume fat continue to put pressure on surrounding tissues. It is not hard to guess that the combination of these aspects and gives irregularities of cellulite.

As soon as a man gets older, his skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity, sagging, making cellulite more prominent.

Another negative point that tends to accumulate, and lead to a deterioration of cellulite can be a constant weight fluctuations. Raising and lowering the weight to provoke a loss of elasticity of the skin, while also making the cellulite more prominent.


Good news

You can improve (but not eliminate) the external appearance of cellulite. To do this, start keeping a correct way of life. This means drinking plenty of fluids, not smoking, exercise and diet.

The combination of diet and exercise program aimed at combating cellulite in the subcutaneous fat deposits that will make them less noticeable. A healthy diet will also help to restore the communication structure of the fibers of the connective tissue and skin. In addition, the correct diet will provide the necessary vitamins and trace elements, warn dehydration, which exacerbates the appearance of cellulite.

The exercises will be in the fight against cellulite full support, not only to reduce body fat, but will strengthen the blood circulation and tones the muscles in problem areas. Increased blood circulation and healthier skin and connective tissue fibers, helps eliminate toxins and unnecessary liquids from problem areas.


Bitter truth

There is a likelihood that, despite the world's best diet and exercise program, cellulite will not disappear. The presence, location and condition of cellulite is determined by heredity and hormone levels.

While there are ways to deal with the external appearance of cellulite, really can improve the appearance of the problem area, the method of treatment for cellulite does not exist. In fact, advertising tools, offering complete freedom from cellulite does not carry anything except the idea of ​​making money by selling the placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis

Get rid of cellulite by magic fail. It should be given to the problem of time and effort. Only a comprehensive, permanent, thoughtful care will help to improve their appearance.

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  • cellulitis
