- Cellulite: the causes and ways of ridding
- Treatment
Cellulite Treatment
Although there is evidence of improvement after liposuction cellulite, most experts agree that the operation is likely aggravate cellulite. Generally, liposuction is not recommended for the treatment of cellulite, but there are exceptions.
Injections of phosphatidylcholine, a major component of the membranes of living organisms are widely used for the treatment of cellulite. When the active agent is administered to the dermis, fat splitting begins, causing cellulite becomes less noticeable. The effectiveness of this method of treatment is not scientifically confirmed.
Mesotherapy, originally created as a means to alleviate pain in certain inflammatory skin diseases, is now used in the treatment of cellulite. During this treatment are given a series of injections into the tissue located directly beneath the skin. For injection, commonly used vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. The views of experts disagree about mesotherapy. There is evidence that it really helps to reduce cellulite. However, there is evidence about the side effects of mesotherapy such as swelling, infection, and distortion of the contours of the body parts, which were injected. In Brazil in 2003 mesotherapy banned because of its side effects.
Endemologiya - this vacuum massage
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For the treatment of cellulite. Massage is done using a special device. Before a session, patients often wear stockings to reduce friction - it may cause redness and burning of the skin.
Endermologie changes the structure of adipose tissue, blood and lymph circulation. Experts in the field mehanobiologii (science, which integrates data Mechanics, Molecular Biology and Genetics) have come to the conclusion that deep mechanical massage causes changes in the connective tissue located in the dermis. However, the study did not specifically endermology shown that it can significantly reduce cellulite.
The manipulation of tissues that occurs during a massage helps to flush out liquids that may stagnate in the dermis. Because of this the skin looks smoother. Massage will help to remove cellulite, but may temporarily improve the appearance of the body.
Thermotherapy - exposure to high temperatures fabric that promotes good flow and vasodilation. It is assumed that this helps to modify the structure of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, and remove irregularities from the surface of the skin. However, some scholars have noted that the effectiveness of this method of treatment has not been proven, and that heat therapy may even worsen cellulite.
Anti-cellulite creams
The effectiveness of anti-cellulite creams is ongoing controversy. The first difficulty that confronts each for external use - penetrate the skin and dermis, and into the fatty tissue before the active ingredients absorb other tissues.
Most anti-cellulite creams designed to induce lipolysis, and thus reduces cellulite. Methylxanthines (such as caffeine, aminophylline, theophylline) have the ability to cause the breakdown of fats. They are part of many creams to combat cellulite
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. However, research has shown that when applied externally methylxanthines may reduce the waist and thighs, but do not eliminate cellulite.
Some creams contain retinoids for cellulite. On chemical structure similar to retinoids, vitamin A
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, Anti-aging ingredient in many face creams. Retinoids, like vitamin A, increases the density of the epidermis - if applied to the skin for a long time (generally this requires several years). They are added in anti-cellulite creams that are compacted dermis. Some researchers have noted a decrease in cellulite after 6 months of use of creams with retinoids. However, during another placebo
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-controlled study was not found any benefit from the use of retinoids for cellulite. Creams main drawback is that they are active substances can not penetrate deep enough to have a significant effect on adipose tissue. According to recent studies, iontophoresis can greatly increase the effectiveness of anti-cellulite creams.
Laser treatment
Over the past several years, scientists are actively studying the possibility of using laser for the treatment of cellulite.
When exposed to the laser occurs denaturalizaatsiya proteins in connective tissue (change in protein structure); then the connective tissue becomes more dense, its structural integrity is restored. Furthermore, the laser increases blood circulation in the tissue on which it acts, and promotes fat processing.
During the research it was found that the laser does reduce cellulite; treating effect persists for six months. Side effects are minimal (skin may appear small blisters), but long-term effect of this treatment is unknown.