Healthy skin - daily program of skin care products - Power
December 17, 2006
- Healthy skin - daily program for skin care
- Food
- Products
- Healthy skin color
- Secrets of Healthy Skin
- Healthy skin face
Food for healthy skin
Leather - a leading indicator of health. Wrinkles, dry and oily skin, acne and inflammation talk about the internal problems of the body, often caused by poor diet and lack of nutrients in the body. Sometimes to solve skin problems, people resort to fashionable cosmetic creams, lotions, scrubs, cleanser. However, the use of expensive cosmetic products for external use have little effect on the real problem - the lack of nutrients.
In addition, when using cosmetics may impact very harmful toxins in the body as a whole. Sometimes manufacturers use ingredients that penetrate into the bloodstream and detrimental effect on the state of the cells and can destroy the structure of DNA, thereby jeopardize not only the beauty of the skin and health in general.
Recent studies have shown that the skin responds positively to certain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which enrich the skin, making it healthy and fit:
Building material for the connective tissue of the human body. Silica is necessary for the health of muscles, tendons, hair, ligaments, nails, cartilage, bone and skin. Silica deficiency leads to the loss of skin elasticity and slow healing of wounds. Silica is in strawberries, cucumber, mango, celery, green beans, leeks, asparagus, rhubarb, Nute.
The necessary mineral for healthy skin, especially for those who suffer from acne. Acne may themselves be a signal of a zinc deficiency in the body. Zinc regulates the sebaceous glands and acts on the hormones that can cause acne. In addition, zinc is dependent on the immune system, the perception of taste, smell and condition of view. Zinc deficiency can cause prostate cancer.
Zinc rich fresh oysters, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, ginger
Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
, Pecans, Brazil nuts, and eggs. Furthermore, in a pharmacy can buy zinc in tablet or liquid concentrate.
Fatty acids Omega 3
Responsible for restoring skin hydration, skin elasticity. Dry, inflamed skin or skin that suffers from the appearance of black and white dots likely to suffer from a lack of fatty acids such as omega-3s. In addition, omega-3 deficiency causes heart disease and arthritis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
. The fatty acid helps to combat depression and cancer.
Salmon, mackerel, walnuts, kagorovoe and sunflower oil, linseed. This, at first glance, nothing binding products are the main supplier of fatty acids, without which it is impossible to have healthy skin. The fatty acids are responsible for the state of cell membranes, and they in turn are responsible not only for the resistance of skin cells to harmful influences, but also the ability to take nutrients and remove harmful substances from the cells and toxins, humidity level and thus the elasticity and youthful skin.
Mineral antioxidant responsible for tissue elasticity. It prevents cell damage by free radicals and is known for the properties reduce the chances of skin cancer because it helps protect the skin from ultraviolet light.
Selenium is found in wheat germ, seafood such as tuna, salmon, garlic
Garlic health: almost a panacea
, Brazil nuts, eggs, whole grain bread, brown rice.
Vitamins C, E
Vitamin C is highly effective in protecting against free radical damage, which occurs for example in strong sunlight irradiation. Free radicals destroy collagen and elastin - the fibers of the skin structure - and can cause the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. Vitamin C in combination with vitamin E is particularly effective in protecting the skin from sunlight and preventing skin cancer.
Vitamin C is found in red and green peppers, guava, parsley, turnips, broccoli, collard greens.
Vitamin E - is another powerful antioxidant that helps against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and rough skin. Contained in wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, safflower and sunflower oils, almonds, spinach, peaches
Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits
, Tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus, avocado and prunes. It is better not to take an artificial vitamin E, it can harm the body.
Vitamin A is
involved in restoring and maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A deficiency leads to dry skin, acne. Vitamin A is found in liver, chili, carrots, apricots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, spinach. Perhaps exceed the dose of vitamin A, so you should use it very carefully, and it is possible to try to replace beta carotene, which is as good as vitamin A, but does not have the side effects.
The secret to beautiful skin is not in the media, which are imposed on it, and that food which is placed on a plate during dinner. What more can be called a healthy diet, will be more beautiful skin. The skin becomes saggy, dry, taking care not for one day, is the result of long-term nutritional deficiencies. And if you do not change the power mode, the skin problems can buy a chronic condition.
Healthy skin - daily program of skin care products - Secrets of healthy skin
December 17, 2006
- Healthy skin - daily program for skin care
- Food
- Products
- Healthy skin color
- Secrets of Healthy Skin
- Healthy skin face
Secrets of Healthy Skin
The skin gives their owners, if they had not slept for several days, bad if eaten or experienced stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
- All this is just visible on the face. The skin protects against the harmful effects of the environment, while people do not always reliably protect the skin from the harmful effects from the inside. Many health problems affect the skin condition. The skin does not always react with lightning speed, and sometimes the appearance of acne, wrinkles, freckles due to the effect of the accumulation of problems, lack of nutrients, the harmful effects of toxins and free radicals.
Skin care is necessary not only adult women but also young girls. Of course, we are not talking about the use of creams and serums for the skin. It is about the right way of life, nutrition, simple rules of hygiene.
Healthy lifestyle
The correct way of life will not only skin, but also throughout the body for longer stay young and healthy. Physical exercises, breathing exercises, giving up alcohol and cigarettes - is the key to success in the struggle for the beauty of the skin. In addition, it is necessary to try to get enough sleep and less nervous. The longer neglect the other, the worse it is a skin condition, and no cream does not help in the fight for a beautiful complexion.
A proper diet can be delicious
You can try to include in your diet more fish from cold waters, as they are rich in fatty amino acids helps the skin to stay longer young and healthy. Besides fish, lean meat, whole grains, you should eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of clean water, low-fat dairy products. From power to exclude or reduce the sugar and salt, fast food, sodas and other unprofitable products. Vitamins, minerals, natural and can be contained in food, and can be used as preparations that have been purchased in a pharmacy.
Proper washing the face should take place in the morning and evening
Even if you have not applied makeup, skin it is necessary to clean the dust, dirt, sebum. When washing is not necessary to use soap as it contains alkali, is harmful to the skin. It is better to buy a suitable for your skin type
How to determine your skin type
mild cleanser. When you purchase is necessary to pay attention to the composition means that it did not contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), because in addition to deep cleanse the skin very dry ingredient. Water should not be very hot, and quite wet after washing the skin with a towel, without rubbing or stretching the skin. The skin reacts strongly to any impact, so we must be very careful.
After washing, the skin should definitely apply a suitable moisturizer. And we must bear in mind the time of year, winter skin needs more moisture. In dry areas, and air-conditioned rooms with central heating the skin too quickly becomes dry. In order to constantly moisturize it can make a special spray. For this purpose, a spray bottle with pure water and pour a few drops of aromatic oil of rose
Rose oil is expensive -
, Sandalwood and bergamot.
Do not touch the face
During the day, you should try as little as possible to touch your face, do not rub your eyes as accumulates on the surface of the hands of a lot of dirt, harmful bacteria, besides touching the skin can stretch or injure her. In addition, the hair is not worth too much to touch the skin. They are also a lot of dirt, which can be easily transferred to the touch.
Many people know about the dangers of ultraviolet radiation, and that one should avoid long exposure to the sun. Tanning can also damage the skin. With age, the times that a person appears on skin burns in the form of wrinkles, age spots and in some cases can cause discoloration and skin cancer
Skin cancer - a full recovery possible
. Therefore, out in the sun should be used or the physical or cosmetic UV protection: hats, umbrellas, clothing with long sleeves and a cream with UV protection.
We must find time to deal with them
The daily routine for many is too tight, and at the same hectic. It would be nice to take a little break and take in its beauty and health. In addition to physical exercise should learn to relax and enjoy life.
People's Secrets for skin beauty
The most important thing in skin care - is its purification. Make-up can be removed cream, sour cream - it will be the best cosmetic.
Cleansing Lotion
- A quarter teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with a teaspoon of milk and cucumber juice.
- Apply to the skin.
- After 15 minutes, rinse.
This lotion cleanses the pores and gives the face a fresh look.
Cabbage Mask
- Grind the two cabbage leaves in the resulting mass add a quarter teaspoon of yeast and a teaspoon of honey.
- Apply a thick layer of fifteen minutes.
Cabbage mask not only moisturize the skin but also reduce wrinkles and improve the complexion.
The mask of cucumber
- Grind cucumber to a pulp.
- Apply to face and neck for fifteen minutes.
Cucumber hydrates, tones and cleanses the pores, prevents acne.