- Healthy skin - daily program for skin care
- Food
- Products
- Healthy skin color
- Secrets of Healthy Skin
- Healthy skin face
Healthy skin face
How to start caring about the health of skin? With the care of the whole organism. A person with problems with digestion, blood circulation will have a beautiful and healthy skin. If the power is not balanced, and a person drinks enough fluids, not receiving essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals - the facial skin is also not healthy. Of course, addicted to alcohol and cigarettes kill all the beauty and the beauty of the skin in particular.
However, the use of cosmetics and home remedies can give a short-term result. Therefore, along with the use of masks is recommended to tackle the problem of the body in general.
The circulation of the fluid
In order to help the circulation need to move, exercise, spend more time in the fresh air, drink more fluids, and sweating during exercise.
It should do breathing exercises and yoga. In addition to oxygen saturation, necessary for healthy skin, these types of loads contribute to relaxation and stress that cause bad complexion.
Nutrition affects the health of the skin more than that, however. Eating healthy food is, whole grains, fish, eggs, poultry, lean meat, food without salt and sugar, fruit and vegetables.
If the diet is rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, the health of the skin you should not worry. Vitamins A and E help protect the skin against free radicals, vitamin C helps the skin to maintain a youthful appearance, vitamin ensures the growth of beautiful hair, nails and skin elasticity.
Essential minerals for healthy skin is selenium, silicon dioxide, zinc. These minerals are often part of the ready-mineral complexes for the skin, which are easily found in many pharmacies.
For skin of essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6. They come in varying degrees in most conventional products, but there is no possibility to buy salmon, cold-pressed vegetable oils, it is always available over the counter fish oil
Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
Or a special dietary supplement
Food additives - basic classification
containing omega-3 and omega-6.
In addition to food should be remembered, and water. Each day, the adult healthy person should drink about two liters of pure water. Pure water is the main way to moisturize skin from the inside, enhance the excretion of harmful substances to the cells and the influx of vitamins and minerals.
The most important thing - it's proper digestion. For the regulation of digestion can be recommended to drink low-fat yogurt. In addition to these beneficial bacteria have a calcium and vitamin A, which are very useful for the skin.
Cosmetic Products
Useful products can not only eat, but also be used as a cosmetic. The effect though not long, but fast.
Yogurt - a simple application to the skin yogurt align the complexion, regulate the sebaceous glands to cleanse pores, give the skin a healthy appearance.
If you mix the yogurt with lemon juice - this is a good moisturizer.
Before applying the mask the skin it is necessary to clean up. We must begin with make-up remover, or a simple washing. Cleanser should be mild, suitable for your skin type
How to determine your skin type
and in any case it is not necessary to wash ordinary soap because it dries the skin much. You can put on your skin cream, cream or makeup remover, oil-based, a little hold and wipe cloth.
After washing, you can use the tonic.
Orange Tonic
- Grind a few almond seeds, mix with two tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon of orange and carrot juice. Apply to face and neck for thirty minutes.
This toner removes dead skin cells, making the skin revitalized and clean.
To cleanse the skin from the rough layer of dead cells, you can use a scrub, peeling.
Once the skin is clean it is possible to apply the mask or moisturizing cosmetic.
A few recipes for healthy skin:
- Whitening Lotion. Mix a tablespoon of cucumber juice and a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric
Turmeric: the benefits and harms of the Indian saffron
. Apply to face and neck for thirty minutes.
- Pores lotion. A tablespoon of tomato juice mixed with a couple drops of lemon juice. Hold the skin for half an hour, rinse with warm water.
- The mask for dry skin. Mix egg yolk and a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil. Leave on the face to dry. Rinse with warm water, rinse with cold.