How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head - How to Prevent

July 15, 2013

  • How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head
  • Risk Groups
  • How to prevent

 how to prevent heat stroke

How to prevent heat stroke

Heatstroke, or hyperthermia - a condition in which the body temperature rises to a dangerous level, which is accompanied by a number of physical and neurological symptoms. Heat stroke is seen as potentially dangerous to the human body condition that requires immediate medical intervention. Young children, the elderly and athletes are particularly prone to heat stroke. In addition to heat stroke, there are other forms of hyperthermia Hyperthermia - when the body is overheated  Hyperthermia - when the body is overheated
   - For example, heat cramps and heat exhaustion, but these states are less serious and can be treated without the intervention of a doctor.

 How to prevent | How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head

What causes heat stroke

Heat exhaustion is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms - such as headache, nausea, cramps, significant fatigue, fainting. In the absence of medical intervention such condition can lead to heat stroke, which is far more dangerous to humans.

  • Heat stroke occurs when the body can not bear the heat, which is exposed. Body temperature rises when a person is in a substantially heat and humidity, whereby the body can not regulate the temperature - and this leads to thermal shock.
  • Extensive dehydration makes the body more susceptible to thermal shock, because the body does not release enough perspiration to cool the skin at high temperature.
  • Several medications - including antihistamines and drugs for depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   and high blood pressure - also causes body temperature to rise significantly and adversely affect the mechanism of regulation of body temperature even with low external temperatures.

 How to prevent | How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head

Symptoms of heat stroke

  • Dry, hot, flushed skin, lack of sweat
  • Increased irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Irrational behavior, accompanied by nausea and hallucinations
  • Skipping pulse, shortness of breath
  • Seizures, unconsciousness, coma
  • Very high body temperature (greater than 40.6 ° C)

 How to prevent | How to avoid heat stroke - protects not only the head

Treatment of heat stroke

  • If heat stroke victim should immediately go to the nearest hospital. To help the victims before the arrival of doctors can be, moving it in the shade, removing clothes and covering the body of a cold wet cloth.
  • In the hospital for treatment of heat stroke Symptoms and treatment of heat stroke - learn to provide first aid to victims  Symptoms and treatment of heat stroke - learn to provide first aid to victims
   using special mechanical methods for reducing body temperature. If heat stroke is caused by certain medicines, taking them should be discontinued at any time.
  • When dehydration suffered from heat stroke put a dropper to compensate for the missing liquid.

A number of precautions help to reduce the likelihood of serious heat stroke:

  • The increase in liquid drunk every day - it will help compensate for the fluid which the body loses when sweating.
  • Light and loose clothing.
  • Avoiding alcohol and drinks containing caffeine.
  • If you work outdoors in high temperature is inevitable, it is necessary to do regular rest breaks in the shade.
  • Avoid being under direct sunlight during hot weather.

Article Tags:
  • tempering

Lyuminoterapiya - healing light to tired organism - Therapeutic For lyuminoterapii

October 28, 2011

  • Lyuminoterapiya - healing light to tired organism
  • Therapeutic For lyuminoterapii
  • Lyuminoterapiya practice

Therapeutic For lyuminoterapii

Scientific research

Most documented information about the benefits of lyuminoterapii deals specifically with seasonal depression. Three studies have been published - in 1997, 1999 and 2005, which confirmed the effectiveness of artificial light against the symptoms typical of seasonal depression.

In addition, three new published studies that describe light efficiency. The first confirmed that lyuminoterapiyu can be regarded as a separate method of therapy and additional treatment of seasonal disorders at a psychological basis.

In the second study described experience, during which participants were treated lyuminoterapiey (10,000 lux) with placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
 And lyuminoterapiyu placebo (100 lux) and genuine antidepressant (Prozac 20 mg daily). The researchers noted that the improvement of roughly the same in both cases, that is, by about fifty percent. Thus lyuminoterapiya proved as effective as antidepressants.

The authors of a recent study for two winter seasons have seen fifty men with signs of seasonal depression Seasonal depression - antidepressants do without  Seasonal depression - antidepressants do without
 . It was divided into two groups: first, sessions lyuminoterapii (five treatments per week for two weeks) and the second group was a control and received no treatment. Fifty-four percent of the first group study noted a reduction in depressive symptoms by half, while the status of members of the second group during this period did not change. Moreover, those in the first group improvements were observed for an additional month after discontinuation of experience.

In 2004 and 2009 we have been published studies that were based on twenty clinical trials, including monitoring of the six hundred and twenty people. Both authors were of the opinion that lyuminoterapiya gives a very modest effect, however, and must be considered, including the program for the treatment of seasonal depression.

In 2008 it came out a systematic study, which looked at fifteen clinical trials. The results can not be called positive, because lyuminoterapiya used as the sole method of treatment. People who experienced the this method as an extra to receive medication, noted quite a pronounced improvement.

Two clinical studies have shown a positive effect lyuminoterapii in patients suffering from severe form of depression. In both cases, people who take tranquilizers. The results showed that lyuminoterapiya (10,000 lux) expression reduces symptoms of depression and improves the overall health unlike lyuminoterapii placebo (4000 lux). The authors concluded that lyuminoterapiya may be an effective adjunctive therapy to the total treatment medication.

Improving the quality of sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

Playing the role of a regulator of circadian rhythms, lyuminoterapiya can have a positive effect on sleep. Several clinical studies have shown that lyuminoterapii sessions really help to improve the quality of sleep and eliminate many of the problems associated with it, such as difficulty falling asleep, early morning awakening.

Problems related to the violation of the

Several clinical studies have shown that compared with people who do not receive any treatment, those who held sessions lyuminoterapii really notice a marked improvement in the condition and reducing the signs of discomfort due to the jet lag and having to work at night. However, to fully confirm the effectiveness of the impact of artificial light, it will take a lot of tests.

Addressing premenstrual syndrome

In 2005, a study was published on the basis of four clinical trials, which covered a total surveillance of fifty-five women who have suffered from pronounced negative traits peculiar to premenstrual syndrome. Since the results were quite controversial, none of the authors did not approve lyuminoterapii effectiveness in the fight against the ill effects of this period.

Light and bouts of bulimia

There are three studies, which involved seventeen, eighteen and thirty-four women suffering from bulimia is especially pronounced in the autumn-winter period. The results of the first two indicate that the sessions lyuminoterapii effective in the fight against bulimia than a placebo, while a third study did not register a decrease in the number of attacks bulimia, compared with placebo. However in the third study, total light intensity was 2500 lux, while in the first two - 10,000 lux, as shown for efficiency lyuminoterapii.

 Therapeutic For lyuminoterapii | Lyuminoterapiya - healing light to tired organism


On the one hand it may seem, the lyuminoterapiya absolutely harmless. But it is not, and some things worth considering before being exposed to artificial light. For example, ultraviolet rays can be safe for the eyes, therefore, decided to light therapy, make sure that the lamps do not emit or they are equipped with UV-filter.

Side effects from lyuminoterapii really quite rare, but they exist. They include headache, agitation, insomnia. Also, experts advise to be careful of people suffering from eye diseases such as retinitis (inflammation of the retina), age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness  Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
 As well as other diseases that affect the state of the retina, for example, diabetes. People taking medications with effect photosensitivity, for example, containing lithium should avoid lyuminoterapii.
