Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health - Application

June 30, 2013

  • Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health
  • Application

 the use of clay treatment

Application of clay treatment

Clay - a natural remedy that helps to cope with many problems. Mainly it is used for cosmetic purposes to clean up the skin - rejuvenation, hydration and sleep eliminate acne. However, this is not a complete list of its positive properties. Clay - practically universal product, which is required in every home.

 Applications | Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

Against dry skin

The clay is very rich in minerals, therefore is able to moisturize the skin and soothes irritated area.

Mode of application : Mix water white clay powder to a dense mass, add two or three drops of oil and apply a thick layer on the problem areas. Wash only after complete drying, as the clay is active only in a wet state. The mask is done twice a week in the winter can be increased up to three times.

 Applications | Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health


Clay, located on the skin, improves microcirculation, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, which slows down the formation of wrinkles and maintain skin elasticity.

Mode of application : Mix the clay with water to a solid consistency, adding a couple of drops of almond oil and applied to the skin for 10 minutes. Use twice weekly. If skin is oily, it is better to take the green clay at normal and sensitive approach is red, dry skin Dry skin: care and treatment  Dry skin: care and treatment
   - White clay.

 Applications | Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

For radiant skin

Clay is able to deal with the imperfections of the skin, giving the face a nice even color and shine. It absorbs excess sebum, pull the black dots, excellent cleaning person.

Mode of application Three tablespoons of green clay, three teaspoons of oil mixed with mineral water. Weight should be creamy. 15-20 minutes to sustain it in the face, then rinse with warm water. Apply once or twice a week.

 Applications | Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

To stop the bleeding

Clay has antiseptic properties, moreover, the ability to heal tissue and stop the bleeding.

Mode of application : To bleed put gauze on it and then apply a thick layer of green clay slurry (pre-mixed powder with water), cover the wet compress. If the paste dries, it is possible to moisten it again, doing it to stop the bleeding.

 Applications | Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

Against local pain

In the event of an attack of rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
   (joint pains, arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Arthrosis) can try to help yourself clay.

Mode of application : Thick gruel thick layer of green clay to impose on the affected area and cover with a damp cloth, keeping about an hour, constantly wetting the clay when drying. On the day, you can do two or three clay lotions.

The clay should be imposed only on certain, not too extensive painful area. If it hurts, say, the whole foot, then do not waste time, because the clay did not create a miracle by healing from severe pain.

 Applications | Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

Against oily hair

Clay - the perfect remedy of oily skin and hair. It absorbs the excess fat, cleaning the surface of the skin and hair post, further reducing its production.

Mode of application : Green clay mixed with water, which added a little sea salt, bringing to a thick slurry, applying to the entire length of hair. To sustain a clay mask for about 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinse hair. Use once or twice a week.

 Applications | Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

Proper use of clay

  • After use, the clay must be disposed of, not allowing re-use.
  • We can not resort to clay treatment for more than twenty consecutive days.
  • Cooking clay solutions should be only a wooden or chinaware, avoiding metal and plastic.

 Applications | Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health


Even despite the fact that the clay is considered useful natural gift, it has some contraindications that should not be neglected. This is mainly for the internal use, which should be treated with great caution. If in doubt best to consult with your doctor and use a clay mainly in the form of lotions, compresses, masks.

 Applications | Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

What to choose clay

The clay is white, black, green, red, yellow, pink, and each of these types has its own advantages. The difference between them lies in the mineral composition. Green clay is rich in silicon, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, potassium, and therefore it is mostly used for therapeutic purposes. White and black clay - Allies beautiful clear skin Clean skin: the beauty of the need to fight  Clean skin: the beauty of the need to fight
 Therefore they are often included in cosmetic products. Black is good for oily, white - for dry skin. Red clay is used for normal and sensitive, pink - for hypersensitive skin.

Article Tags:
  • clay

Balsam hair - part of the care program - Application Features

February 12, 2013

  • Balsam hair - part of the care program
  • How to choose
  • Application Features

 Features of application hair balm

Features of the application of hair balm

When you choose a hair conditioner, keep in mind one simple rule that will help you make the right choice. Shampoo should be chosen largely on the basis of the condition of the scalp, whereas balm - a means for maintaining the hair in good condition. This secret is well-known stylists that give its clients invaluable advice, ignored ignorant people erring on these funds.

Shampoo - is, above all, a means for washing the head, that is, to get rid of hair from the root zone grease, dirt, dead skin particles. Balsam takes care of long hair, so it should not be applied to the scalp and basal area.

Choosing balm, ask yourself one question - what is missing your hair? Maybe moisture? Glitter? Ease of combing? Based on their answers and have to choose the means.

 Features of the application | Hair Balm - part of the care program

Balm for greasy hair

If your hair tends to fat content, you can not even use the balm. Most people find that after applying the balm hair look and feel worse. Some may ignore this tool, while others balm is necessary, but you need to choose carefully.

  • Avoid conditioners with moisturizing and smoothing effect, because they are good mainly for very dry and frizzy hair Caring for curly hair - a remedy is right for you?  Caring for curly hair - a remedy is right for you?
 . If your already oily hair Oily hair: solving the problem of excess sebum  Oily hair: solving the problem of excess sebum
   will receive regular dose of moisture and nutrition, they may look worse, they will hang "icicles."
  • Pay attention to the balms to increase, strengthen or to effect a balance between the roots and tips. Consider options with proteins - they are less moisturizing and more effective for the removal of greasy hair.
  • When using balm always focus on the length and the tips, then thoroughly rinsing the hair, washing away any excess funds.

 Features of the application | Hair Balm - part of the care program

Balms for dry damaged hair

If your hair is dry, damaged, dull, brittle, good balm will help transform them. If such data is very important to choose the right balm that helps prevent future damage, which tend to hair.

Notwithstanding the opinions and slogans that are imposed on advertising messages, with dry and dull hair should avoid funds that increase their volume. In this case it is necessary to pay attention to the recovery and strength of hair, rather than a cosmetic effect, manufactured with silicones and other substances that enhance the short-term action.

For dry damaged hair needs Moisture Balm, which feeds, but does not weigh down the hair. It works for both direct and for wavy hair prone to electrification and section ends. These important to protect hair from heat.

 Features of the application | Hair Balm - part of the care program

Applying balm

For dry damaged hair can apply hair conditioner before using shampoo to protect them from the aggression of detergents. If you use a traditional balm after the shampoo, then pay attention to the condition of the hair before applying. They need to overcome the well, eliminating the excess moisture, it is desirable to comb them to impose a remedy more evenly, providing better effect. Keep balm on hair should be no more than 10 minutes. Do not overdo, because the time of exposure in excess of the prescribed irrelevant.

Article Tags:
  • hair products
