The human body, inside of which heat is generated in huge volumes, cooled, releasing sweat and radiating heat through the skin. Under certain conditions, such as unusually high temperatures, humidity, intense physical exertion in hot weather, natural cooling system can not cope with its task and to allow the internal body temperature to rise to dangerously high levels. This may cause heat stroke. The probability of death in the severe heat stroke reaches 30%.
Symptoms of heat stroke
The forerunners of heat stroke may include the following symptoms:
- Extreme thirst
- Weakness, lethargy
- Pale skin
- Headache
- Nausea and / or vomiting
- Fast, fast breathing (hyperventilation)
- Irritability
At this stage it is still possible to do without medical assistance. It should go into the shade, a cool drink of water and take a cold shower. If after that the symptoms disappear, then heat stroke will be gone. If overheating was too strong, may appear the following symptoms:
- The sharp increase in body temperature (up to 40 degrees or more)
- Strong headache
- Dizziness
- Redness of the skin
- Lack of sweating
- Muscle weakness or cramps
- Sickness
- Vomiting
- Increased heart rate
- Hurried breathing
- Increased anxiety
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, Confusion
- Convulsions
Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition, and in the event of his symptoms should immediately seek medical help.
As long as you expect a doctor, help the victim to go into the shade, give him a cool drink, take off your clothes to increase heat transfer. It is possible to apply cold packs to the head, chest, groin and neck of the victim, but do not completely cover the body, such as cold water soaked towels - they can play the role of an insulating material, which will further increase in body temperature. In no case do not try to cope with heat stress alone. Body temperature during heat stroke can rise to 41.1S and even higher. In the absence of prompt treatment, this leads to irreversible brain damage and, most likely, to death. According to research, Pancreas
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- The only body that is not damaged by heat stroke.
At the hospital, the patient also primarily will lower the body temperature. This is often done with the help of spraying the body with cool water - not cold, because it can cause tremors and, as a consequence, an increase in temperature. Typically, half an hour is possible to lower the body temperature to 38.5-39S.
To prevent heat stroke is much easier than to cure it. In recent years, when in different parts of the world there is a heat wave, the issue has become particularly relevant.
The most susceptible to heat stroke, children and the elderly. Elderly recommended to be in a cool place, when the temperature rises above 30-35S and limit physical activity. Walking, gardening and other activities should be transferred to the early morning or evening.
Children, first you need to talk about what a heat stroke and how to protect themselves: they should be in the shade when the sun is particularly active, drink plenty of water, wear hats. In addition, tell them about the symptoms of heat stroke and how to provide first aid. If children are in the summer without constant adult supervision, they must have a mobile phone, if necessary, to call an ambulance. Write down the phone number ambulances and rescue services in the phone book of the child.
Do not leave young children alone in the car, even for a short period of time. To do so would not be in any season, but in summer it is especially dangerous. In hot sunny weather, the air inside the car can warm up to 70-80 and even 90 degrees. Heatstroke occurs under these conditions very quickly and often fatal.
People with insufficient physical preparation should avoid exercising in hot weather - especially if the air temperature is above body temperature.
Heat cramps
This is a manifestation of hyperthermia usually occurs after several hours of intense exercise or chores in the street. Symptoms of seizures: the strongest pain, leg cramps and stomach, nausea or dizziness, weakness, increased sweating. Heat cramps begin after an intense workout in the sun and copious sweating. Cause heat cramps may also be a deficit of sodium, so in this case as soon as possible need to replenish the sodium in the body and to increase the daily sodium intake to prevent heat cramps.
Heat exhaustion
At first glance, the thermal fatigue is difficult to distinguish from heat stroke, heat exhaustion but is the result of prolonged exposure to high temperatures. In this case, the fluid loss due to sweating is not compensated sufficiently. This leads to a decrease in blood volume. The blood flow to vital organs is reduced, because the body tries to get rid of excess heat by increasing blood flow to the skin. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include nausea, dizziness,
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, Weakness, headache, pale and sweaty skin, weak pulse, disorientation. The main difference between the thermal fatigue from thermal shock is that the former does not change consciousness (present only mild disorientation). Treatment for heat exhaustion - bringing the body into a state of rest and an emergency cooling.
Preventing hyperthermia
- Before you start training in hot weather, highlight the week for acclimatization. This will allow the body to gradually get used to the heat.
- Ctaraytes drink plenty of fluids, even if you do not feel thirsty. The appearance of thirst speaks of dehydration.
- Not involved in fitness in the hot day. Try to move training closer to sunrise or sunset.
- Try to wear light clothes bright cut free, preferably made of cotton and linen that do not retain sweat. We also recommend to pay attention to the clothes of the mesh material Cool-Max.
- To prevent sunburn, use sunscreen.
- Try to wear a hat that protects your head from the heat and provide ventilation.
- In hot weather, drink plenty of fluids, such as water or sports cocktail, every 15 minutes.
- If you feel weakness and fatigue, immediately stop all exercises, relax and try to lower the temperature of the body.
- Do not drink alcohol or caffeinated drinks before and after exercise - they speed up dehydration.
- Remember, it is easier to prevent hyperthermia
Hyperthermia - when the body is overheated
Than to treat it.