- Douches - effectiveness is proven time
- Indications and contraindications
Douches invigorates, helps to quickly wake up in the morning and remove fatigue after work, it strengthens the immune system
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
And it has many other useful properties. There are many recommendations on how to take a contrast shower.
Probably everyone at least once in their lives used the cold packs and heating pads, but the contrast therapy - a rapid change in temperature of the surface of tissues - is applied, not all
. The most common type of contrast hydrotherapy - a contrast shower, although some people use alternate immersion of limbs or even the whole body in hot and cold water
. With cold shower familiar to many professional athletes who believe that it contributes to the rapid recovery from injuries
. While there is no scientific evidence that could prove or disprove this theory, but it's safe to say that the contrast hydrotherapy is a very gentle workout for muscle and other tissue: it is the stimulation of stress-free and strong sensation without movement
. Douches can be useful both to those that want to reduce the risk of injury in the future, and those who want to recover soon from his injury
Not the most powerful medicine, but cheap and safe
Do not expect the douche work a miracle quickly and save you from any disease. It has a tonic effect, improves mood, relieves stress, stimulates blood circulation, but does not replace therapy in certain diseases, as well as vitamins can not replace medicine. In the long term it can improve resistance to disease, and make people more resistant to fluctuations in ambient temperature.
Safety first!
- Douches are not recommended for people who have recently received an injury if a damaged part of the body, there are still signs of inflammation (swelling, flushed and hot skin). Exposure to high temperatures can aggravate the human condition, so you need to wait at least three days before you apply contrast hydrotherapy.
- If you have any chronic diseases, do not take a contrast shower without first consulting your doctor.
- The older you are, the more cautious you need to use contrast hydrotherapy - especially if you have previously had no such experience.
- Please avoid too high or low temperatures - do not underestimate the impact strength of contrast hydrotherapy, even at moderate temperatures.
- The sharp acceleration of blood flow can cause dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
even for a healthy person. Spread on the floor shower mat to prevent slipping.
- If you dizzy, immediately discontinue the procedure.
- Drink at least one glass of water before taking a douche. This will reduce the likelihood of a sharp drop in blood pressure.
Basic Rules
For one hydrotherapy treatments to alternate hot and cold water is recommended three to six times. It can be more, but this is likely to be a waste of time - this time, the body will not be strong enough to respond to the sudden change in temperature. Standard "schedule" reception contrast shower is as follows:
- 2 minutes - of moderately hot water.
- 1 minute - cool water (especially for fans of strong sensations - cold).
- 2 minutes - hot!
- 1 minute - colder!
- 2 minutes - so much hot water as you can stand;
- 1 minute - so much cold water as you can stand.
The idea of the whole mine to stand under cold water to many people seem not too attractive, but you will be surprised how easy it is to endure low temperatures, if the pre-warmed up properly. Cold water is likely you will find just refreshing. If you still too cold, to reschedule the procedure - to allow more time for a hot shower, and less - in the cold. Generally, during the procedure, you should not supercool. Not long enough period of time reserved for a hot shower - one of the most common mistakes that people make, take douche.
Usually advised to change the water temperature every 30-120 seconds, and most people have "hot" period of "cold". For example, one minute hot shower and a cold in 30 seconds - the optimal ratio for beginners. Start with recommended neutral temperature and gradually increase the temperature range; finish the procedure is better cold or cool water.
If you want to have cheered the procedure properly, finish cold shower. If you need to relax, hot water completes the procedure.
How useful douches
Douches, or alternating hot and cold water, has a general stimulating effect on the entire body. It accelerates blood circulation and strengthens the immune system
The immune system - how it works?
Improves skin tone, helps eliminate muscle pains. Regularly taking a douche, you can normalize many functions of the body, and gain the ability to better cope with stress
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. How is it possible?
Douches primarily increases the velocity of the blood circulation, which activates the endocrine system, promotes toxins and repair damaged tissue. The body begins to produce more white blood cells, allowing the immune system becomes stronger. Moreover, douche improves digestion, although it is not clear why this is happening.
Especially useful to take a douche to people living in areas where the air temperature during the year varies greatly. Such water treatment greatly improve the adaptation mechanisms of the body. They may also relieve the condition of patients with asthma, autoimmune diseases, various inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular diseases. However, before you start taking douches, should consult with your doctor, because in some cases it may not be safe. If douche causes any abnormal reaction, you may be using too cold or too hot water; try to reduce the temperature range. If this does not work, temporarily give up a contrast shower and consult a physician.
How to use douches to eliminate cellulite
To eliminate cellulite is best to arrange douche only those parts of the body, which have cellulite. Shower for the whole body, too, can be effective, but the buttocks and thighs (which usually appears cellulite) can withstand the lower and higher temperatures than, for example, shoulders and chest. It is not necessary to start from the neutral temperature - you can immediately include very hot or cold water. If your shower heads have massage modes, use the one that provides the most powerful water pressure. Direct water jet on the problem areas of the body, and change the water temperature in 1-2 minutes.
If you have cellulite on your stomach, beware - overcooling of the abdominal cavity can cause diarrhea and other problems. In addition, special care work with the inner sides of the thighs, as the alternation of cold and hot water can cause irritation of the genitals.
To the procedure was even more effective as soon as a contrast shower put on the thighs, buttocks and other problem areas of a good anti-cellulite cream. Through blood circulation accelerating active substances are included in the cream will now be absorbed into the skin particularly well. Rub the cream strong massage - it helps to change the structure of adipose tissue and make cellulite less noticeable more. In addition to the contrasting soul, creams and massage for effective cellulite treatment is recommended to exercise regularly. Then after a couple of months you will notice that the ugly bumps on the skin becomes less.